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There are 4, 118 content items of different types and languages related to gestion des ressources naturelles on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2185 - 2196 of 2586

Poverty and forests: multi-country analysis of spatial association and proposed policy solutions

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2007
Viet Nam

This paper examines poverty and deforestation in developing countries as linked problems and focuses on policies that can favour poverty alleviation in forested regions. The paper encompasses two elements: analysis of the spatial coincidence between poverty and forests, and proposed policy options for reducing poverty in forested areas.

Poverty and forests: multi-country analysis of spatial association and proposed policy solutions

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2007
Viet Nam

This paper examines poverty and deforestation in developing countries as linked problems and focuses on policies that can favour poverty alleviation in forested regions. The paper encompasses two elements: analysis of the spatial coincidence between poverty and forests, and proposed policy options for reducing poverty in forested areas.

Promoting forest conservation through ecotourism income?

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 1999

A principal criterion for classifying a tourism operation as 'ecotourism' is that local residents at the site should receive substantial economic benefits, which serve both to raise local living standards and as enhanced incentives for nature conservation. This paper sets out a methodological framework for analysis of the alleged participation-income-conservation link, and applies it to the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve in the Ecuadorian Amazon region.

Propagating quality planting material to improve plant health and crop performance, key practices for dessert banana, plantain and cooking banana: Illustrated guide (Arabic) ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ??????? ????????...

Manuals & Guidelines
Décembre, 2015

This illustrated guide summarizes the key practices for producing clean planting material of banana with a high yield potential for smallholders, depending on the pests and diseases which are present. The guide is also designed to contribute to better planning of the propagation of planting material for rural development and disaster relief projects.

Propagating quality planting material to improve plant health and crop performance. Key practices for dessert banana, plantain and cooking banana: Illustrated guide.

Manuals & Guidelines
Décembre, 2015

This illustrated guide summarizes the key practices for producing clean planting material of banana with a high yield potential for smallholders, depending on the pests and diseases which are present.

The guide is also designed to contribute to better planning of the propagation of planting material for rural development and disaster relief projects.

Property rights and soil fertility management in Niger

Reports & Research
Décembre, 1994
Afrique occidentale

This research was undertaken as a Ph.D. dissertation (Stanford University) in conjunction with the ILCA programme in Niamey, Niger. The objective of the research was similar to that of the World Bank studies: to test how land tenure affects land-improving investment, agricultural productivity and resource management. The standard hypothesis is that land tenure that is non-exclusive insecure or non-transferable will lead to under-investment and depressed factor mobility.