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There are 4, 118 content items of different types and languages related to gestion des ressources naturelles on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2149 - 2160 of 2586

Negotiating more than boundaries: conflict, power, and agreement building in the demarcation of village borders in Malinau

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2002

CIFOR facilitated 27 communities in the Upper Malinau watershed to develop agreements about their village boundaries and map them through participatory methods. Decentralization reforms created new values of forest resources and uncertainties that increased conflict over local resources. We report on the nature of these conflicts, the stability of agreements and the factors affecting how agreements were reached.

Nepal: building climate resilience of watersheds in mountain eco-regions climate change and vulnerability mapping in watersheds in middle and high mountains of Nepal.

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2012
Asie méridionale

This study identifies and prioritizes subbasins/watersheds in the middle and high mountains of Nepal that are significantly vulnerable to climate change. The approach of the vulnerability assessment framework of the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was the guide for this study. The study is produced by consultants for the Building Climate Resilience of Watersheds in Mountain Eco-Regions in Nepal.

No rights, no compensation

Décembre, 2001
Afrique centrale

Building roads can bring new opportunities to remote and poorly developed areas, but for people whose land they cross, they can be very costly. This report covers a road building project in Cameroon, where farmers reacted angrily to a new road, especially as they were not properly compensated for their losses.

Land Tenure Concepts and Land Tenure Concepts and Definitions

Septembre, 2009

This is document in form of presentation provides participants with a common vocabulary of land tenure and property rights (LTPR) terms and concepts • Explain how property rights are components of land t t th diff t i hi h th tenure systems, the different ways in which they relate to each other, and the scope for innovation • Identify some common inconsistencies in the use of key terms, which can lead to confusion in discussion of land tenure policy issues