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Land Portal Foundation administrative account
Displaying 311 - 320 of 6947Sustainable land management (SLM) II
Äthiopien ist gekennzeichnet von chronischer Nahrungsmittelknappheit und Ernäh-rungsunsicherheit mit regelmäßig auftretenden Hungersnöten. Aufgrund der geringen Erträ-ge gelingt es der überwiegend kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft bisher nicht, trotz ihres Poten-tials dauerhaft ausreichende Überschüsse zur Versorgung der Bevölkerung zu erwirtschaf-ten. Vielmehr führen unangepasste Bewirtschaftung, hoher Nutzungsdruck und Klimawandel zu Bodenerosion bis hin zu endgültigem Verlust des Bodens. Der Rückgang des natürlichen Produktionspotentials gefährdet die Einkommens- und Beschäftigungsgrundlage bäuerlicher Familien und verhindert nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum in weiten Teilen der ländlichen Gebiete. Die FZ-Maßnahme soll ebenso wie das laufende Vorhaben (BMZ-Nr. 2008 655 27) dazu beitragen, den Verlust des fruchtbaren Bodens zu reduzieren und den Erhalt und die Entwicklung des landwirtschaftlichen Produktionspotentials sicherzustellen. Über eine sys-tematische, der Topographie folgende und flächendeckende Behandlung von Wasserein-zugsgebieten mit Boden- und Wasserkonservierenden baulichen, biologischen und agrono-mischen Maßnahmen (watershed management approach) wird eine hohe Effektivität sicher-gestellt. Daneben werden in der zweiten Phase verstärkt die nachhaltige Nutzung und In-Wertsetzung rehabilitierter Flächen gefördert. Dies trägt zur Verbesserung der Lebensgrund-lage und des Einkommens der ländlichen Haushalte in der Programmregion bei. Die für die FZ-Maßnahme ausgewählten Wassereinzugsgebiete liegen im fruchtbaren äthiopischen Hochland, sind als noch ernährungssicher eingestuft, aber vom Abrutschen in eine ernäh-rungsunsichere Versorgungssituation bedroht. ŒDem äthiopischen Landwirtschaftsministerium als Träger obliegt die Koordination des von mehreren Gebern unterstützten nationalen Gesamtprogramms "Sustainable Land Ma-nagement Program" (SLMP), in das sich die vorgeschlagene FZ-Maßnahme eingliedert. Der Gesamtinvestitionsbedarf für nachhaltiges Landmanagement wird im "Ethiopian Strategic Investment Framework" auf rund USD 6,7 Mrd. für den Zeitraum 2009 bis 2023 geschätzt. Die äthiopische Regierung verfolgt das ambitionierte Ziel, die Investitionen in insgesamt 177 Woredas (Landkreise) regional möglichst breit zu streuen. Mit Unterstützung durch die deut-sche TZ finanziert die Weltbank zurzeit in 35, die FZ in 23 Woredas SLMP-Aktivitäten. Für weitere 18 Woredas ist die Unterstützung durch TZ und FZ aus CIDA-Mitteln vorgesehen. ŒDas verfügbare Mittelvolumen umfasst dabei die deutsche Regierungszusage des Jahres 2011 in Höhe von EUR 10 Mio. FZ sowie EUR 10,2 Mio. der kanadischen CIDA (Mandatsmittel).
Verbesserung der Lebensgrundlage und des Einkommens ländlicher Haushalte.
Legal aid and land rights protection of indigenous peoples organisation in rural areas Baixo Parnaíba/MA
Juristische Unterstützung und Förderung der Bürgerrechte der in Landkonflikten involvierten ländlichen Gemeinden der Region Baixo Parnaíba/MA
Juristische Unterstützung und Förderung der Bürgerrechte der in Landkonflikten involvierten ländlichen Gemeinden der Region Baixo Parnaíba/MA
Appui à la gestion foncière
Lancé depuis 2008 au Burundi et 2011 en RDC, le programme d’appui à la gestion foncière met le focus stratégique sur la sécurisation des droits en milieu rural ainsi que le développement et la mise en œuvre des politiques foncières en vue de garantir une meilleure gouvernance dans ce domaine et la réduction des conflits dans les communautés. Le focus portera sur le renforcement et l’extention des services fonciers, la reconnaissance des droits sur les terres rurales et l’amélioration du cadre légal et politique.
Développement rural (MATOY)
Ce programme vise la relance économique de trois régions significatives du Madagascar (Amoron’I Mania, Menabe et Vakinankaratra, en tout 1.5 mio d’habitants) sur la base d’une valorisation des meilleurs résultats obtenus jusqu’ici par la DDC à Madagascar. Il intervient dans trois domaines majeurs et interdépendants : la sécurité foncière, les capacités d’investissement des communes et l’économie privée autour de chaînes de valeur spécifiques. Il est exécuté par un Consortium composé de HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation et les ONGs malgaches SAHA et AIM.
Enhancing Food and Economic Security
The project aims to address rural poverty issues faced by more than 65,000 direct beneficiaries of which 56% are women and girls. The issues are caused mainly by erratic weather, declining soil infertility, lack of agricultural inputs and land tenure, as well as poor skills for employment and lack of access to credit for small enterprises. World Renew works with 12 local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and targeted community members through three mutually reinforcing development processes including food security, economic growth and community governance capacity, to enhance food security and economic well-being of vulnerable households.
Women’s Rights to Land
This project aims to address the gender-specific barriers for women, including young women, working in agriculture and in the informal economy of the shea and cocoa sectors in the Upper West, Upper East, Northern and Western Regions of Ghana. The project works to increase women’s agency and leadership to become economically empowered through multiple entry points. The project also aims to bring together many stakeholders working collaboratively and relying on their strengths and areas of influence, to shift gender-related attitudes and behaviours across the agricultural sector. Project activities include: (1) increasing the ability of women and young women to individually and collectively overcome legal and social barriers; (2) improving capacity for household members to recognize, reduce and redistribute unpaid work; (3) increasing access to innovative and viable gender-responsive business models; and (4) enhancing equal access to productive resources for women, including gender-responsive financial products and land ownership and use. The project aims to directly benefit more than 5 400 women (between the ages of 18 and 60) by providing technical and financial support to empower them economically. 955 women will participate in dialogue spaces with traditional and religious leaders. 900 women will receive gender-responsive skills development training, and 540 (50%) of them will receive direct technical and financial assistance for the development of alternative livelihoods opportunities.
Be at the Forefront for Women's Empowerment (BFEM)
This project aims to increase human rights privileges enjoyed by women and girls and the advancement of gender equality in Indonesia. This project promotes and develops feminist leadership and women’s political participation across various sectors, notably climate change, natural resources management, and land tenure/ownership rights. This project focuses on strengthening and expanding the feminist movement in Indonesia to promote women’s rights and strengthen the protection of these rights. This project also reinforces networking and alliance building within the Indonesian women’s rights movement and other social movements in the country, including Hivos Southeast Asia, JASS and the PEKKA Foundation. This project improves women’s control over their lives and access to livelihoods and reduces injustices and discrimination against them. Project activities include: (1) building the capacity of seven selected branches (out of 12) of the project partner working in these seven provinces: Aceh, Central Kalimantan, DKI Jakarta, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, West Nusa Tenggara and Yogyakarta; (2) strengthening their operations through training, awareness-raising, research and advocacy in local communities and local government officials; (3) facilitating dialogue and events to raise awareness of local government and other stakeholders, including media, journalists, youth groups and civil society, to advance women’s rights on gender equality and equity; (4) organizing collaborative events with women’s organizations, women leaders and movements from grassroots to national levels; and (5) formulating policy advocacy documents by the national secretariat and partner branches on strengthening the women’s movement and gender equality. The project works with approximately 3,200 women, including 300 women leaders and 700 marginalized women (including peasant women, fisherwomen, indigenous women and women migrant workers), to strengthen and expand the movement in pushing and promoting women’s rights.
Integrating Gender Equality in the UNCCD
This grant represents Canada’s long-term institutional support to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The UNCCD uses these funds and other donors’ funding to deliver its mandate. Established in 1994, the UNCCD is the only legally binding agreement that brings together the environment, development, and sustainable land management. Accelerating rates of desertification, land degradation, and drought in developing countries exacerbate poverty and reduce resilience in the face of environmental crises, particularly for women and girls. Every day, women and girls face discrimination, unequal rights to land and other resources and a disproportionate amount of care and domestic work. However, they are key agents of change for the world to collectively manage land more sustainably, reduce biodiversity loss and adapt to and mitigate drought impacts. Since rejoining the UNCCD in 2017, Canada has underlined the importance of advancing gender equality and promoting the empowerment of women and girls to enhance global efforts in achieving land degradation neutrality and Sustainable Development Goal 15 – Life on Land. Through long-term institutional support strengthening the integration of gender equality, Canada supports the Convention Secretariat and the Global Mechanism in implementing the UNCCD’s Gender Action Plan.
Syria Crisis - Agricultural Livelihoods and Psychosocial Support - 2017-2019
December 2016 - The humanitarian situation in Syria continues to deteriorate as a result of the civil war in the country. An estimated 13.5 million people continue to be in need of humanitarian assistance, 6.1 million of which are displaced internally by violence and 975,080 located in besieged communities according to the United Nations. Repeated and deliberate attacks on humanitarian and medical workers continue to plague the conflict, adding to the vulnerability of millions of people, particularly women and children, who are affected by the conflict and struggle for access to the most basic services. With GAC’s support, this project provides livelihood opportunities and psychosocial support to up to 36,800 conflict-affected people. Project activities include: (1) provision of critical agricultural inputs at key times; (2) training on better farming techniques and increase productivity of cultivated land; (3) supporting conflict-affected rural women in sustaining productive animals; (4) supporting conflict-affected rural women in establishing and maintaining sustainable keyhole gardens; and (5) building and sustaining Child Friendly Spaces (CFSs).
Computerized Land Registry in Haiti
The project aims to secure private land titles registered in the handwritten registers centralized at the Direction Générale des Impôts in Port-au-Prince, in Haiti. The implementation of a computerized land registry system aims to facilitate the registration of notarial records and the search and identification of land titles by the general public. The activities of the project include: 1) digitizing and indexing over one million pages; 2) integrating the data in a database; 3) archiving manuscripts in a safe environment. The direct beneficiaries are the staff already in place, the national institutions responsible of land reform in Haiti, as well as 700 notaries and 600 surveyors operating on Haitian territory.