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La présente ordonnance modifie les dispositions relatives aux sanctions prévues pour les infractions aux dispositions des projets d’urbanisme ou d’aménagement.
Modifie: Loi nº 67-167 relative à l'urbanisme. (1960-10-03)


Le présent décret porte réglementation relative aux plans d'urbanisme, aux lotissement et aux permis de construire.
Mis en oeuvre par: Arrêté n° 3321 du 27 décembre 1963 fixant les modalités d’enregistrement des permis de construire. (1963-12-27)
Mis en oeuvre par: Arrêté n° 992…


La présente loi définit les modalités d'établissement et d'exécution des divers projets d'urbanisme et d'aménagement, à savoir: projet directeur d’urbanisme; projet d’aménagement complet ou partiel; projet d’aménagement sommaire et projet spécial d’aménagement intéressant la…


Toute personne qui se propose de construire, surélever, modifier ou réparer un bâtiment, mur, clôture ou ouvrage quelconque distant ou devant , après l’exécution des travaux, être distant en quelqu’une de ses parties de moins de trois mètres des conducteurs ou des supports d’une ligne de…


This Act empowers the President to divide Zambia into such Provinces and divide the Provinces into such Districts, as may be convenient for the purposes of administration, describing the boundaries thereof and assigning names thereto.


This Notice delegates the functions of the Minister under subsections (1) and (2) of section 25 of the Town and Country Planning Act relating to the grant or refusal of permission to develop or subdivide land in respect of the areas set out in the First Schedule to the Act to the appropriate…


This Act places restrictions on the creation of settlements, trusts and future interests in relation to rights in land and other property.Subject to certain exceptions, the Act prohibits the settlement of property, the limitation of any property in trust for another or any vesting in possession…


This Act concerns the faculty of trust corporations (as defined by this Act) to act as administrator of executor of wills or administrator of estates of deceased persons. Certain reservations are made for securities and land. A trust corporation may be appointed as an executor or an…


This Act makes provision for the appointment of the Administrator-General and defines functions and powers of this public office. The Administrator-General shall be responsible principally for the administration of estates of deceased persons leaving property in Zambia.The Administrator-General…


This Order defines property that is exempted from rating in accordance with the Rating Act, 1997. This category includes agricultural land and buildings on such land, used primarily for the purposes of agriculture excluding residential and recreational buildings and lands and buildings situated…


This Act prescribes measures for the extermination of mosquitoes and shall apply to urban areas, areas near to urban areas and other areas as the Minister may direct. The Act empowers the Minister to make rules prescribing the measures to be taken for the extermination of mosquitoes within any…


This Act establishes of the Administrative Court, defines its jurisdiction and provides with respect to legal proceedings at the Court and related matters. The Court shall have such jurisdiction, powers and authority as may be conferred upon it by this Act or any other enactment. The Court may,…