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Community Organizations Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency
Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency
Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency
Governmental institution

Focal point

Lisette Meij


The Hague
Working languages


The Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency supports entrepreneurs, NGOs, knowledge institutions and organisations. It aims to facilitate entrepreneurship, improve collaborations, strengthen positions and help realise national and international ambitions with funding, networking, know-how and compliance with laws and regulations.

RVO is a government agency which operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. Its activities are commissioned by the various Dutch ministries and the European Union.


Frank van Holst
Lisette Meij
Maaike van den Berg


Displaying 71 - 75 of 119

CO-Women’s Livelihood and Climate Smart


Project Description In Uganda, women’s land and property rights are not easily realizable despite having highly rated gender sensitive constitution. This is because of deeply rooted patriarchal attitudes in society that often relegate women’s land right to merely user rights and impracticalities in implementing well designed laws. Ironically it is women (75% - 80%) who produce foods for consumption in Uganda and beyond. The situation would be different if they enjoy all bundles of land rights, i.e. ownership, control and user rights. In other words, production would exponentially increased and then eliminate hunger and poverty. In fact according to UBOS, 2014, women’s ownership and control of land directly increases production by 40%. Human Development Survey United Nations Development Fund Report 2019, shows that only 20% of the women own land. This trend will likely and continuously jeopardize governmentefforts to agricultural development programs and other agrarian reforms. For example, the failure of Plan for Modernization of Agriculture (PMA) can partly be traced to lack of women ownerships and control which inextricably link to lack of and limited decisions of land use patterns. Some of the laws in Uganda are theoretically good but remains practically biased due to imbalanced practices that do not address the root causes of women’s lack of ownership and control of land such as deeply rooted negative cultural practices, norms and attitudes. Some of these practices are extremely negative and leads to violence, e.g. land related gender based violence. Because of this, the ultimate development goal of the National Land Policy 2013 is becoming difficult to attain. It is evident that the Government has done very little to tackle obviously discriminate legal and social regime regarding women’s land rights and in particularly any deliberate efforts to appreciate their and recognize their contribution to national development. Despite the fact that the Constitution and the Land Act offer adequate protection for women’s land and property the structures of land managementare weak and dysfunctional. Uganda is also a signatory to the CEDAW ( The Convention on Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women hence making Uganda internationally accountable. The great need to place issues affecting women on land and property ownership and control at the center of any land reform initiative and or domestic laws like the Domestic relations Bill have prevented by lack of political will. Sincepolicy makers have failed to do so, they ultimately are being professionally negligent, misusing poverty reduction resources, and achieving their national development objectives. The objective is to enhance capacity of women landright movements that will collectively advocate and negotiate for practical women’s ownership and control of land. Specifically to; i) Mobilize, organise and support grassroots women land rights movement for enhanced advocacy capacity ii) Strengthen CSOs capacityto support grassroot movements and advocate for women land rights regulatory frameworks and guidelines at all levels iii) Build/strengthen stakeholders’ leadership capacity on women land rights programming, Problem Analysis 11. Using Oxfam’s narrative power to shape and/or promote certain storylines and what those stories tell us about power and rights, and to push for actions to be taken. 2. Using Oxfam’s mobilizing power to strengthen and amplify women’s voices and to support their access to policy spaces to share their experiences and promote their demands. 3. Using Oxfam’s power and experience working with private sector actors to hold businesses accountable for how they strengthen, or undermine, women’s access to and control of land, and advocating forreform of their business models that further inequality and injustice through ensuring gender justice in their land-based investments. 4. Using Oxfam’s power to engage with the public sector to inject gender justice and a land rights agenda in governinginstitutions. We will demand and influence the implementation of laws, policies and participatory decision-making processes, advocate for effective global, regional,national, and local policies to secure women’s land rights, and promote women’s participation in law and policy-making processes. Expected Results • A Paper or Policy Briefs or other communication materials for engaging in the Beijing +25. • A meeting respondingto the process of women's land rights in Beijing +25 process at country level(Uganda), regional(East Africa) and global level. • Contribute to documenting a magazine which will be online published capturing stories of women land rights defenders from across Uganda. • Documentation of cases of WLR in context of climate change or LSLBI • Webinar sharing the learning and evidence gathered from implementation of the LSLBI tool in Uganda. • Preparation of Shadow reports(SDGs on Land Shadow report) from Uganda. • Virtual meeting with other countries working in the same subject.

LAND-at-scale Chad: Land reform based on rapid evolutions and present crisis – law reform


Chad faces land related problems, due to the increasing pressure on land and insufficiently equipped governance mechanisms to provide tenure security. The participation of civil society is very limited. Ignoring or shortcutting land related challenges in Chad means that other development challenges will emerge even in a more violent way in the next decades.The project aims to contribute to a more transparent and inclusive land administration system in Chad, especially for tenure insecure groups (women and youth), which creates security for communities to invest in sustainable income generating activities.This will be realized through the following strategies:• Finalization of the Land Code: a review and rewrite of the content, combined with a multi-stakeholder validation workshop.• Support to socio-economic land reform, with special attention for inclusion of women and youth, strengthening civil society organizations, capacity building on agricultural practices and dispute resolution mechanisms. • Improving the land registration system in N’Djamena by developing a blueprint of the current situation and roadmap towards the preferred future situation, together with the relevant government authorities in Chad.

RVO Insurance Conv. 23 Extra PAX


The covenant focuses on the implementation of a responsible investment policy by Insurers, due to the international nature of this activity, and contains the agreements of the Parties with regard to investments. This involves preventing, limiting and, ifnecessary, repairing any negative impact on humans, animals and the environment as much as possible. The covenant contains agreements to clarify specific ESG themes and to support insurers in strengthening their policy and due diligence on these specificand other ESG themes. The themes primarily concern animal welfare, children's rights, land rights, climate change and controversial weapons and controversial arms trade (chapter 2 Covenant). Agreements have also been made regarding the investment policy of insurers; for example, an ESG due diligence procedure must be described, sector and/or theme-oriented policy must be drawn up and it must be made clear in which behaviors or sectors investments will not be made. Amnesty International (not part of the grant application) mainly contributes knowledge about human rights, but also children's rights, land rights and controversial arms trade. - Save the Children mainly contributes knowledge about children's rights, child labour, nutrition and also about health care. - Oxfam Novib mainly contributes knowledge about gender equality, land rights, access to medicines, climate change, fair taxation and the fight against corruption. - PAX mainly contributes knowledge about controversial weapons and the arms trade, protecting civilians and standing up for victims of human rights violations in conflict areas, and about natural resources in relation to conflict and human rights. - Nature and Environment contributes Nature and Environment contributes knowledge in particular about climate change, loss of biodiversity, the energy transition, the agricultural and food transition and the sustainable use of raw materials. - World Animal Protection mainly brings knowledge about animal welfare, but also about climate, biodiversity, the food transition and public health.



Lao PDR is a water rich country, benefitting from the water resources of the Mekong River, tributaries and many smaller water bodies that contribute greatly to national economic development and the livelihoods of local communities. While water demand remains low in terms of per-capita public consumption, in recent years, water resources have gained greater prominence due to the increasing role of hydropower and irrigation in economic development. Largescale construction of dams on the Mekong River and tributaries is expected to impact the hydrological profile and biodiversity of these systems and exacerbate the impact of projected climate change trends related to the flow regimes and by altering processes of erosion and sediment deposition. The total annual water flow in Lao PDR is estimated at 270 billion meters – equivalent to 35% of the average annual flow of the entire Mekong River Basin. Although classified as a low risk (89) on the global Climate Risk Index Lao PDR remains vulnerable primarily to hydrometeorological hazards. Seasonal flooding is common within the eight river basins across the country. Most vulnerable areas are the low-lying flood plains along the Mekong River and its major tributaries in the northern, central and southern regions. The majority of the population resides in rural areas with 72% (in 2015) of the working population employed in the agriculture sector. Poverty is concentrated in remote and rural areas, particularly those inhabited by ethnic communities. Predicted change in climate include increased rain fall of 10-30% andincreased frequency and intensity of extreme weather (floods and droughts). The Mekong and Sekong river basins are prone to regularflooding, exacerbated by deforestation and land degradation due toagricultural practices. Lao PDR has transitioned from a primarily disaster response approach to a risk management approach with the establishment of the National Disaster Prevention and Control Committee (NDPCC) and the National Disaster Management Committee (NDMC) with the National Disaster Management Office acting as the Secretariat. A Department of Disaster Management and Climate Change under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) wasalso established by decree in 2013. DRM structures at sub-national levels include Provincial Disaster Prevention and Control Committees (PDPCCs) district equivalents (DDPCCs) and at the village level, Village Disaster Prevention Units (VDPU). VDPUs act as the interface between communities and the government system and include representatives of community-based organizations (CBOs), traditional leaders and other community actors. Oxfam has extensive experience in working with these structures including for participatory vulnerability assessments and planning and linking these to the formal DRM structures. Key challenges include resourcing to the DRM structures, coordination between agencies and the need to integrate DRM approaches into development planning given the socio-economic needs in remote areas. Community-participatory DRM approaches are priorities to bridge the gap between formal and informal structures and in recognition of the challenges of service delivery in remote communities. Gender: Despite a policy environment that promotes genderequality (Law on Development and Protection of Women 2004 and Law on Preventing and Combatting Violence against Women and Children 2014) and an overall decrease in the inequality gap between women and men; women are still less likely to attain secondary education compared to men, are less likely to be literate compared to men and due to early marriage are more likely to drop out of school. During disasters women, particularly those from ethnic minorities, are disproportionately impacted partly because theyare more likely to operate in the informal economy, have less access to social protection systems and experience increased exposure to gender-based violence. Traditional beliefs and social norms limit the role women play outside the home and this also extends to DRM structures and practices where the perspectives of women and the role they can play may not be realised unless specific steps are taken. Riverine community vulnerability: Across the country communities in rural areas reliant on agricultural, fisheries and forest resource have heightened vulnerability to recurring hydro-meteorological disasters such as floods, drought, storms, land erosion, earthquakes and pandemics due to the increasing impact of climate change. Vulnerability is not evenwith women, ethnic minorities and remote communities considered more vulnerable. The increasing unpredictability of rain fall and flood patterns that irrigate fields, replenish fisheries and nurture forest and wetlands challenge traditional systems and practices require other forms of information and support to adapt livelihoods reliant on these resources and reduce the impact of extreme weather events. This requires strengthening ofcommunity capacity to understand and assess these changes and impact atthelocal level including the differential impact on women and other social groups; and to collectively plan inclusive strategies to adapt current livelihood practices and strategies while at the same time continuing their day-to-day smart livelihood activities. Local authority capacity: At the local level where policy meets implementation, there are key gaps particularly related to the interface between communities and formal DRM committees at the commune/local authority levels. The integration of investment in DRM and CCA into cyclical local development planning is a key gap despite existing policies that promote community-based approaches. This is largely due to competing priorities at this level and the need for meaningful participatory approachesto be effective that are often beyond the skill set, experience, and time availability/priorities of officials at this level. The integration of community perspectives and analysis into local development planning is also hindered by traditional top-down governmental approaches reflecting power differentials related to resources, roles and social hierarchy including gendered attitudes, norms, and behaviours. Access to data/information: Laos has invested in data gathering and dissemination systems for DRM using a range of hydro-meteorological data sources including rain and river gauges, remote sensing, and weather forecasting technology such as radar and satellite imagery. Delivery systems include pilot warning announcement via mobile messages, installationofloudspeakers at districts and villages, construction of flood protection barrier and warning systems, and various data sharing platforms targeting local DRM committees and riverine communities directly. Understanding what data is available, collected by whom and the social-political factors determining availability, accessibility, useability, and timeliness of data (includinggender, ethnicity, location etc) is of key importance as is incorporation of local and traditional knowledge and experience to inform how the data is used. The Strengthening Climate Resilience (SCR) project seeks to strengthen the resilience of communities living along the Mekong River and tributaries to impacts of climate change. This project builds upon Oxfam and partners’ existing work. SCR will work with riverine communities representing some of the most vulnerable in Luang Prabang and Champasak provinces. Specific communities are also selected based on Oxfam’s understanding of needs, and on existing relationships with projectpartners under the ongoing Inclusion Project Phase II (IP2).

Agro Ecology for Food Security & Inco


Women smallholder Farmers in Zombo District face climate change challenges that have affected their food production and income capacities. These challenges range from prolonged dry spells affecting crop germination, too much and erratic rains which causeflooding and damage root tuber crops such as cassava, yam, and potatoes. Dry spells and waterlogging result in crop diseases which can affectother crops, especially since women producers lack the capacity to control such infestations. These, coupled with ineffective agronomic practices and accelerating climate change impacts and damages, affect the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and their households. The project aims at enhancing the food and income security of 200 women smallholder farmers using the CRAEM model. Oxfam has piloted this model with smallholder women and men food producers, and the model has proven to enhance the resilience of smallholder farmers to climate change impacts and improve productivity. The model emphasizes working with andstrengthening community leadership structures and emphasizes practices and technologies within the means of beneficiaries which can be scaled without further external support Land degradation, poor soil health, and high dependence on rain-fed agriculture has increased the vulnerability of rural households to food insecurity and poverty, eroding productive assets and weakening their coping strategies and resilience. Onset, duration, and intensity of rains vary considerably from year to year, and the increased frequency of erratic weather patterns, including drought and flooding, have negatively impacted the national economy and the livelihoods of the people. New measures are needed to help farmers and consumers cope with the changes in emerging and projected weather patterns. Oxfam would like to support 200 women smallholder farmers to practice climate-smart agriculture to maximise their productivity and increase nutrition and income using the Climate Resilient Agro Ecological Model (CRAEM)