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Forest Inform

Forest Inform Pty Ltd provides "Land Logic Services" that combine government agencies' and stakeholders’ decision rules with accurate spatial data to resolve forest land use conflicts, integrate regional development, prepare conservation plans, and Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+).

Geo-Informatie Nederland


GIN is an interactive meeting place and is an open knowledge network for everyone who is professionally involved with geographic information. GIN organizes activities and encourages and facilitates sharing and transferring knowledge of its members in development of all members and to strengthen the position of the field of geo-information in society.

The subsequent strategic goals are:

Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development


The Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) is an intergovernmental organization and currently has 20 Contracting Member States in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region. Their mission is to strengthen the member States and our stakeholders’ capacity through Generation, Application and Dissemination of Geo-information and Allied Technologies for sustainable development.

Environmental Systems Research Institute


We are the global market leader in GIS, helping customers get results since 1969.

Esri was founded to help solve some of the world’s most difficult problems. We do so by supporting our users’ important work with a commitment to science, sustainability, community, education, research, and positive change.

Today, Esri software is deployed in more than 350,000 organizations, including the world’s largest cities and most national governments.


Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, commonly referred to as Deloitte, is a multinational professional services network.[6] Deloitte is one of the "Big Four" accounting organizations and the largest professional services network in the world by revenue and number of professionals with headquarters in London, United Kingdom.[7]



KPMG International Cooperative (or simply KPMG) is a multinational professional services network, and one of the Big Four accounting organizations.

The name "KPMG" stands for "Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler". It was chosen when KMG (Klynveld Main Goerdeler) merged with Peat Marwick in 1987.

Norwegian Mapping Authority (Kartverket)


The Norwegian Mapping Authority (NMA) is Norway's national mapping agency, dealing with land surveying, geodesy, hydrographic surveying, cadastre and cartography. Its headquarters are in Hønefoss and it is a public agency under the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation. NMA was founded in 1773.


Source: Wikipedia (consulted d.d. February 18th, 2020)

Micro Aerial Projects LLC

Micro Aerial Projects LLC (MAP) combines geo-spatial technology with drone technology to provide fit for purpose surveying and mapping solutions. With a strong background in geodetic, photogrammetric and cadastral surveying and extensive international experience we are in a good position to anticipate and assess potential in new positioning and mapping technologies. We continuously perform applied research, especially in the use of drones for accurate surveying of assets and land rights.

Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation at the University of Twente


ITC is the University of Twente’s Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation.

Our mission is to develop capacity, particularly in less developed countries, and to utilize geospatial solutions to deal with national and global problems.

Our vision is that spatial solutions will play an increasingly important role in meeting many of mankind’s complex challenges (often wicked problems), such as climate change, population growth, and related claims for sufficient and secure food, water, energy, health, land and housing provision.

Geographia Technica

 Geographia Technica is a journal devoted to the publication of all papers on all aspects of the use of technical and quantitative methods in geographical research. It aims at presenting its readers with the latest developments in G.I.S technology, mathematical methods applicable to any field of geography, territorial micro-scalar and laboratory experiments, and the latest developments induced by the measurement techniques to the geographical research.

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