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2 Mars 2018
Анализ результатов рейтинга Transparency International выявил связь между преследованием НПО и СМИ и повышенным уровнем коррупции. Индекс восприятия коррупции (ИВК), опубликованный сегодня движением Transparency International, которому в этом году исполняется 25 лет, наглядно демонстрирует…
2 Mars 2018
Paris, Francia, 2 de marzo de 2018.- La Fundación Land Portal ha pulicado un Portafolio Temático sobre Tierra y Corrupción para ­­proporcionar una mayor comprensión y promover la toma de conciencia de la intersección de estos temas críticos. Al reunir una gran cantidad de datos e información de…
23 Février 2018
On an alarming note, forest degradation continues even though the global rate of deforestation have halved over the last two decades—from a net annual forest area loss of 7.3 million hectares in 2000 to 3.3 million hectares in 2015. This was one of the key messages delivered at the international…
15 Février 2018
Rangelands are land areas with indigenous vegetation, including grass and shrubs, and used as a natural ecosystem for grazing livestock and wildlife. Rangelands occupy nearly half of the world’s land surface and include more than a third of global biodiversity hotspots, as well as habitat for 28%…
13 Février 2018
Last year the Land Resources Planning Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) conducted a survey on participatory land resource planning (LRP) to compile experiences among users of LRP tools and approaches. Around 750 land management practitioners responded…
12 Février 2018
The State of Open Data is an ambitious research project reflecting on 10 years of action on open data and providing a critical review of the current state of the open data movement across a range of issues and thematic areas. The 2018 State of Open Data report will include a chapter on 'Open…
9 Février 2018
    On February 14th we will examine the most effective strategies to combat women’s diminishing land rights within communities. Individual titling is the most commonly accepted strategy for protecting women’s land rights, but it it is not without its problems. It can lead to increased domestic…
5 Février 2018
World's fist comprehensive evidence-based assessment report on land degradation will be launched in March 2018 Best-available evidence for decision makers to make informed decisions to halt & reverse land degradation Prepared by more than 100 leading international experts from 45 countries over…
30 Janvier 2018
Date: 25 janvier 2018 Source: Foncier & Développement Dans le cadre de son nouveau chantier collectif de réflexion « structures agraires et accès des jeunes à la terre dans les Pays du Sud », le Comité technique « Foncier et développement » lance un Appel à Contribution . Les contributions…
30 Janvier 2018
Date: 10 janvier 2018 Source: Foncier & Développement Avec l’appui de l’AFD et de la Banque Mondiale, le Comité technique « Foncier et développement » de la Coopération française et l’initiative 4p1000 ont organisé les 13 et 14 décembre dernier une conférence de haut niveau visant à clarifier…
30 Janvier 2018
Según una experta, el campesinado puede devolver el equilibrio de la naturaleza perdido con la industrialización y el mercado globalizado   Neus Palou   30/01/2018 Con la industrialización se empezó a considerar que la agricultura necesitaba producir cantidad y muchas personas dejaron…
25 Janvier 2018
CANBERRA — Each year the LUI Che Woo Prize, established by the second richest man in Hong Kong, awards $20 million Hong Kong dollars ($7.7 million) in funding to individuals and organizations making a difference in the world in three categories: Sustainability, welfare betterment, and positive…