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Using a Gender-Responsive Land Rights Framework to Assess Youth Land Rights in Rural Liberia
Volume 9 Issue 8

Resource information

Date of publication
Agosto 2020
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This article summarizes the evidence on youth land rights in Liberia from a literature review combined with primary research from two separate studies: (1) A qualitative assessment conducted as formative research to inform the design of the Land Rights and Sustainable Development (LRSD) project for Landesa and its partners’ community level interventions; and (2) a quantitative baseline survey of program beneficiaries as part of an evaluation of the LRSD project. The findings are presented using a Gender-Responsive Land Rights Framework that examines youth land rights through a gender lens. The evidence highlights that female and male youth in Liberia face significant but different barriers to long-term access to land, as well as to participation in decisions related to land. Our suggested recommendations offer insights for the implementation of Liberia’s recently passed Land Rights Act as well as for community-level interventions focused on increasing youth land tenure security in Liberia.

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Authors and Publishers

Author(s), editor(s), contributor(s)

Louis, Elizabeth
Mauto, Tizai
Dodd, My-Lan
Heidenrich, Tasha
Dolo, Peter
Urey, Emmanuel

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