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Community Organizations Land Journal
Land Journal
Land Journal


Land (ISSN 2073-445X) is an international, scholarly, open access journal of land use and land management published quarterly online by MDPI. 



Displaying 1576 - 1580 of 2258

Analysis of Super-Gentrification Dynamic Factors Using Interpretative Structure Modeling

Peer-reviewed publication
Février, 2020

The driving force of super-gentrification shapes a complex system in which multiple dynamic factors interact with each other. This paper takes the dynamic factor system of super-gentrification as the research object and uses the Interpretative Structure Modeling (ISM) to analyze these dynamic factors. The levels of these dynamic factors and the interaction between them are determined. The Cross Impact Matrix Multiplication Applied to a Classification (MICMAC) analysis is also conducted to determine the dependence power and driving power of these dynamic factors.

Mineral Soil Texture–Land Cover Dependency on Microwave Dielectric Models in an Arid Environment

Peer-reviewed publication
Février, 2020

In this study, we measured and characterized the relative dielectric constant of mineral soils over the 0.3–3.0 frequency range, and compared our measurements with values of three dielectric constant simulation models (the Wang, Dobson, and Mironov models). The interrelationship between land cover and soil texture with respect to the dielectric constant was also investigated. Topsoil samples (0–10 cm) were collected from homogenous areas based on a land unit map of the study site, located in the Gamsar Plain in northern Iran.

Peacebuilding in Rural Colombia—A Collective Perception of the Integrated Rural Reform (IRR) in the Department of Caquetá (Amazon)

Peer-reviewed publication
Février, 2020

The 2016 peace agreement between the Government of Colombia and the FARC-EP created institutional space for an effective implementation of needed rural reforms. However, the change of power structures also contains risks, like the deterioration of natural resources and the strengthening of other armed groups. By addressing collective perceptions regarding the Integrated Rural Reform (IRR), this paper shows the consequences of the peace agreement for the rural population in the department of Caquetá. Additionally, it presents the main challenges for further departmental development.

Economic Comparison between Pasture-Based Beef Production and Afforestation of Abandoned Land in Swedish Forest Districts

Peer-reviewed publication
Janvier, 2020

Large areas of agricultural land have been abandoned or are at risk of being abandoned such as small scattered fields and pastures in forest-dominated landscapes are unsuitable for modern mechanized agriculture and cost-efficient grazing. These areas have therefore become unprofitable to cultivate and graze. Spruce planting has been seen as the obvious alternative on these lands but is today questioned from landscape points of view. Now most abandoned land is left for natural afforestation.

Towards Resilient Regions: Policy Recommendations for Stimulating Synergy between Tourism and Landscape

Peer-reviewed publication
Janvier, 2020

To make regions more resilient, a useful idea is that of synergy between tourism and landscape (i.e., a win-win situation). To help policymakers manage for synergy, we provide practical recommendations. Using the case of Terschelling (the Netherlands), an island that is part of the UNESCO World Heritage listed Wadden Sea, we analyzed how policy and public opinion have been changing, and how multilevel governance is arranged.