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These Regulations amend the Morcellement Act by repealing the Second Schedule and replacing it by the Schedule to these Regulations. The Schedule specifies processing fees and morcellement fees.
Amends: Morcellement Act. (2000)


These Regulations amend the State Lands Act in the Second Schedule in relation with lease of state lands by tourist accomodations.
Amends: State Lands Act. (2016)


Aucune construction à usage d'habitation ou non ne peut être édifiée sans un Permis de Construire Ordinaire délivré dans les conditions indiquées par le présent décret. Ces dispositions s'appliquent à toutes les constructions édifiées en matériaux définitifs sur un terrain domanial…


These Regulations specify, in the Schedule, the qualifications that shall be the appropriate qualifications for the purposes of section 5(1)(b)(ii) of the Land Surveyors Act. That section provides that no person shall be granted a commission under the Act unless that person holds: (i) the…


These Regulations amend the Land (Duties and Taxes) Act in the Eight Schedule in relation to exemption from payment of duty or tax under the Act. The Eighth Schedule to the Act is amended by adding, after item (r), the following new item: (s) witnessing the transfer of land at a nominal price of…


II est créé au sein du Ministère de l'Habitat, de l'Urbanisme, de l'Environnement et de l'Aménagement du Territoire un Bureau d'exécution des projets de la Grande Muraille Verte (BGMV). Placé sous l'autorité du Secrétaire Général, le Bureau d'exécution des…


Le schéma d'aménagement régional de La Réunion fixe, en tant que document de planification et d'aménagement du territoire, les orientations à moyen terme en matière de développement durable, de mise en valeur du territoire et de protection de l'environnement. Il détermine la…


La présente loi porte création de l'office rwandais pour la promotion de l'habitat et détermine ses attributions, son organisation et son fonctionnement.


This Law, consisting of 6 Chapters, aims at regulating the territorial planning of Mozambique, in order to guarantee the organization and sustainable use of the environment. It establishes regulations for the following sectors: General provisions (Chap. I), Territorial Management System (Chap.…


This Act provides rules for the carrying out of cadastral surveys of the island of Mahé and of such other islands as may be approved by the Minister. Any person appointed by the President as cadastral surveyors shall have all the rights and privileges of a land surveyor licensed under the Land…


This Act provides that an original grantee and his or hers heirs and assigns who hold land in Seychelles under a deed of concession granted by the Crown before this Act shall be deemed to hold such land in full legal ownership as if under such deed of concession and said full legal ownership of…