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Données Land Book Jeux de données

Land Book Jeux de données

Les ensembles de données ci-dessous ont été tirés d'un large éventail de sources de données internationales et couvrent un spectre tout aussi large de thèmes et de questions liés à la terre. Utilisez les différents filtres pour explorer cette collection de données unique et ouverte.

Displaying 49 - 55 of 55 datasets

WB - Gender Indicators

The Gender Data Portal (link is external) is the World Bank Group’s comprehensive source for the latest sex-disaggregated data and gender statistics covering demography, education, health, access to economic opportunities, public l

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

World Bank Group
Indicators: 4

WB - Land Governance and Assessment Framework (LGAF), Scorecards 2016

The dataset "LGAF Scorecards 2016" contains information from the post-2013 round of Land Governance and Assessment Framework (LGAF) of the World Bank. The 2016 LGAF dataset consists of 27 core land governance indicators, which are then further broken down into a total of 116 dimensions.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

World Bank Group
Indicators: 116

WB - LGAF Scorecards 2013

The dataset "LGAF Scorecards 2013" contains information from the pre-2013 round of Land Governance and Assessment Framework (LGAF) of the World Bank. The 2013 LGAF dataset consists of 27 core land governance indicators, which are then further broken down into a total of 80 dimensions.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

World Bank Group
Indicators: 80

WB - Rural Development Indicators

This dataset contains indicators on rural areas and agricultural activities (such as Employees in Agriculture, Agriculture Value Added, Agricultural Irrigated Land...), as provided by the World Bank.

Please note that for most indicators below, data is available for years beyond 2020, unlike what the table displays.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

World Bank Group
Indicators: 6

WB - Socio-Economic Indicators

This dataset contains a variety of socio-economic indicators (labour force participation, unemployment, GDP, GINI index...) provided by the World Bank.

Please note that for most indicators below, data is available for years beyond 2020, unlike what the table displays.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

World Bank Group
Indicators: 16

WB - World Governance Indicators

This dataset contains indicators on institutional quality as provided by the World Bank World Governance Indicators (WGI) Database. The Land Portal currently hosts 3 indicators from the WGI dataset, namely the Rule of Law, Control of Corruption and Political stability and absence of violence/terrorism.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

World Bank Group
Indicators: 3

WF - Open Data Barometer

This dataset contains the data from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th edition of the Open Data Barometer (ODB). This barometer aims to uncover the true prevalence and impact of open data initiatives around the world.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

Web Foundation
Indicators: 2