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IssuespâturageLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 133 - 144 of 626

Regional Law No. 18 "On transhumance".

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law shall have the following purposes: (a) specific purposeful and rational use of land for transhumance; (b) conservation and improvement of feeding of natural pastures; (c) prevention of soil erosion and degradation; (d) conservation and reproduction of natural landscapes; and (e) conservation of national cultural heritage. Land for transhumance shall be classified as follows: (a) arable land; (b) pastures; and (c) haymaking areas.

Regional Law No. 159-oz "On protection of land under reindeer pastures".

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning protection of land under reindeer pastures for the following purposes: (a) prevention of land degradation, pollution, littering, disturbance of soil and vegetation cover and other negative impact; (b) land rehabilitation; (c) setting up mechanism of land registration and assessment of the state of land; and (d) application of ecological norms for optimal land tenure. Land protection arrangements related to reindeer pastures shall include prevention of negative impact and prohibition of unauthorized movement of track-type vehicles.

Regional Law No. 475-OZ “On allotment of forest land plots to citizens for agricultural activity for individual personal needs”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes that forest land plots granted to citizens free of charge or with the establishment of servitude for agro-forestry (haymaking, grazing, apiculture, reindeer ranching, growing of crops etc.). Land areas shall be established within the following limits: (a) arable land – 3 ha; (b) haymaking – 10 ha; (c) apiculture – 0, 3 ha; and (d) other agricultural activities – 5 ha. Citizens shall have the right to allotment of several forest land plots for performance of different agricultural activities.

Regional Law No. 441-OZ “On some issues of granting of forest land plots to citizens free of charge for the length of service for limited utilization”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes that forest land plots granted to citizens free of charge for the length of service for limited utilization shall be allotted to forest officers and staff of state hunting organizations (game managers and gamekeepers) for agro-forestry (haymaking, grazing, apiculture, growing of crops etc.). Land areas shall be established within the following limits: (a) arable land – 3 ha; (b) haymaking – 10 ha; and (c) other agricultural activities – 5 ha.

Withdrawal from Disposal, Setting Apart and Appropriation of Certain Tracts of Territorial Lands in the Northwest Territories (Reindeer Grazing Reserve) Order (S.I./2014-38).

Amérique septentrionale

The present Order is made under the Territorial Lands Act. The purpose of the Order is to withdraw from disposal certain tracts of territorial lands for reindeer grazing purposes and to set apart and appropriate those tracts for use as a reindeer grazing reserve in the Northwest Territories. The text consists of 5 sections and 1 Schedule.

Implements: Territorial Lands Act (R.S. 1985, c. T-7). (2014-04-01)

Ley Nº 3/2014 - Ley de Vías Pecuarias de la Comunitat Valenciana.

Europe méridionale

La presente Ley tiene por objeto regular las vías pecuarias de la Comunitat Valenciana, con la finalidad de conservar y consolidar, proteger y recuperar el patrimonio pecuario para disponer de una red de caminos para el uso pecuario y medioambiental de las generaciones presentes y futuras, de manera que se articule a la vez una malla de corredores naturales por todo el territorio de la Comunitat Valenciana.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 11/1994 - Ley de espacios naturales protegidos de la Comunidad Valenciana. (1994-12-27)

Order No. 520 on subsidies for Natura2000 projects of clearing overgrown areas for the preparation of pasture.

Europe septentrionale

The Order aims to provide subsidy to clear overgrown areas which need preparation for grazing in order to ensure improvement of conservation of habitats and species in specifically designated areas set out by Natura2000. The Danish AgriFish Agency shall allocate 33 million DKK of subsidy for non-productive investments in the following areas: 1) clearing of overgrowth, including clearing of trees and removal of cleared plant material. Projects to be implemented in especially allocated Natura2000 areas of deforestation; 2) areas preparing for grazing.

Order No. 519 on subsidy for grazing projects on farms with buffer zones.

Europe septentrionale

This Order aims to help promote grazing and thereby to ensure environmental value. The Danish AgriFish Agency shall regulate such provisions and allocate a funding framework of 15 million DKK to support grazing projects that can contribute to achieving the objectives of this Order. These projects shall however be subsidized if grazing occurs on farm land where buffer zones are found, requiring the need of establishing fences, ensuring drinking water supply and energy supply.

Instruction No.4 dated 22.4.2013 determining the criteria and the procedures for leasing areas of public forest and pastures.

Europe méridionale

Areas of public forest and pasture maybe leased to public or private entities through public biddings. The designated bodies for examining and approving the awards, rules of procedure, and the type of activities allowed on these areas are provided for in the Instruction.

Ley Nº 2.684 – Exoneración de contribución directa a los terrenos para descanso de hacienda.

Amérique du Sud

En virtud de esta Ley se autoriza al Poder Ejecutivo a declarar exentos del pago de contribución directa a los propietarios que destinen la totalidad o una parte de sus terrenos al descanso y pastoreo o forrajes de los arreos de ganado que transiten por los caminos públicos.