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Displaying 145 - 156 of 279

Las leyes del suelo. A propósito de la propuesta de modificación y actualización del PRM-1994 de Santiago

Peer-reviewed publication
Mars, 2015

The proposal for modification of the 1994 Metropolitan Plan for Santiago (PRMS) put forward by the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism (MINVU) at the beginning of 2008, allows us to reflect on the role of the land as a fundamental factor of urban activity and also as an element that remains as such through the whole process of property development, imposing its own “rules”.


Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2016

According to the discipline of the Appraisal, the market values of urban property depend on characteristics of location, due to the area in question, and the peculiarities of the individual property. The characteristics of location include the location of the building relative to the center of town, the level of infrastructure, the presence of community facilities and shops, etc.

Application of protective distances in vicinity of dangerous facilities in urban and spatial plans

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2006

Environmental risk management in production, use and transportation of dangerous materials having been actual theme in the world and in Serbia. Although environmental risk is mostly connected with technical issues, since chemical catastrophe in Bophal-lndia (1986) in the world was recognized that this is complex issue that besides of technical-technological, includes also social-economic, organizational and spatial factors. Spatial component of risk management which is regulated by Seveso II Directive in EU is important for planners.

Market-led Development versus Basic Needs: Common Property and the Common Good in St. Lucia

Peer-reviewed publication
Avril, 2011

This paper argues that contemporary development policies have failed to solve the problem of the maldistribution of economic resources, poverty, underemployment, and skewed income distribution. With the collapse of the Lomé Convention in 1996, St. Lucia saw its banana export market suffer a steep decline. Since then, Lomé St. Lucia has focused on market-led international tourism as the new engine of growth. Market-led development is fraught with economic cycles of up and down that lead to economic uncertainty and catastrophe for many people of limited resources.

A szociális és szolidáris gazdaság csírái a magyarországi vidéki térségekben (Seeds of Social and Solidarity Economy in Hungarian Rural Areas)

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2014

The social and solidarity economy (SSE) is an emerging sector of the European economies. It’s importance is demonstrated by millions of employees and significant share of GDP. In recognition of its perceptivity, ministries dedicated to SSE have been established in many countries. However, there is a lively debate about on the definition of SSE itself. Opinions on the role of employment, the relations to governments and attitudes to competitiveness differ from each other. In the first part of my paper a clarification of the conceptual issues will be summarized.

Environmental impact of the mining activity and revitalization of degraded space

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2005

This paper analyses various aspects of environmental impact of the mineral resources’ exploitation in the mining basins, which can be listed as agricultural (and forest) land intake, relocation of the settlements, water course rearrangement, repositioning of roads and other infrastructure systems, decrease in level of ground water, etc. The paper points to the possible application of new technologies in mineral resources exploitation as well as to certain economic (external) effects.


Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2016

One of the most challenging projects that the new Metropolitan city of Naples is going to face, concerns the regeneration of the ex-industrial areas located in the eastern zone of the city, characterized by the presence of the port. Among the several reasons of the slowness in which the current program of urban regeneration proceed (NaplEst) is the generic identification of the demand for new functions in an area which plays a strategic role in the metropolitan context.

Allotment plan as a condition for sustainable development on the example of detailed regulation 'Stanko Vlasotinčanin' in Nis

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2012

In order to protect the environment and creation the conditions for a good and healthy life, the construction of buildings should be sustainable. It is essential that the entire process that includes planning, design and realization, be consistent with bioclimatic principles. Allotment plan should be an integral part of the planning process because it is an instrument to control the use of construction land and prevention the negative consequences that are created by uncontrolled action of the market.

Globalización, paisaje y vivienda rural / Globalization, landscape and rural housing.

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2006

Las transformaciones del paisaje rural de Chile Central durante los últimos veinte años, el surgimiento de una arquitectura diferente de la vivienda rural, los nuevos patrones de organización espacial y los cambios en el uso del suelo, son algunos de los resultados que pueden ser explicados como una consecuencia de la globalización.

Ecological Capability Assessment of Tabriz Suburb, Iran, for Urban Development using Multi Criteria Evaluation Approach. /Capacidad ecológica de los suburbios de la ciudad de Tabriz, Irán, para el desarrollo urbano utilizando la evaluación con criterio...

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2009

In order to achieve sustainable development, it is necessary to obtain and adopt planning procedures on the basis of Multi Criteria Evaluation of natural environment. Since biophysical (natural) environment has limited ecological capabilities for human use, ecological capability assessment, as an essence for environmental studies and with the aim of preventing existing crises, yields proper grounds for environmental planning. The analysis of land capability and sufficiency for urban development is one of the main categories with which urban planners deal.

La segregación, los guetos y la integración social urbana: mitos y claves

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2008

Predominan en el medio académico y político las nociones "naturalistas" sobre la segregación social del espacio en las ciudades latinoamericanas. Las desigualdades o el "clasismo", hechos fuertes y persistentes, harían de la segregación algo inevitable; y de las propuesta para controlarla, algo ilusorio. En contraposición, los autores del artículo argumentan que no existen impedimentos culturales, sociológicos ni económicos para reducir la segregación.