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Accountability Counsel logo

Accountability Counsel amplifies the voices of communities around the world to protect their human rights and environment. As advocates for people harmed by internationally financed projects, we employ community-driven and policy level strategies to access justice.

Advocates for Natural Resources and Development logo

We are a nonprofit group of researchers activists, organizers, and lawyers with expertise in human rights, environmental governance, corporate and government accountability. Our small team of activists work tirelessly and relentlessly in Uganda to extend legal services to the very poor and to preserve our natural resources.

We also network with a fantastic broad network of part-time and volunteer members on the ground whose dedication to our cause is crucial to our operations.


The Agri-Malawi Magazine is an agricultural focused publication with dynamic online platform with its editorial office based in Blantyre, Malawi with a great network of representative writers and journalist across major cities in the country.

The Association of Environmental Lawyers of Liberia (Green Advocates) is Liberia's first and only public interest environmental law organization dedicated to  ensuring the protection of the environment, defending human rights, empowering and amplifying the voices of poor people who are victimized in resource exploitationand by using the rule of law to hold state and non state actors accountable for their actions.

ANU is a world-leading university in Australia's capital city, Canberra. Our location points to our unique history, ties to the Australian Government and special standing as a resource for the Australian people.

Our focus on excellence in research and education ensures our graduates are in demand the world-over, well-prepared to address complex contemporary challenges.

Bank Information Center logo

The Bank Information Center (BIC) partners with civil society in developing and transition countries to influence the World Bank and other international financial institutions (IFIs) to promote social and economic justice and ecological sustainability. BIC is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization that advocates for the protection of rights, participation, transparency, and public accountability in the governance and operations of the World Bank Group and regional development banks.

BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights (BAOBAB) is a not-for-profit, nongovernmental women’s human rights organisation, which focuses on women’s legal rights issues under the three systems of law – customary, statutory and religious laws – in Nigeria. The organisation operates from a national office in Lagos, with outreach teams in 14 states across Nigeria.

Both Ends

Together with environmental justice and human rights groups from poor and developing countries, Both ENDS works towards a sustainable, fair and inclusive world.

The vision of Both ENDS is a world where long-term environmental sustainability and social equity take priority over short-term profits.

O Centro de Estudos, Articulação e Referência sobre Assentamentos Humanos – CEARAH Periferia – é uma organização não governamental sem fins lucrativos, criada em 1991, que atua principalmente em Fortaleza e Região Metropolitana (CE-Brasil). Filiado à Associação Brasileira de Organizações Não Governamentais (Abong) e membro do Conselho Nacional das Cidades.


CCCND trabaja junto con las comunidades Ch’orti en la región Nor-oriental de Guatemala. La organización provee apoyo legal y visibilidad a estas comunidades que enfrentan amenazas y violaciones a sus derechos humanos dada la implementación de proyectos hidroeléctricos y mineria en sus territorios.  Su trabajo a contribuido en la recuperación de identidad y gobernanza del territorio chòrti,  así como en la múltiples propuestas para desarrollo de política pública para el acceso a la tierra y la administración del territorio del pueblo Ch òrti`.

A CMP é fruto de um processo histórico de resistência e dos movimentos sociais populares, em especial das lutas sociais dos anos 1980. Foi fundada no I Congresso Nacional de Movimentos Populares, realizado de 28 a 31 de outubro de 1993, realizado em Belo Horizonte-MG.

CLRA is an independent, not-for-profit, non-partisan initiative, which works to support and strengthen Parliament and legislatures so as to realise the values of democratic governance. Through research, advocacy, networking and other allied activities CLRA seeks to promote and reinforce the constitutionally assigned roles and functions of parliamentary institutions. This includes supporting institutional development and capacity building aimed at cultivating a well-functioning, sustainable and pluralistic system of democratic polity.

Il y a 897 éléments de contenu liés à plaidoyer sur le Land Portal.

Advocacy has a broad meaning: it means pushing for some kind of change in society. It includes trying to persuade people to change their behaviour, pressing companies to change their activities or rules, or persuading the government to change its policies and laws. (p.123)

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