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8 Mars 2017
A facet of this problem arises from the nature of the land tenure system in the country over the decades. As we celebrate the International Women’s day today, emphasis should be put to the extent to which some of the obligations have been achieved with regard to women’s basic needs including…
8 Mars 2017
While development programming is increasingly politically savvy, and women and girls are high on the agenda, it’s bizarre how often gender is overlooked as one of the key determinants of who gets what in the world. In our research we’ve been looking at what happens when gender analysis is placed…
8 Mars 2017
Empowerment of rural women is fundamental for achieving 2030 Agenda FAO/IFAD/WFP Joint News Release 8 March 2017, Rome - Leaders from the three UN Rome-based agencies today marked International Women's Day  by reinforcing their commitments to step up efforts to invest in the capacities of rural…
8 Mars 2017
International Women’s Day is an opportunity to recognize the changing world of work, and the new challenges it throws up for women. In 2016, Kumari, 41, went from an unpaid agriculture and house-worker in Vedireswaram village of East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, to a paid domestic worker in…
8 Mars 2017
To celebrate International Women’s Day, Mokoro is pleased to share news of the successful completion of fieldwork in the fourth of six phases of our WOLTS pilot study in both Mongolia and Tanzania. WOLTS is a major multi-country strategic action-oriented research project in support of the land…
6 Mars 2017
By: Monique Barbut Date: 6 March 2017 Source: IPS International Women’s Day this year focuses on economic empowerment in the changing world of work. The vision is to achieve gender equality and empowerment of women and girls by 2030. Girls’ aged three will become adults with a legal right to work…
27 Février 2017
By: Jon Fingas Date: 26 February 2017 Source: engadget They show that some forest losses are more severe than others. There's no question that deforestation is a problem, as it affects everything from climate through to biodiversity. But gauging the severity of deforestation isn't easy --…
21 Février 2017
By: Rhett A. Butler Date: 21 February 2017 Source: Mongabay Over the past thirty years demand and production of oils crops like oil palm and soybeans has boomed across the tropics thanks to rising incomes, macroeconomic changes and government policies, and substitution effects. This rapid…
20 Février 2017
La Coalición Internacional para el Acceso a la Tierra (ILC) se complace en anunciar que ya está abierta la convocatoria para presentar las solicitudes de membresía. Tienen de plazo hasta el 30 de junio de 2017; la próxima convocatoria no será hasta 2020. La ILC es una alianza mundial de…
15 Février 2017
Deadline: 30th June 2017 Who can apply? Given the extraordinary growth of the coalition in previous years, this opening will give priority to civil society and inter-governmental organisations: With specific political and technical expertise to realise people centred land governance of…
9 Février 2017
Hay más de 370 millones de personas que se reconocen como indígenas en 70 países y sus territorios ancestrales concentran más de 80 por ciento de la diversidad biológica del planeta. Solo en América Latina hay más de 400 pueblos, aunque la mayor concentración se da en Asia Pacífico, con 70 por…
3 Février 2017
Date: 03 février 2017 Source: Konbini Par Jeanne Pouget  Des milliards de dollars sont dépensés chaque année pour préserver la nature. Mais les projets mis en place ont parfois des répercussions sur les communautés indigènes.  Entre 7 et 10 milliards d’euros sont dépensés chaque année et…