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Community Organizations Oxfam Novib
Oxfam Novib
Oxfam Novib
Non-profit organization


Mission and Vision

A just world, without poverty. That is our mission. We believe that people can build independent livelihoods, provided their rights are respected. That is why we help people around the world to stand up for their rights.

1. Right to sustainable livelihood resources

Everybody must be sure of a fair income and enough to eat. Yet this is not the case for 20% of the world’s population. That is why we are working on better access to land and water, and on fair working and trading conditions.

2. Right to basic social services

Education and health care are essential for building better societies. Yet even as we make progress towards universal primary education, around the world, there are still 130 million kids in school who fail to learn basic reading, writing and maths. When governments fail to deliver, Oxfam together with partner organizations invest in quality basic social services.

3. Right to life and security

Natural disasters, climate change and armed conflicts hit millions of people every year. We support them with relief aid and reconstruction. And we prepare people to prevent or mitigate the effects of disasters and conflicts.

4. Right to social and political participation

Knowledge is power. We believe that when people can participate in public decisions that affect them, they can build independent livelihoods and thriving communities.Together with partners we give people access to information and a voice.

5. Right to an identity

Gender inequality is both a violation of human rights and an obstacle to sustainable development. In a just world there is no place for the discrimination of women and minorities.

Our Core Values

When people’s basic rights are respected, we can rid the world of poverty and injustice. This is what we stand for:

  • Empowerment

We work on the basis of the power and potential of people. We provide practical and innovative solutions to empower people to build their livelihoods without poverty.

  • Accountability

We call on those in power to consider people in a vulnerable position in word and action.  And we of course account for our own work to governments, donors, supporters, volunteers, corporations and almost 17 million Dutch men and women.

  • Inclusiveness

We are all equal, irrespective of the accident of birth, gender, faith or sexual orientation. In all our work we give special attention to the position and rights of women and minorities. And given the potentially pivotal role of women as agents of change, gender justice is at the heart of everything we do.



Displaying 46 - 50 of 328

Sustainable Agriculture Land Management


The project is the next phase of a two years support to the communities from the same partner. In the previous project a sea embankment was constructed to stop sea intrusion. Another aim was to save the lives and livelihoods of the affected communities from sea intrusion. As a next phase of the previous project; this project will be implemented in 40 villages located in 4 union councils of district Badin, Sindh Province. 8400 beneficiaries (30% female and 70% male) will be targeted from 4 coastal union councils. The beneficiaries belong to agro-fishing communities and are the most vulnerable to climate change induced disasters that have been taking place in the area intermittently. The project will support the communities to adapt climate smart agriculture practices which are relevant, and will improve their capacities to practice sustainable land management practices to avoid agriculture and harvest losses. While contributing to sustainable development goals; the project as a case study will be used for influencing agenda for pro-poor policy development and provision of resources at the local level.

Country Office 506708 Oxfam Novib Uganda


The project is intended to build the capacity of women leaders to engage, influence and lobby for gender responsive programmes and interventions in their respective location. The project is also intended to connect spaces between local leaders and national leaders and build capacity of women leaders to influence at local level (Subcounty and district) and also gain capacity to feed into national debates through the forum (Uganda women#s Parliamentary forum) that exists at national level. The ordinary women and girls willbe engaged by women leaders through dialogues on VAW and Land to build a critical mass and generate credible messages for advocacy and engagement with traditional leaders and legal duty bearers at all levels. The women leaders from grassroots women organisationswill be given capacity to work in hand with political leaders and gain spaces to participate in Local government planning meetingsas provided for the by Local government planning guidelines of 1997 Although the guidelines provides for representation of civil society organisations in all planning and budgeting processes, the reality on ground is that the space can be gained through having contact with key political leaders part of that process. The women leaders #political and CSOs will identity groups of ordinary rural women that have suffered VAW and Land related Violence in their respective location and mentor them to engage at the different Subcounty, district, regional and national meetings and voice their concerns to the duty bearers. The project will seek to hold the leaders (traditional and government) to account and make decisions to take action on issues raised by women. The decisions will include following up with district council to prioritise project proposalscomponents into the Local government plans. The work at national level will be informed by grassroots experiences and key stakeholders will be involved ensure that VAW Currently the ministry of Gender doesn#t have government funds for VAW prevention, andits assumed that funds for VAWQ response are supposed to go to Ministry of health, Justice law and order, these ministries are also underfunded. and Women#s land rights are given space in national level debates by UWOPA and the relevant ministries this in turn will allow for proper budget allocations to the respective programmes. Recently,the land policy was approved by the government and the Law on Domestic violence was passed in 2010. Oxfam and other two DV Act coalition members supported the translation of the Ct into 8 Local languages including languages spoken in Karamoja and Acholi. The project is intended to expedite the implementation of the law and the Land policy through active engagement of the key stakeholders who are women.

Oxfam América Perú


We supported the creation and the development of communication and media material (i.e. stories, video, photos#) for a global campaign spike on indigenous and community land rights, to raise #global awareness# on the subject. This action contributed to the Land Rights Now campaign, which is a worldwide initiative of more than 600 organizations and communities that aim at doubling the area ofland formally recognized as owned or controlled by Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Oxfam plays a major role in shaping and driving the campaign. The Land Rights Now campaign is a bottom-up campaign and is primary objective is to support ongoing nationalcampaigns in the area of Indigenous and community land rights. The secondary objective is to promote global awareness on this issue, so as to enable changes at national level. In 2016, Oxfam will focus on 4-6 countries to highlight either i) specific cases of land grabbing or injustice around indigenous and community land rights or ii) symbolic cases #including positive stories # that can describe a larger systemic situation, that needs to be addressed. In this context we issued an internal call for expression of interest to submit cases that may support #global# awareness raising. A case submitted byOxfam in Peru has been identified as a suitable case, according to pre-established criteria. This grant supports the development of material for public campaigning in Peru on this case.

OGB BD for JRAS/GROW Program Development


CONTRIBUTION BANGLADESH - JRAS Bangladesh linkage to GROW/FCJ Activities implemented through Bangladesh team 1. Female Food Heroes a. Co-branded platform to increase the visibility of rural women's contribution to food production b. Entails photosand brief narratives of life experiences, including the challenges they face from day-to-day c. May need to refreshen this list or expand to women affected by extreme weather events like Haiyan In addition: CFS advocacy and Youth engagement o National CSO work on advocating VG implementation o Linking national to global CFS CSM efforts o Input into drafts o Take part in Rome global meeting oSub-regional CFS CSM follow up meeting/Regional Land rights study

Ford Land 3.0


The objective of this grant was to: i) establish and promote a new compelling narrative worldwide on the issue of Indigenous and community land rights; ii) connect struggles, victories and best practices on the topic of Indigenous and community land rights to amplify their voice; and iii) targeted advocacy and lobby toward international institutions. Through this grant we supported an Oxfam campaign spike on indigenous and community land rights, produced the report #Custodians of the land, Defenders of our future# in 4 languages, provided policy and campaign tools and opportunities in 6 countries, and reached more than 7M people through social media. In addition, we led a global mobilization around the Earth Day 2017, including by providing campaign and policy material to all participants of the Land Rights Now campaign, whilst brokering new alliances. The mobilization resulted in 42 events across 30 countries, more than 25k signatures, social media outreach of 5M. Finally, we also provided policy leadership to the Global Call to Action onIndigenous and Community Land Rights so as to create adequate momentum and pressure on this issue. We also worked on a specific influencing strategy with allies to consolidate the work on land rights indicators in the SDGs, and influencing the High Level Political Forum and the related National Review process, so as to support an enabling international environment.