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Displaying 391 - 400 of 6947Responsible and Innovative Land Administration Project in Etiopia second phase (REILA II)
The intervention is the second phase of REILA (Responsible and Innovative Land Administration Project) that supports the development of land administration in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is one of the least developed countries (LDCs) according to the OECD's classif ication. All the land in Ethiopia is owned by the government but the farmers have traditional extensive user rights to their lands. Official registration of such lands increases further the tenure security. Increased land tenure security encourages farmers to use their lands in a sustainable way and to make investments to raise the productivity of the lands. Official registration also reduces conflicts over land.The project will be implemented in 2017-2021.The long term impact of the project is to achieve i mproved livelihood and economic well-being of the rural population through promotion of sustainable land management practices. The outcome is to have improved and appropriate land administration system for Ethiopia and improved land tenure security for rur al land users. Expected outputs can be divided into three result areas: 1. Improved regional land administration and increased and certified land security for land users 2. Improved capacity of such civil servants in different levels of administration who manage and coordinate land administration and improved capacity of Ethiopian mapping agency to survey accurately and efficiently land and 3. Improved supply of skilled manpower to the land administration sector in Ethiopia. Ministry of Agriculture manages the implementation of the project in Ethiopia. Finland will also procure via open tendering a technical assistance team to support the project. Finland's support to the intervention is 7.1 million euros with the following annual division: 2017: 1.2 million 2018: 1 million 2019: 1.5 million 2020: 1.9 million and 2021: 1.5 million.
Sustainable development education for children and the youth
enO Programme Association together with 4H Tanzania will implement a project for improving environmental awareness in the Iringa Njombe Morogoro and Ruvuma areas in Tanzania. The proposed project will raise awareness of sustainable development issues in sc hools and communities and create a road map for schools to be used around the world for planning and implementing such activities in the communities. The schools are encouraged to adopt the issues in formulating and designing their curricula content to cre ate a wider understanding of sustainable development. Tanzania is rich in natural resources but the rapid population growth and an increased need for living space and agricultural land as well as industrial activities have contributed to increase the count ry?s deforestation. Approximately 450 000ha of forest land is deforested in Tanzania annually. Deforestation is one of the contributors to for example climate change soil erosion biodiversity loss and loss of fertility in farms. Tanzania has identified tha t the lack of human capacity is hindering development. Therefore actions to address the capacity issue as well as understanding of natural resources have been identified crucial. The project aims at educating the children and youth on environmental awarene ss and sustainable development for them to understand the effects of forests and deforestation to the environment. The overall goal is to raise an environmentally conscious generation which will consider sustainable development issues in their everyday act ivities automatically whether it is in their personal life or working life. A road map for schools around the world will be designed and published. The road map can be used for introducing sustainable development and environmental issues to the public auth orities to encourage them in including them in the school curricula and extra-curricula activities. Case studies of successful sustainable development inclusions will also be presented.
LUKE INFORES Implementation of Forest Data in Tanzania
The project overall objective is ?Sustainable management and use of Tanzanian forests?. The project will contribute to this by increasing the availability of information on forests by working with three institutions of which two are research institutes (SU A TAFORI) and one is Tanzania Forest Service. In the long run this will improve the living conditions for the people of the country through strengthened national economy and quality of life. The project aims at supporting forest and land use policy in line with the National Forest Policy 2001. Forest land management forest-based industries and products and ecosystem conservation and management with institutions and human resources are included in NFP. The aim is sustainable supply of forest products and ser vices by maintaining sufficient forest area under effective management employment and foreign exchange earnings through sustainable forest-based industrial development and trade and ecosystem stability through conservation of forest biodiversity water catc hments and soil fertility.The results and activities of the INFORES-Tanzania project:1) Strengthened capacity of direct beneficiary organizations on NAFORMA maintenance and data dissemination and improved capacity on multisource forest data processing and GIS.2) Improved capacity of forest inventory and management oriented research in SUA and TAFORI.
Innovative Sanitation for Peri Urban Areas in Lusaka Zambia (InSPUR-Project) 2014 - 2016
There is a urgent need for provision of water and sanitation services as basic human right and enforcement of relevant regulations that affecting the improvement peri-urban settlements in Zambia which requires to be improved for both the livelihood and the environment. The Overall Objective of the Project is to Upscale the Implementation + Operationalise through Public Private Partnership the lessons learnt from Zambia Sustainable Sanitation Improvement Project (SSIP) a 6 years Longitudinal Action Ori ented Research Recommendations implemented by NECOS + Its International Partner GDTF. The project will promote equal access to clean water better sanitation and safe environment for the targeted communities. For some time NECOS has been pioneering alter native methods of providing sanitation services in peri-urban areas taking into account the need to protect contamination of underground water and the environment in general. The project promotes the assertion that equality between women and men is fundame ntal to tackling poverty and promoting meaningful and lasting improvements in the quality of community life. The construction dry toilets will significantly expected to contribute to improved peri-urban areas if intervention actions are taken. NECOS striv es to raise the standard of living and improved community healthy to reduce the environment health risks and costs of public health importance. The project planned to construct 150 dry toilets + build on the achievements of the six (6 years) longitu dinal action oriented research on the social-cultural sanitation financing mechanisms and the upgrading of the peri urban living environment. The main beneficiaries of the proposed project are the vulnerable people in the four 4 Constituencies and 8 W ards with population estimated at 18000 of the peri- urban residents including the councilors and area members of parliament. Project key activities include the construction of 150 Dry ToiletsFacilitating Policy Dialogue Workshops SMEs training + capac ity building School WASHE + Community Hygiene PromotionStakeholder meetings Monitoring +EvaluationReport writings Policy Brief IECs Materials + Ecosan user manual developmentImproved Tenure security promotionUrban Small Scale farming promotionSanitation M arketingPromotion of Sanitation Loan and Social Schemes introductionFacilitating student internships finalisingEcosan Curriculum Creating and Compilation of
2022-25 DEV Uganda - CAPCA
Overall objective of the country programme 2022-25: Strengthen the resilience, social cohesion and living conditions of the populations in Uganda confronted with the effects of the multifaceted crisis by enhancing sustainable food production, increased income, and their capacity to act as change agents of own and community welfare. The long-term changes (outcomes) of the country engagement 2022-2025: 1. Farmer cooperatives, local partners and national advocacy platforms are voicing interests of small-scale farmers, refugees, and youths on issues of relevance to them, including climate change adaptation, land rights and access of women and refugees, youth employment and easy market certification of value-added produce 2. Small-scale farmers have increased sustainable production and sale of produce through organised farming and climate smart techniques 3. Increased access and use of innovative green technology solutions reducing deforestation and wood fuel dependence among refugee, host, and vulnerable households 4. Youth and women are empowered and have gained increased influence through leadership positions, school peace clubs, the national youth-led advocacy platform (NYAP) and promotion of gender equity 5. All direct local partners (incl. at diocesan level) comply with CIMS and /or CHS 6. Local partners take lead and have increased influence at the international sphere
Strengthening forest dependent communities in Nepal through capacity building around sustainable forest manage
Overall objective: To increase financial and social empowerment of poor forest dependent communities?in Nepal. This will be done?by using forestry certification to?secure income, strengthen?their land management capacities, and build visibility to create resilience to challenges regarding access to their natural and cultural resources.
Supporting indigenous people in the use of natural resources in sustainable economic projects
Unterstützung Indigener im Gebrauch natürlicher Resourcen in nachhaltig ökonomischen Projekten
Ziel des Projektes ist es, die Landrechts- und LandnutzungsansprücheIndigener mit aktiver Beteiligung von Führungspersönlichkeiten, Frauen und Jugendlichen umzusetzen. Hierzu untersützt der Projektpartner u.a. Indigenen-Familien in der Rückgewinnung ihres Territoriums unter besonderer Beteiligung von Frauen und Jugendlichen, der Stärkung der Lebenspläne letzterer Gruppen sowie die Umsetzung von an den Klimawandel angepasster, produktiver Alternativen.
Multinational - Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in the Horn of Africa - Phase I
The Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Program - Project II is the second intervention in a long term Bank Programme to build communities’ resilience to drought and Climate Change, improve their livelihood and promote regional integration in the Horn of Africa. The Project will be implemented in a period of 5 years and its total cost is UA 81.667 million, of which UA 74.982 million is paid by the Bank and the remaining being the respective governments’ counterpart contributions.
Project II aims to scale up the Program interventions in Ethiopia and extend it to Eritrea, Somalia and Sudan. The Project is expected to develop infrastructures for i) water mobilisation and management, and ii) livestock production, health and marketing. It will also build the capacity of the populations and Governments of the region to better cope with the effects of climate change, resources scarcity and conflicts related to resources utilisation. Ultimately, the project is expected to increase the income of agro-pastoralists through the improvement of the delivery of livestock related services (animal production and health, rangeland management, marketing, etc.) and the development of irrigation schemes leading to the improvement of livestock parameters (growth rate, carcass weight, milk production and offtake rate) and, the productivity/production of the main crops. The diversification of the sources of livelihood and the mobilization/conservation of water resources as envisioned by the project will reduce the vulnerability of the population to climate change shocks and exposure to inter/intracommunity conflicts that arise from competition over access to water sources for livestock.
Target Groups
An estimated 20 million agro-pastoralists affected by drought and land degradation will directly benefit from the project. Other direct beneficiaries include the Governments of the region whose capacities will be strengthened to enhance drought resilience development, natural resources management and shared benefits, and regional integration.
Adaptation to Increase Resilience to Climate Change in Ethiopian Agriculture
Ethiopia's agriculture sector contributes 42 to 45% of its gross domestic product and employs more than 80% of the population. However, the sector remains fragile and vulnerable to climate change. This project will provide knowledge to help Ethiopians adapt. Climate change and agriculture in Ethiopia Scientists are predicting that rainfall in Ethiopia will be more variable, with more drought- and flood-related incidents in the future. Projected rainfall changes will make Ethiopia even more vulnerable to harvest and food shortfalls. Small-scale farmers will need to adopt water management technologies to increase food output in the face of a changing climate. There is a need to identify the barriers that farmers face. Enhancing adaptation through research This project aims to enhance the adaptation process in Ethiopia by -analyzing combinations of technologies for profitability and ease of use; -identifying barriers for optimal adaptation by examining data from the Blue Nile Basin that has a focus on climate change in small-scale agriculture; and -conducting a randomized controlled trial of a policy intervention designed to improve adaptation options that are socially accepted. The project team will also investigate how gender differentiated ime and risk preferences affect whether and to what extent households adopt technology. Results will help government and farmers The researchers will share their evidence-based analysis with the Ethiopian Ministries of Agriculture, and Water, Irrigation and Energy. The findings are expected to inform ongoing government policies and programs designed to increase adoption rates, crop yields, food security, sustainable agricultural growth, and resilience in the face of climate change. Programs include the Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy and the second phase of the Sustainable Land Management Sector Program. The project will build skills and knowledge among younger researchers, such as postdoctoral, PhD, and postgraduate students. The team will train farmers and extension agents, who educate farmers in new innovations. Research outputs will include scientific peer-reviewed publications, technical reports, and policy briefs.
Assessed and Other Contributions to UN Agencies
Assessed contributions are made to a number of UN agencies arising from Ireland’s membership of organisations such as the UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), the International Office for Migration (IOM), the UN Convention on Biodiversity (UNCBD), the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Contributions are also made to initiatives that reflect Ireland's commitment to multlateralism, such as the UN75 initiative to make the 75th anniversary of the UN's establishment.
UNIDO serves as a forum and broker for knowledge transfer on industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalisation and environmental sustainability. IOM works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration and to promote international cooperation on migration issues. UNCCD works to improve the condition of affected ecosystems, combat desertification/land degradation and promote sustainable land management.