The Land Portal is a Foundation registered in the Netherlands in 2014.
The vision of the Portal is to improve land governance to benefit those with the most insecure land rights and the greatest vulnerability to landlessness through information and knowledge sharing.
The goal of the Portal is to become the leading online destination for information, resources, innovations and networking on land issues. Through this it will support more inclusive and informed debate and action on land governance and will increase the adoption and up-scaling of best practices and emerging innovations on land tenure.
Read more about us and join the Land Portal now!
Displaying 121 - 125 of 173Asegurando más los pastizales
Asegurar los pastizales es un importante debate en curso, debido a la compleja planificación que su uso necesita y la falta de reconocimiento o protección. En un debate en línea del 29 de enero al 14 de febrero de 2018, 38 participantes de 4 continentes debatieron sobre los principales desafíos, soluciones y lecciones aprendidas, así como sobre vías para plataformas multiactores. La minería y la expansión de los cultivos son las mayores amenazas para los pastizales, que se derivan de la afección a de corredores de movilidad, el acaparamiento de tierras y la marginación de los pastores.
Обеспечение пастбищных угодий является важной продолжающейся дискуссией из-за сложного планирования, необходимого для их использования, а также отсутствия признания или защиты. В интерактивном обсуждении, которое проходило с 29 января по 14 февраля 2018 года, 38 участников с 4 континентов обсудили основные проблемы, решения и извлеченные уроки, а также пути для многосторонних платформ. Горнодобывающая промышленность и расширение культур являются крупнейшими угрозами для пастбищных угодий, которые вызывают разрушение коридоров мобильности, захват земель и маргинализацию скотоводов.
Refocusing the South African Land Debate
This moderated online dialogue was facilitated by Phuhlisani NPC in association with the Land Portal. Phuhlisani NPC has drafted this report on the key issues surfaced through the dialogue.
Dialogue objectives
The dialogue provided an online forum to explore different perspectives on the content of a pro-poor programme of land reform programme that can:
An Introduction to Prindex
The webinar An introduction to Prindex took place on 28 November, 2018. This webinar presented a basic understanding of how Prindex works. The Prindex team presented results of data collected from 15 countries. It focused on pathways for using Prindex to propel policy conversations and movement-building for policy reform with the help of panellists from some of the countries where data was collected.
Panelists were asked to address the following questions:
The Land Reform Agenda for Kenya
The webinar on the Land Reform Agenda for Kenya took place on 10 October, 2018. The webinar reviewed the land reform process in Kenya and addressed a range of challenges, with a view to defining a path forward that will lead to equity and justice in land reforms.
The webinar addressed the following questions: