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Biblioteca Five Years into the SDGs: Are we on track to deliver the land targets?

Five Years into the SDGs: Are we on track to deliver the land targets?

Five Years into the SDGs: Are we on track to deliver the land targets?
A Webinar Report

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Date of publication
Agosto 2020
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This virtual side event was proposed as part of the 2020 SDG High Level Political Forum which was held from 7th to 16th July 2020. It was organised by the SDG Land Momentum Group, an informal group of civil society organizations and multilateral agencies which advocate the implementation of the land targets of the SDGs and support their monitoring.  

Acknowledging the centrality of land issues to end hunger and achieve sustainable development, countries have agreed to meet ambitious land targets by 2030. Five years into the SDGs, persistent land insecurity, land evictions, threats to land rights defenders and other challenges show that the land promises are not being delivered.

These challenges are now compounded with Covid-19 where economic downturns and job losses or insecurity across the world are creating havoc even among those who used to count on reliable and sufficient income. A strong pattern of reversed migration takes place, while government resources are thinly stretched. 

In this webinar we discussed with participants where we stand and considered joint strategies to meet the land-related SDG targets, namely: 1.4, 2.3, 5.a and 15.3. Panelists explored the threats to women and men’s secure access to land amid the current COVID-19 world pandemic, as well as how the SDG commitments can help address these challenges and how to support Member States’ delivery on their land commitments.


  • Rukshana Nanayakkara, Global Policy and Advocacy Expert at the International Land Coalition (ILC)


  • Patricia Chaves, Director of Espaco Feminista 
  • Diana Fletschner, Senior Director of Research, Evaluation and Learning at Landesa
  • Liv Nielsen, Land and SDGs officer at the Latin American and the Caribbean Initiative of the International Land Coalition (ILC)


A complete recording of the webinar can be found here:


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