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Es función de la UPRA orientar la formulación y ejecución de políticas públicas para la planificación del ordenamiento productivo y de la propiedad rural, con el fin de promover el uso eficiente del suelo para el desarrollo rural agropecuario con enfoque territorial.


Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER )

HEKS champions the cause of a more humane and just world and a life in dignity. Internationally, HEKS/EPER focuses on rural community development, humanitarian aid and inter-church cooperation. 

Uganda Landcare Network (ULN) is an association of individuals and institutions committed to the principles, philosophy and practice of Landcare in Uganda. ULN is registered as a trustee to champion Landcare activities nationwide. It is built on the global successes of Landcare including Australia where it was launched close to 30 years ago and has been adopted worldwide by communities and land managers dedicated to sustainable land management.


The Journal of Environmental Protection (JEP) is published monthly and one of most prospective international journals with multiple disciplines. It covers various aspects of environmental issues, such as research, strategies and the state-of-the-art technologies for prediction, prevention and protection addressing up-to-date research in natural and social sciences related to environmental concerns. The journal includes but not limited to research papers, technical reports, subject reviews, short comments and book reviews on relevant aspects of the field.

The central motivation of the BonaRes Centre (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ) is the transfer of existing and newly generated knowledge about soil functions into scientifically based decision support tools for soil management in the context of a sustainable bioeconomy. In future, it should be possible to make decisions on soil management options based on current scientific knowledge. This should protect soils with their diverse functions and steer their sustainable use as a bio-economic production factor.

Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore

The Gardens' Bulletin Singapore is a peer-reviewed journal publishing original papers and reviews on plant structure and taxonomy (including revisions), evolution and biogeography, floristics, ecology and  conservation, as well as related fields such as horticulture and ethnobotany, with emphasis on the plant life of the Southeast Asian-Pacific region.

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ICCO is an independent non-governmental organization with business features. Our aim is to secure the livelihoods and rights of farmers and small businesses in low and middle-income countries.

Despite the fall in the number of people living in extreme poverty in the past decades, poverty remains pervasive and inequalities continue to increase. Millions of people are unable to realize their full potential.

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Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands) is a successful Dutch environmental organization. People from all over the Netherlands work together with Milieudefensie to create a fairer and more sustainable country. We have a significant influence on governing bodies and businesses in the decisions they make.

Ceres is a sustainability nonprofit organization working with the most influential investors and companies to build leadership and drive solutions throughout the economy. Through powerful networks and advocacy, Ceres tackles the world’s biggest sustainability challenges, including climate change, water scarcity and pollution, and inequitable workplaces.

Our mission: Ceres is transforming the economy to build a sustainable future for people and the planet. 

Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 1995 in Nepal. It capitalizes on local initiatives for sustainable management of renewable natural resources and helps improve the livelihoods of resource poor and marginalized people.

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The Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) is a multi-stakeholder platform with a global secretariat led by CIFOR and core funding provided by the Government of Germany. The GLF accelerates action towards the creation of productive, prosperous, equitable and climate-resilient landscapes and the achievement of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030).




A Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia (ANA) é um espaço de articulação e convergência entre movimentos, redes e organizações da sociedade civil brasileira engajadas em experiências concretas de promoção da agroecologia, de fortalecimento da produção familiar e de construção de alternativas sustentáveis de desenvolvimento rural. Atualmente a ANA articula vinte e três redes estaduais e regionais, que reúnem centenas de grupos, associações e organizações não governamentais em todo o país, além de quinze movimentos sociais de abrangência nacional.

The central motivation of the BonaRes Centre (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ) is the transfer of existing and newly generated knowledge about soil functions into scientifically based decision support tools for soil management in the context of a sustainable bioeconomy. In future, it should be possible to make decisions on soil management options based on current scientific knowledge. This should protect soils with their diverse functions and steer their sustainable use as a bio-economic production factor.

Both Ends

Together with environmental justice and human rights groups from poor and developing countries, Both ENDS works towards a sustainable, fair and inclusive world.

The vision of Both ENDS is a world where long-term environmental sustainability and social equity take priority over short-term profits.

Ceres is a sustainability nonprofit organization working with the most influential investors and companies to build leadership and drive solutions throughout the economy. Through powerful networks and advocacy, Ceres tackles the world’s biggest sustainability challenges, including climate change, water scarcity and pollution, and inequitable workplaces.

Our mission: Ceres is transforming the economy to build a sustainable future for people and the planet. 


The Dedan Kimathi University of Technology motto is: “Better Life through Technology”.



To be a Premier Technological University Excelling in Quality Education, Research, and Technology Transfer for National Development.



A Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) foi criada em 26 de abril de 1973 e é vinculada ao Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (Mapa). Desde a nossa criação, assumimos um desafio: desenvolver, em conjunto com nossos parceiros do Sistema Nacional de Pesquisa Agropecuária (SNPA), um modelo de agricultura e pecuária tropical genuinamente brasileiro, superando as barreiras que limitavam a produção de alimentos, fibras e energia no nosso País.

 Environmental & Water Resources logo

Advancing water resources and environmental solutions to achieve a sustainable future

The Environmental & Water Resources Institute is ASCE’s technical source for environmental and water-related issues. EWRI is one of eight ASCE technical institutes. 

Our members include professionals whose focus areas are:

  • the Environment
  • Groundwater

O Fórum Brasileiro de Soberania e Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (FBSSAN), criado em 1998, articula pessoas, organizações, redes, movimentos sociais e instituições de pesquisa na luta pelo Direito Humano à Alimentação. Busca sensibilizar para uma visão mais ampla da questão, trabalhando com variadas perspectivas do sistema alimentar: produção, processamento, abastecimento e consumo.

Milieudefensie logo

Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands) is a successful Dutch environmental organization. People from all over the Netherlands work together with Milieudefensie to create a fairer and more sustainable country. We have a significant influence on governing bodies and businesses in the decisions they make.

Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore

The Gardens' Bulletin Singapore is a peer-reviewed journal publishing original papers and reviews on plant structure and taxonomy (including revisions), evolution and biogeography, floristics, ecology and  conservation, as well as related fields such as horticulture and ethnobotany, with emphasis on the plant life of the Southeast Asian-Pacific region.

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