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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1501 - 1505 of 2117



Nicaragua recently returned to the VLIR-UOS list of partner countries -after a few years without project opportunities- because of its potential for academic cooperation and the interest of Flemish HEI to work with Nicaraguan HEI. VLIR-UOS supports interventions that empower higher education institutes in their role as drivers of change. All interventions frame within the VLIR-UOS Country Strategy for Nicaragua which fits in the national human development plan (PNDH), higher education priorities and the JSF. The strategy is translated in 3 domains: environment (climate change, effects on disease, agriculture, biodiversity, natural resources, link economy, link ecotourism&labels/entrepreneurship, waste management), territorial development (land transition, local development&governance, productive landscapes, agroforestry, spatial contexts, rurality, conflict, agricultural development, sustainable development, link public health/disease control) and society (inclusive governments, human rights, social&community development, education, local governance, migration, transitional justice, intercultural issues, land rights, gender&violence, youth&violence, link public health/disease control). Special attention should go to cross-cutting and supporting issues related to higher education and research (research strategy/thinking, problem based research and innovation, academic English, proposal writing, open library & access systems, gender mainstreaming and balances, intercultural diversity, multidisciplinary research). The programme will be a kind of exploratory phase aiming at motivating researchers to submit project proposals for TEAM and South Initiatives. At least a few projects should be able to take place.

Action for access & management rights to land for farmers in northern Thailand


The project prioritises capacity building of the affected farmer communities to achieve and maintain CTLD or similar concept with support from LAOs for legislative changes. The project works with 32 communities to demonstrate the community process and capacity of land and forest management to gain public support for the law, and expand the management capacity to 247 communities. The project will increase capacity of national alliance for land reform and its sub -networks,engage with academic,media and the private sector to support campaign and advocacy functions and to communicate with the government and relevant agencies for law enactment.

Help Sumarin Family Win in Israel's Supreme Court


The Sumarin family's house was taken by theft, a central fact ignored by the Jerusalem District Court when it rejected the Sumarin family's appeal against eviction by the Jewish National Fund. Ongoing for 30 years, their case isn't over. In the 1990's, an Israeli court & a government commission determined that expropriation of their property was in violation of Israeli law. In April they will bring their case to Israel's Supreme Court. Your donation assures access to the best attorneys possible.