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5 Novembre 2021
Towards more inclusive land data infrastructures: The work of the Land Portal The Land Portal Foundation is Global Data Barometer’s (GDB) partner, which provided key input and support to develop the land module. The Land Portal works to develop an open land data ecosystem to improve decision…
5 Novembre 2021
Towards more inclusive land data infrastructures: The work of the Land Portal The Land Portal Foundation is Global Data Barometer’s (GDB) partner, which provided key input and support to develop the land module. The Land Portal works to develop an open land data ecosystem to improve decision…
5 Novembre 2021
  Por: QUERALT CASTILLO CEREZUELA (GLASGOW)   "Que nos devuelvan nuestras aguas", pide Mariela Tejerina, una de las representantes de la Minga Indígena en la COP26. Allí reclaman la autonomía de los pueblos originarios, ser escuchados y que se respete el derecho internacional. En el auditorio del …
5 Novembre 2021
Vers des infrastructures de données foncières plus inclusives : Le travail du Land Portal La Fondation Land Portal est le partenaire de Global Data Barometer (GDB), qui a apporté une contribution et un soutien essentiels au développement du module foncier. Land Portal travaille au développement d'…
5 Novembre 2021
Vers des infrastructures de données foncières plus inclusives : Le travail du Land Portal La Fondation Land Portal est le partenaire de Global Data Barometer (GDB), qui a apporté une contribution et un soutien essentiels au développement du module foncier. Land Portal travaille au développement d'…
2 Novembre 2021
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1 Novembre 2021
Anna Locke
Land is a big deal when it comes to the world’s environmental goals. How we use it not only causes a third of global emissions, it has pushed a million species close to extinction and has degraded around a quarter of all land on Earth. According to the Prindex global survey, one billion people…
1 Novembre 2021
David Kaimowitz
As leaders from around the globe gather for the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26), it is vital that they recognize two important facts. The first is that we cannot reach climate goals without protecting and sustainably managing the carbon-absorbing forests that cover a third of…
29 Octobre 2021
Anna Diski, Helle Abelvik-Lawson
World leaders are failing ordinary people on climate change. From Fairbourne in Wales to China and Japan; the Amazon and Congo rainforests to the Pacific Islands – here are some of the people our leaders should be listening to at the COP26 global climate talks. World leaders are meeting this week…
26 Octobre 2021
Javier Molina Cruz
Over the past nine years, the project on Supporting Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT) has helped countries make political commitments towards the eradication of hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition, with the…
25 Octobre 2021
Mr. Charl-Thom Bayer, Ms. Laura Meggiolaro
  Governments rarely publish their primary land tenure, use, value, and development data as open data. Some national and local governments sell their land and property sales data, thereby earning revenue to assist with the costs of maintaining information systems but restricting access for many.…
23 Octobre 2021
  No se trata solo de nuestra supervivencia, sino también de las generaciones futuras y de una forma de vida transmitida de generación en generación. Heredamos esta sabiduría colectiva de nuestros ancestros, quienes labraron la tierra y vadearon las aguas durante 10000 años, período en el que…