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Données Land Book Jeux de données

Land Book Jeux de données

Les ensembles de données ci-dessous ont été tirés d'un large éventail de sources de données internationales et couvrent un spectre tout aussi large de thèmes et de questions liés à la terre. Utilisez les différents filtres pour explorer cette collection de données unique et ouverte.

Displaying 17 - 32 of 55 datasets

Land governance Programme Map

The original dataset - Land governance Programme Map & Database by Global Donor Platform For Rural Development - retains more than 800 projects which are being implemented in 140+ countries.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

Global Donor Platform for Rural Development
Indicators: 28

Land Matrix - Large-Scale Land Acquisitions

This dataset contains information provided by the Land Matrix on the size, purpose, year and location of Large-Scale Land Aquisitions around the world.

--> The data below has been updated until 2022.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

Land Matrix
Indicators: 52

LandMark - Geospatial Dataset Indigenous & Community lands

LandMark: The Global Platform of Indigenous and Community Lands displays georeferenced information on collectively-held and used lands worldwide. It consolidates the numerous ongoing local, national, and regional efforts to map and document indigenous and community lands within a single global platform.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

Indicators: 9

LCW - Land Conflicts in India

Land Conflict Watch is a research-based data journalism project that maps, collects, and analyses ongoing land conflicts in India.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

Land Conflict Watch
Indicators: 4

LMAF - Lao Census of Agriculture

The Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11 was the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR. Since the first in 1998/99, the agricultural sector underwent significant changes.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

Lao Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Indicators: 39

LMM - Indicators of the Legal Security of Indigenous and Community Lands

The dataset "Indicators of the Legal Security of Indigenous and Community Lands" is characterized by a series of ten indicator questions that point to the security of land tenure for Indigenous Peoples or communities as established in national laws.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

Indicators: 22

LMM - Percent of Indigenous and Community Lands

The dataset "Percent of Indigenous and Community Lands" contains the estimated area of land held or used by Indigenous Peoples and non-indigenous communities per country as a percentage of the country’s total land area. The data are divided into three categories, each of them correspond to an indicator on the LB.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

Indicators: 3

Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative

The Notre Dame-Global Adaptation Index (ND-GAIN) Country Index is a free opensource index that shows a country’s current vulnerability to climate disruptions. It also assesses a country’s readiness to leverage private and public sector investment for adaptive actions.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative
Indicators: 1

NRGI - Resource Governance Index

The Resource Governance Indexes, developed by NRGI, measures the quality of countries' resource governance. In 2017, these indexes measures the quality of resource governance in 81 countries that together produce 82 percent of the world’s oil, 78 percent of its gas and a significant proportion of minerals, including 72 percent of all copper.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

Natural Resource Governance Institute
Indicators: 2

OECD - Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Database 2019

The Social Institution and Gender Index (SIGI) dataset address the de jure and de facto situations of discriminatory social institutions, combining both qualitative and quantitative data providing information information

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Indicators: 7

OECD - Social Institutions and Gender Index Database

Also known as the Gender, Institutions and Development Database - OECD, the SIGI dataset address the de jure and de facto situations of discriminatory social institutions across five sub-indices: discriminatory family code, restricted physical integrity, son bias, restricted resources and assets, and restricted civil li

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Indicators: 13

PrIndex - Global Property Rights Index

PRIndex stands for the Global Property Rights Index, an indicator of citizens' perceptions of the security of property rights, and this page only displays the results of the first pilot and testing phase run in 2016-2017

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

Global Land Alliance
Indicators: 26

Prindex - Global Property Rights Index - 2019/2020

Prindex stands for the Global Property Rights Index, an indicator of citizens' perceptions of the security of land and property rights.

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

Indicators: 8

RRI - Forest Tenure Data

The quantitative dataset on forest tenure data by RRI currently covers 58 countries. The data covers the period 2002-2017. RRI monitors spatial forest tenure data - that is, who owns how many hectares of a given forest - and recognizes four categories of land ownership:

Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

Rights and Resources Initiative
Indicators: 4

SDG 1.4.2

The data included in this dataset reflects indicator 1.4.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which measures the proportion of total adult population with secure tenure rights to land, with legally recognized documentation and who perceive their rights to land as secure, by sex and by type of tenure.


Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

United Nations
World Bank Group
Indicators: 3

SDG 11.1.1

The data included in this dataset reflects indicator 11.1.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which measures the proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements or inadequate housing.


Dataset provider:

Dataset provider:

United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Indicators: 1