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Issuescommunauté localeLandLibrary Resource
There are 3, 046 content items of different types and languages related to communauté locale on the Land Portal.

communauté locale


Displaying 1 - 12 of 566

Avertissements du Comité d'Inspection de la Banque Mondiale sur l'impact des projets de la Banque

Policy Papers & Briefs
Janvier, 2013

Le Comité d'inspection est un instrument indépendant de recours dont disposent ceux qui estiment avoir été ou risquent d'être lésés par un projet financé par la Banque Mondiale. Le Comité offre un outil pour aider la Banque, compte tenu des responsabilités de celle-ci, en matière de respect de ses politiques de précaution.

Huile de palme, droits fonciers et services écosystémiques dans Gbarpolu pays, Libéria

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2012

Ce Cas d'étude d'une concession d'huile de palme au Libéria met en lumière des considérations politiques générales sur ce qui concerne les acquisitions de terres à grande échelle dans les pays du Sudnotamment la nécessité pour les mécanismes formels pour assurer le consentement libre, préalable et éclairé, et les évaluations d'impact environnemental et social rigoureux avant le début des opérations.

Causes and consequences of changing land tenure institutions in Western Ghana

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 1998
Afrique sub-saharienne

Land tenure institutions in customary land areas of Sub-Saharan Africa have been evolving towards individualized ownership. Communal land tenure institutions aim to achieve and preserve the equitable distribution of land (and hence, income) among community members. Uncultivated forestland is owned by the community or village, and as long as forest land is available, forest clearance of forest is easily approved by the village chief.

Mobilisation des ressources financières locales: Documentation des registres fonciers urbains des communes du Benin

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2011

Cette publication, Mobilisation des ressources financieres locales: documentation des registres fonciers urbains des communes du Benin, retrace le parcours des Registres Fonciers Urbains (RFU) tels qu'experimentes dans les communes beninoises depuis plus de deux decennies. Ce document constitue une contribution majeure a la connaissance des RFU. Il ressort de cette publication que les RFU mis en place dans presque 20 communes au Benin ont prouve leur valeur et leur popularite dans leur capacite a mobiliser les ressources financieres necessaires au meilleur fonctionnement des communes.

Sub-decree No.124 on downsizing 605.8134 hectares in Ou Chum district, Ratanakiri province from forest cover 2002 and reclassifying to private state land for granting purpose to Tumpoun indigenous communal ownership for one community and issue ownershi...

Juin, 2016

Land area of 605.8134 hectare in Ou Chum district, Ratanakiri province has downsized from Forest Cover 2002 and reclassified as "State Private Land" for granting purpose as communal ownership to 96 families of Tumpoun indigenous community on 16 land parcels including 07 parcels for residential, 06 parcels for traditional agriculture, 01 for swidden farm, 01 parcels for land of guardians, and 01 parcel for burial forest land in Ou Chum commune and L'ak commune, Ou Chum district, Ratanakiri province.

Sub-decree No.125 on downsizing 1496.3127 hectares in Ou Chum district, Ratanakiri province from forest cover 2002 and reclassifying to private state land for granting purpose to Kreung indigenous communal ownership for one community and issue ownershi...

Juin, 2016

Land area of 1496.3127 hectare in Ou Chum district, Ratanakiri province has downsized from Forest Cover 2002 and reclassified as "State Private Land" for granting purpose as communal ownership to 205 families of Kreung indigenous community on 21 land parcels including 02 parcels for residential, 09 parcels for traditional agriculture, 07 for swidden farm, 02 parcels for land of guardians, and 01 parcel for burial forest land in Kalai commune, Ou Chum commune, Pouy commune and L'ak commune, Ou Chum district, Ratanakiri province.

Fluctuating fortunes of a collective entreprise

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2008
Asia du sud-est

The Agroforestry Tree Seeds Association of Lantapan (ATSAL) in Bukidnon province, southern Philippines was organized in 1998, facilitated by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). Farmers were trained on germplasm collection, processing and marketing of agroforestry tree seeds and seedlings. ATSAL has been marketing various tree seeds and seedlings with apparent success, and has provided training on seed collection and nursery management to farmers, government technicians, and workers from non-government organizations (NGOs).

Gender and local floodplain management institutions

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2006
Asie méridionale

Floodplain wetlands are the major common pool natural resource in Bangladesh. Mostly men fish, and both men and women collect aquatic plants and snails. Case studies contrast a women-only, men-only, and mixed community based organization (CBO), each of which manages a seasonal floodplain wetland. The two CBOs in which women hold key positions are in Hindu communities where more women use aquatic resources, work for an income, and belong to other local institutions. In the oldest of these CBOs, more women have gradually become office bearers as their recognition in the community has grown.

Methods of consensus building for community based fisheries management in Bangladesh and the Mekong Delta

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2003
Asia du sud-est
Viet Nam

A method of consensus building for management of wetlands and fisheries using a systematic approach to participatory planning and initially developed in Bangladesh is now being applied in both Bangladesh and the Mekong delta. The method recognizes diversity in livelihoods and works through a structured learning and planning process that focuses on common interests. It works with each category of stakeholder separately to prioritize the natural resource problems that their livelihoods are largely dependent on, they then share and agree common priorities in plenary.