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Community Organizations Firenze University Press
Firenze University Press
Firenze University Press
FU Press
Publishing Company

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L’Università di Firenze ha mostrato attenzione nei confronti dell’editoria digitale sin dal 2000, con un progetto varato sperimentalmente all’interno del Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo.


In seguito al successo di questa iniziativa viene creata Firenze University Press (FUP) con Decreto Rettorale n. 232 del 15 maggio 2003

Nell’anno seguente FUP viene trasformata in Centro Editoriale di Ateneo, rafforzando la sua posizione all’interno della Università di Firenze. Questa assicura da una parte un indotto di gran pregio per il materiale delle pubblicazioni della Casa Editrice, dall’altra si pone come garanzia di qualità di tutta la produzione. 

FUP, in prima linea nella continua ricerca di eccellenza e di innovazione tecnologica, ha compreso l’importanza di investire non solo nella produzione e distribuzione dei contenuti, ma anche nella loro conservazione attraverso l’archiviazione delle copie cartacee e digitali delle opere pubblicate presso le Biblioteche Nazionali e favorendo l’integrazione con gli archivi aperti a partire dal repository istituzionale dell’Università di Firenze:
FLORE (Florence Research)  

Nel 2007 Firenze University Press ha presieduto il convegno “L’editoria universitaria tra ricerca e mercato” presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze. 



Displaying 21 - 25 of 28

Real estate function impact on its value exemplified by the city of Gdańsk

Peer-reviewed publication
Février, 2013

Spatial planning is connected with speculations in real estate market, which deepens the process of urban sprawl. Adequate land management supporting free market – both investment decision of businesses and location decisions of households – is necessary if amorphous city growth is to be prevented. A change, or even information about change in the local plan determines decisions in the real estate market. On the basis of the studies conducted it can be said that the factor causing the greatest value increment is the possibility of development.

L’utilizzo della regressione multipla nelle indagini estimative condotte in mercati fondiari attivi: il caso studio di oliveti e vigneti in un territorio siciliano

Peer-reviewed publication
Août, 2012

The present study aims to provide a further contribution to the knowledge about the mechanism of price formation concerning olive orchards and vineyards in a land market of south-west Sicily. Firstly the main characteristics of a sample concerning 42 land properties recently sold in Partanna territory were surveyed and afterwards their relationships between the most relevant among them and the correspondent market prices (both total and unitary sales prices) were investigated through the Multiple Regression Analysis.

Impresa agricola, valorizzazione del territorio e fornitura di servizi faunistico-venatori

Peer-reviewed publication
Août, 2012

The enlargement process of the farm, made with the traditional standard of connection, is characterized by the devaluation function of land, until the reform of article 2135 (civil code) that provides to the acknowledgement, among the connected activities, of those aimed to the offer of services, included the activity of valorisation of territory to which are referable the farmed wildlife hunting ground and agritourism farmed wildlife hunting ground. They are expression of the multifunctional farm that realizes, in the rural areas, the diversification of economic activity.

Efficacia degli indicatori di valutazione delle politiche. Un’analisi delle misure previste per la forestazione nel PSR 2007-’13 della Regione Puglia

Peer-reviewed publication
Mars, 2012

In the latest Apulian programs for rural development a newer attention was put on forestry sector, in order to better hinder the global changes due to the peculiar sectorial ability. Three different instruments has been set to improve the forest value, to increase the forestry land and to boost the multifunctional rule of forestry. Aim of this work is to stress the difference between the proposed indicators in regional programs and some other characterized by a different level of realization, understanding, reliability and communication.

L’amministrazione del catasto italiano. Il processo di decentramento delle funzioni catastali

Peer-reviewed publication
Juillet, 2010

The present study aims to reconstruct the decentralization process of the cadastral functions to town municipalities to date and to trace out the future prospects of cadastral management in Italy. Besides organizational structure, functions and informative patrimony of the Land Agency, the national regulatory framework and the operational steps of decentralization were here investigated.