2502 LS Den Haag
Wageningen Economic Research (WER), formerly Landbouw-Economisch Instituut (LEI) Wageningen UR, is one of the research institutes of Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR). Within the Netherlands and Belgium, WER is the leading institute for social-economic research in the fields of agriculture, horticulture and fisheries, the management of rural areas, the agricultural sector and the production and consumption of food. Through this research, WER provides support for the decisions that governments and businesses need to make in the fields of competitiveness, the management of production chains, spatial planning, environmental protection, natural resources, the European Common Agricultural Policy and global trading.
WER also performs legal and service-related tasks for the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. The Agricultural Economic Report and other annual reports present an impression of the financial and economic position of companies and sectors.
Displaying 66 - 70 of 200Investeren in een optimaal groenbeleid; Bestuurlijke kansen voor regionaal groen
De landbouw in Enter; Sociaal-economische verkenning van het ruilverkavelingsgebied
De landbouw in het herinrichtingsgebied Scheerwolde (Noordwest-Overijssel)
Landinrichting Zuidwolde-Zuid; Cijfers en meningen uit de landbouw
Property rights in fishing; Effects on the industry and effectiveness for fishing management policy
The study identifies measures that have created property rights in the Danish, Dutch and UK fishery sector. Property in this respect is not considered as an asset in the stock of fish but as a stream of benefits, resulting from the right to fish. The limited access to the fishery by the vessel licence and by the recognition as a commercial fisherman have created two forms of property rights in the Danish fishery. In the Netherlands, the national TACs for the individual species have been transformed into transferable individual quota (ITQs).