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Land Portal Foundation administrative account
Displaying 571 - 580 of 6947Towards land equality? Exploring how cancelled land deals affect smallholder farmers’ land access and liveliho
The world is facing an unprecedented land inequality, not least in Africa where smallholder farmers lose land to private corporations. Land is the basis for smallholder farmers’ livelihoods. In addition, African smallholder farmers produce a major share of the continent’s food. Thus, the unequal land distribution is a major obstacle to food security and poverty eradication. It is also a major obstacle to building sustainable societies in general. Our research on large-scale agro-investments in Tanzania shows that there is an unexplored phenomenon that could contribute to a more equal land distribution: since the early 2000’s many such investments have been cancelled and millions of hectares of land have been left uncultivated. Studying the effects of such cancelled land deals is urgent since they seem to affect smallholders’ land access and livelihoods negatively but also seem to offer opportunities to redistribute land to smallholders. The aim of this project is to explore how cancelled land deals affect smallholders’ land access and livelihoods in Tanzania.The project will provide recommendations on how development policy and global sustainability standards better can support smallholders when land is redistributed, and better mitigate negative impacts of cancelled development projects. This is urgent since Covid-19 causes many cancelled projects when development funds are re-allocated to handling the pandemic.
Transforming matrilineal land rights? Agricultural intensification and land regularization in Northern Mozambi
The purpose of this study is to investigate how processes of individual/household land titling and agricultural intensification initiatives affect women’s and land-holding lineages’ land rights, and how they affect gendered land-related responsibilities under matrilineal tenure systems. While African policy documents highlight women’s land tenure insecurity as a key development problem, land reforms through regularisation are usually based on the implicit assumption is that land tenure is patrilineal. Furthermore, when customary land rights are formalised through ‘community delimitations’, in spite of non-discriminatory intentions, there is a tendency to formalisation bringing about a strengthening of male roles and authorities, in both patrilineal and matrilineal communities. In a context of a community-based land tenure reform in Nampula Province in Northern Mozambique, we aim to carry out field-based studies in communities where traditional tenure arrangements have been matrilineal. We will focus on four main issues: i) titling processes and women’s roles, ii) land rights and gendered responsibilities, iii) access to and control of land, and iv) agricultural intensification and subsistence. The research approach is qualitative, based on a comparative case study of three delimited communities. So far, there are no systematic research findings reported in the scholarly literature on this particular topic.
Global Environment Facility (A13087)
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established in 1994 to tackle the world’s most pressing environmental problems. It finances practical, on-the-ground projects that address climate change, biodiversity, land degradation, oceans and freshwater problems, ozone depletion, and chemical and hazardous waste management.
Promoting Early Recovery and Durable Solutions in Informal Settlements of Protracted IDPs and Regional Returne
The grant enables a consortium approach by four NGO/UN agencies to address the persisting, disadvantaging effects of prolonged and protracted displacement, providing ‘durable solutions’ in regional hubs around western, southern, and eastern Afghanistan, through an integrated multi-sectoral approach at the community level (secure land tenure, legal protection, basic shelter, sustainable livelihoods, water supply, sanitation and hygiene) and also at a national policy level (coordination, technical support, and policy advocacy on housing, land, and property rights, as well as urban reintegration initiatives linked to the forthcoming Citizen’s Charter). The grant also intends to further build an integrated, field-tested, strategic approach to coordination and programmatic implementation on ‘early recovery’ in Afghanistan, which is currently devoid of an Early Recovery Cluster. The consortium will also enable operational learning to better link relief, resilience, and development interventions in Afghanistan.
NOR-Integr. Progr. for Community Capasity Building
Social empowerment through establishing strong civil societies, Legal support for land ownership, Environmental protection, Economic empowerment and Gender equality.
MA-Empower Farmer Communities Claiming Their Rights and Basic Need
The project organizes community members who have land issues, land conflicts and human rights issues, and through local committees empowers them to address their issues to relevant actors.
Rights based REDD+ Indonesia
Outcome 1: The international climate regime for land-use and forests includes a rights-based approach and provisions to protect natural ecosystems • Outcome 2: Indigenous peoples and other forest-dependent communities enjoy greater respect for their land rights and are recognised for their sustainable management and protection of the rainforest. Implementing partners: AMAN, PARADISEA,WALHI KALTenG,WARSI
Rights based REDD+ Myanmar
Outcome 1: The international climate regime for land-use and forests includes a rights-based approach and provisions to protect natural ecosystems • Outcome 2: Indigenous peoples and other forest-dependent communities enjoy greater respect for their land rights and are recognised for their sustainable management and protection of the rainforest. Implementation by RFN and partners
PELUM Uganda SP Right to Food 2019-2020
PELUM Uganda will lead the consortium members on both seeds and land work by consolidating momentum to stop insensitive land acquisition processes by government and private companies and individuals, map and establish strategic collaborations with other actors including research organizations at different levels, work with seeds companies to influence their attitudes positively on farmer managed seeds systems, influence formulation and implementation of subnational climate policies, improve understanding and attitudesof men and cultural institutions on women land rights, strengthen land administration structures. PELUM will do all these through her member organizations that are directly implementing R2F project.
ASCUT: ASCUT is a network of civil society organization and intergovernmental organizations working together to promote secure and lobbying for pro-poor land policies and laws. The alliance has been in existence since 2014 and has working to a number of local policies, laws and administrative systems over land for poor women and men through advocacy, dialogue, knowledge sharing and capacity building. ASCUT is hosted on JOINT, League of NGOs in Mozambique. JOINT connect and strengthen the institutions of civil society in order to improve collective action for the common good as well as the dialogue with the Government and Private Sector. Operational strategies [National level]: Partner with national-level responsibility to strengthen the link between activists and the academe, as well as in a direct and positive mode of engagement with government and other intergovernmental agencies. Also organize dialogues with relevant stakeholders, sharing policy positions on land rights and coordinating support for activities on improving tenure security and capacity development on land issues and policies. It is also responsible on pressuring and influencing the parliament [Land Commission] land issues and policies. Geographical location of interventions of counterpartner: National / Central level General terms the interventions strategies that will be applied: Research and influence activities # CSOs increasingly participate in or initiate influencing and advocacy efforts on access to land farmers especially