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Issueszone côtièreLandLibrary Resource
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Decreto Ley Nº 2.811 - Código nacional de recursos naturales renovables y de protección del medio ambiente.

Amérique du Sud

El Código nacional de recursos naturales renovables y de protección del medio ambiente, consta de 340 artículos organizados en dos libros: Del Ambiente (Libro Primero) y De la Propiedad, Uso e Influencia Ambiental de los Recursos Naturales Renovables (Libro Segundo).

Decreto Nº 1.541- Reglamenta el Decreto Ley Nº 2.811 de 1974 y, parcialmente, la Ley Nº 23 de 1973.

Amérique du Sud

El Reglamento consta de 288 artículos y reglamenta las normas relacionadas con el recurso agua en todos sus estados. Declara, a tenor del artículo 1º del Decreto Nº 2811/74, de 18 de diciembre de 1974, que la preservación y manejo de las aguas son de utilidad pública. La administración y manejo del recurso hídrico corresponde al Instituto Nacional de los Recursos Naturales Renovables y del Ambiente (INDERENA), salvo cuando haya sido adscrita a otras entidades.

Foreshore Protection Law, 1978.

Asie occidentale

This Law provides for the better protection of the foreshore. The law defines the foreshore as the lands within a distance not exceeding one hundred yards from high water mark, as the Minister may prescribe. The Law contains provisions on the prohibition to interfere with the foreshore, on restrictions upon structures on the foreshore. It provides also for the power to prescribe areas in which the erection of buildings is prohibited, and for drains to be covered and extended into the sea.

Sea Defence Act.

Amérique du Sud

The 30 sections of the Act are divided into 7 Parts: Without title (sects. 1 and 2); The Sea Defence Board (I); Sea Defence Districts (II); Maintenance, Management and Construction of Sea Defences (III); Financial (IV); Offences (V); Miscellaneous (Part VI). (One Schedule: Boundaries of Sea Defence Districts).

Sea Defences Act.

Amérique du Sud

This Act concern waterworks to prevent floods and the protection of the foreshore. The 27 sections of the Act are divided into 7 Parts; Without title (sects. 1-2); Supervision of Defences (sects. 3-4); Works of Defence (sects. 5-12); Protection of Foreshore (sects. 13-16); Appeals (sects. 17); Loans for Works (sects. 18-19); Miscellaneous Provisions (sects. 20-27).Sections concerning the protection of coastal areas carry the following titles: Regulations for the protection of foreshore (sect. 13), Prohibition of Acts Endangering Foreshore (sect.

Loi nº 90-29 relative à l'aménagement et l'urbanisme.

Afrique septentrionale

Cette loi fixe les règles générales visant à organiser la production du sol urbanisable, la formation et la transformation du bâti dans le cadre d'une gestion économe des sols, de l'équilibre entre la fonction d'habitat, d'agriculture et d'industrie ainsi que de préservation de l'environnement, des milieux naturels, des paysages et du patrimoine culturel et historique.

Décret nº 86-516 portant définition des responsabilités en matière de gestion du littoral.

Afrique occidentale

Ce décret porte définition des responsabilités en matière de gestion du littoral. La gestion du littoral s'entend des mesures de surveillance régulière, de l'évolution morphologique des côtes, de la programmation des actions nécessaires pour leur protection, de l'exploitation rationnelle de l'espace côtier. Cette gestion comporte deux volets, l'un technique et hydrographique, l'autre administratif.

Loi nº 86-2 relative à l'aménagement, la protection et la mise en valeur du littoral.

Europe occidentale

Cette loi reconnait le littoral comme une entité géographique qui appelle une politique spécifique d'aménagement, de protection et de mise en valeur. la loi concerne concerne non seulement les communes riveraines des mers et océans, des étangs salés, des plans d’eau intérieurs d’une superficie supérieure à 1 000 hectares, mais aussi celles qui, sous certaines conditions, sont riveraines des estuaires et des deltas.

Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act.

États-Unis d'Amérique
Amérique septentrionale

This Act establishes a procedure for the preparation of a priority list of coastal wetlands restoration projects in Louisiana to provide for the long-term conservation of wetlands and dependent fish and wildlife populations. This priority list will be submitted annually to Congress. The Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Task Force will prepare a restoration plan to identify coastal wetlands restoration projects. The Act specifies the plan's elements, modification, submission to Congress and evaluation for effectiveness.

Beach Protection Act (Cap. 29).


Digging, taking, carrying away or aiding or assisting in digging, taking or carrying away any sand, stone, shingle or gravel from any beach or seashore in Grenada without the permission of the Permament Secretary of the Ministry of Communication and Works is declared to be an offence (sect. 3). The Minister may, by Order, declare that this Law does not apply to a specified beach (sect. 4). If a vehicle is used in acts under section 3 the driver of the vehicle shall be guilty of an offence (sect. 5). Persons acting in contravention of this Law may be arrested without a warrant (sect. 6).

Beach Protection Act 1981 (Act No. 10 of 1981).

Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines

The Act regulates the removal of sands, corals, stones, shingle, or gravel from any part of any beach or sea bed. Any action of digging for, taking, carrying away of such material or assisting in any such actions shall be prohibited if not prior to such act a permission is obtained from the appropriate authority. The Minister may impose such conditions as he deems fit for the granting of permissions for exploitation other than for a public purpose (sect. 4). The granting authority may, in the public interest, attach such conditions to the permission as it may deem fit (sect. 7).

Countryside Premium Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 1997 (S.I. No. 330 [S.23] of 1997).

Europe septentrionale

These Regulations provide for payment in respect of an undertaking to follow the general environmental conditions set out in Schedule 1 and to carry out at least one of the management activities set out in Schedule 2 or the capital activities set out in Schedule 3. These Regulations provide also for grants to compensate partly for costs of environment audit, planning and undertaking. The Regulations supplement EC Council Regulations No.