système d'exploitation agricole | Land Portal

Dernières nouvelles

7 décembre 2021
Afrique occidentale

 Les pays membres de l'Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine (UEMOA), se préparent à se doter d’un système d’information foncière en zone urbaine. Et selon les informations, le Togo, suite à la réunion des Ministres chargés de l'urbanisme, de l’habitat et du foncier urbain dans la zone, tenue à Dakar fin novembre, va apporter son expertise à l’espace communautaire en ce sens.



Agricultural Institute of Canada logo


On June 2, 1920, the Canadian Society of Technical Agriculturists was formally launched. The idea of an organization dedicated to the professional aspects of Canadian agriculture caught on and branches quickly formed across the country.

Armenian State Agrarian University logo

Armenian National Agrarian University is the only higher educational institution that educates specialists for agrarian sphere. ANAU has passed a glorious scientific and educational road, and the University is proud of its graduates who serve for the welfare and prosperity of our country. Issues concerning the improvement and development of higher education, as well as the quality and utility of research works have always been a priority for the University authority and the personnel.

Biosicherheit ist immer noch ein großes Thema. Gerade in Schulen ist dieses Thema von großer Bedeutung. Wenn man forscht und herum experimentiert kann man schon fast nicht mehr darauf verzichten. Biosicherheit hat auch viel mit der eignen Sicherheit zu tun und sollte daher auf keinen Fall vernachlässigt werden. Genau deshalb haben wir dieses Thema zu dem Hauptthema dieses Artikels gemacht. Doch was ist überhaupt Biosicherheit bzw. was versteht man darunter?

Botanical Society of America logo

Founded in 1893, the Botanical Society of America (BSA) is a "not-for-profit" 501 (c) (3) membership society whose mission is to: promote botany, the field of basic science dealing with the study and inquiry into the form, function, development, diversity, reproduction, evolution, and uses of plants and their interactions within the biosphere.

Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science

From the beginning of 1995 the Agricultural Academy in Bulgaria is publishing Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science (BJAS)® - the first agricultural scientific journal in Bulgaria for fundamental and applied researches, published entirely in English language, and one of the few such journals in Central Europe.

The Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP), founded in 2004, is a non-profit organisation. BFAP exists with the distinct purpose to objectively inform and support decision-making by stakeholders in the agro-food, fibre and beverage sectors of Africa. It provides independent, rigorously tested, research-based market and policy analyses.

Canadian Agricultural Economics Society logo

Who We Are

The Canadian Agricultural Economics Society (CAES) is an association comprised of individuals with a professional interest in topics related to the economics of agriculture, food, natural resources, and the environment. CAES members include economists and other social science professionals in universities, government, non-government agencies and the private sector, and undergraduate and graduate students. CAES members include Canadians and others, in Canada and elsewhere.

Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia logo


Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia is the umbrella interest organization of natural and legal persons in the Republic of Slovenia engaged in agriculture, forestry and fishery. Its central task is to protect and represent their interests, to consult them and accelerate economical and environment friendly activities.

Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria logo

La Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria, Corpoica, es una entidad pública descentralizada de participación mixta sin ánimo de lucro, de carácter científico y técnico, cuyo objeto es desarrollar y ejecutar actividades de Investigación, Tecnología y transferir procesos de Innovación tecnológica al sector agropecuario.


Enda Pronat

ENDA PRONAT est née au début des années 80 suite à une étude réalisée par Paul Germain et Abou Thiam  sur « Les pesticides : une menace pour le Sénégal ». Son intervention a commencé par des activités de sensibilisation auprès des chercheurs et des utilisateurs. Ensuite l’action de PRONAT s’est poursuivie par la recherche et la formation des productrices et des producteurs sur l’utilisation d’alternatives aux pesticides chimiques. L’année 1996 consacre l’avènement d’une nouvelle vision mettant la recherche développement au centre des préoccupations de ENDA PRONAT.

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research logo

EIAR is a governmental research institute that conducts vast research activities in different research areas with the vision to see an improved livelihood of all Ethiopians engaged in agriculture, agro-pastoralism and pastoralism through market competitive agricultural technologies.

Ethiopian Society of Animal Production logo

Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP) is an Ethiopian Resident Society of professionals of animal production and related fields. ESAP is a multifaceted platform and knowledge hub of animal scientists, policy makers, researchers and academia, farmers, pastoralists, and private sector working in the sphere of animal agriculture for overarching goal-sustainable and resilient animal agriculture in Ethiopia.

Il y a 2,561 éléments de contenu liés à système d'exploitation agricole sur le Land Portal.

Different types of farming and methods of cultivation, e.g. shifting cultivation systems, ley systems, systems with permanent upland cultivation, fallow systems, grazing systems and systems with perennial crops.

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