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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 181 - 185 of 2117

Environment initial Iraq 2I


The overall objective (s) of the Project is to identify partners and priorities for a possible multi year program in Iraq with the main objective to enhance community’s’ ability, especially smallholder subsistence farmers, to address climate-induced irrigation and drinking water shortages by improving the resilience of farms and land management practices, promoting sustainable green solutions with nature based solution interventions and climate-proofing the underlying ecosystems in the Marshes of Southern Iraq. The result of the feasibility study shall be a project proposal for a multi year programme that has been agreed with the Iraqi partners.

Building grassroots capacity for a sustainable ocean economy in Ghana


The Project’s expected effect on society is a resilient and sustainable economy in Ghana achieved through inclusive, strong, and effective caspacity, planning and management of coastal ecosystems. The expected effects for the target group of the Project are (Outcome): - Outcome 1: To reduce fishery declines and secure fisherfolk access to fisheries resources through ending illegal fishing and promoting participatory co- management. - Outcome 2: Improve income resilience of fishing communities through enhanced opportunities for value addition along fisheries supply chains and enterprise development. - Outcome 3: Strengthen climate change adaptation capacities in coastal areas through improved spatial and land use planning and community-led management of wetland and mangrove ecosystems.

Lantmäteriet- Col Cadaster 2018


This contribution aims at strengthening the Colombian multi-purpose cadaster policy through international expertise from the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (Lantmäteriet). The contribution is based on the framework agreement between Sida and Lantmäteriet and on Colombian’s government request to strengthen the advisory committee for multi-purpose cadaster pilots. The Swedish expert will participate, during 2018, in 5 missions to Colombia and will provide technical advice for the implementation of the multipurpose cadastral pilots.


This contribution aims at strengthening the Colombian multi-purpose cadaster policy through international expertise from the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (Lantmäteriet). The contribution is based on the framework agreement between Sida and Lantmäteriet and on Colombian’s government request to strengthen the advisory committee for multi-purpose cadaster pilots. The Swedish expert will participate, during 2018, in 5-7 missions to Colombia and will provide technical advice for the implementation of the multipurpose cadastral pilots.

Sustainable development education for children and the youth


enO Programme Association together with 4H Tanzania will implement a project for improving environmental awareness in the Iringa Njombe Morogoro and Ruvuma areas in Tanzania. The proposed project will raise awareness of sustainable development issues in sc hools and communities and create a road map for schools to be used around the world for planning and implementing such activities in the communities. The schools are encouraged to adopt the issues in formulating and designing their curricula content to cre ate a wider understanding of sustainable development. Tanzania is rich in natural resources but the rapid population growth and an increased need for living space and agricultural land as well as industrial activities have contributed to increase the count ry?s deforestation. Approximately 450 000ha of forest land is deforested in Tanzania annually. Deforestation is one of the contributors to for example climate change soil erosion biodiversity loss and loss of fertility in farms. Tanzania has identified tha t the lack of human capacity is hindering development. Therefore actions to address the capacity issue as well as understanding of natural resources have been identified crucial. The project aims at educating the children and youth on environmental awarene ss and sustainable development for them to understand the effects of forests and deforestation to the environment. The overall goal is to raise an environmentally conscious generation which will consider sustainable development issues in their everyday act ivities automatically whether it is in their personal life or working life. A road map for schools around the world will be designed and published. The road map can be used for introducing sustainable development and environmental issues to the public auth orities to encourage them in including them in the school curricula and extra-curricula activities. Case studies of successful sustainable development inclusions will also be presented.

Responsible and Innovative Land Administration Project in Etiopia second phase (REILA II)


The intervention is the second phase of REILA (Responsible and Innovative Land Administration Project) that supports the development of land administration in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is one of the least developed countries (LDCs) according to the OECD's classif ication. All the land in Ethiopia is owned by the government but the farmers have traditional extensive user rights to their lands. Official registration of such lands increases further the tenure security. Increased land tenure security encourages farmers to use their lands in a sustainable way and to make investments to raise the productivity of the lands. Official registration also reduces conflicts over land.The project will be implemented in 2017-2021.The long term impact of the project is to achieve i mproved livelihood and economic well-being of the rural population through promotion of sustainable land management practices. The outcome is to have improved and appropriate land administration system for Ethiopia and improved land tenure security for rur al land users. Expected outputs can be divided into three result areas: 1. Improved regional land administration and increased and certified land security for land users 2. Improved capacity of such civil servants in different levels of administration who manage and coordinate land administration and improved capacity of Ethiopian mapping agency to survey accurately and efficiently land and 3. Improved supply of skilled manpower to the land administration sector in Ethiopia. Ministry of Agriculture manages the implementation of the project in Ethiopia. Finland will also procure via open tendering a technical assistance team to support the project. Finland's support to the intervention is 7.1 million euros with the following annual division: 2017: 1.2 million 2018: 1 million 2019: 1.5 million 2020: 1.9 million and 2021: 1.5 million.