Fazendo pontes: fortalecendo comunidades indígenas por meio de financiamento direto para o clima
27 Setembro 2024
Em 23 de setembro de 2024, um poderoso evento híbrido intitulado "Do compromisso à ação: Possibilitando o Financiamento Direto para Povos Indígenas em Iniciativas Multilaterais de Clima e Biodiversidade" foi realizado na sede da Fundação Ford, em Nova York, como parte da Semana do Clima. O evento reuniu líderes indígenas, ativistas, representantes de fundos multilaterais e especialistas em financiamento climático para tratar de uma questão crítica: Os mecanismos multilaterais, com sua extensa burocracia, podem atender à necessidade urgente de financiamento direto e adequado à finalidade dos povos indígenas na linha de frente dos desafios climáticos e de biodiversidade?
Quilombolas conquistam acordo para regularizar território de Alcântara (MA)
20 Setembro 2024
Foto: Myke Sena/DPU/Flickr (CC0 1.0)
Angola em chamas
14 Setembro 2024
Foto: Fundação Matutu/Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0)
Todos os anos, na estação seca, de Junho a Setembro, Angola queima. Queima um pouco mais. Perde mais árvores, florestas desaparecem e altera-se o ecossistema.
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Land-locked Laos has the lowest population density in Southeast Asia and livelihoods mostly rely on rice farming and non-forest products. In 2023, the remaining forest cover reached a historic low with 40%. As a result of the Turning Land into Capital Strategy in 2006, the country has experienced massive investments in hydropower, and agricultural and forest concessions. The revised Land and Forestry laws of 2019 recognize customary tenure for the first time. Laos is highly vulnerable to climate stress.
Nicknamed the "country of the distant sunset," due to its western location compared to Levant countries of the Middle East, Morocco is a Maghreb country characterized by a wide variety of natural environments. Its landscapes range from snow-capped peaks to desert areas dotted with oases, arable plains, and oak and cedar forests. Over time, Morocco's rich history has shaped the way land is governed. The Islamization of the country, its colonization, and then its accession to independence successively transformed customary practices but did not entirely eliminate them. This complex history has resulted in a layered land tenure system, with different categories of land established during these various periods existing side-by-side today.
Forests and woodlands provide livelihoods for many communities who rely on timber, firewood, building materials, non-wood forest products, fodder, food, medical plants, and water. According to FAO, more than 2.6 billion people depend on forests and their products and services which are mostly used informally. Despite the importance of forest tenure reform, it has not received enough attention. Forest tenure and property rights determine who owns and manages forest resources.
The SDG Land Tracker provides easy access to official data and information on all land-specific SDG indicators. It concisely explains the indicators, why they are important, and tracks progress.