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There are 1, 640 content items of different types and languages related to utilisation durable des terres on the Land Portal.
Displaying 589 - 600 of 710

Decreto Nº 1076 - Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible.

Mai, 2015

El presente Decreto, considerando que la racionalización y simplificación del ordenamiento jurídico es una de las principales herramientas para asegurar la eficiencia económica y social del sistema legal y para afianzar la seguridad jurídica, y que constituye una política pública gubernamental la simplificación y compilación orgánica del sistema nacional regulatorio, expide el Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, cuyo objeto es compilar la normatividad expedida por el gobierno nacional en ejercicio de las facultades reglamentarias para la cumplida ejecuci

Gezira Scheme Act 2005.

Juillet, 2005

This Act consisting of 30 articles establishes the Gezira Scheme as an economic and social entity with various activities. It aims at sustainable and stable exploitation of agricultural production resources and potentials to improve the economic and social standards of farmers and workers of the area it is located in, also to contribute to the achievement of the national goals.

Plan de Acción Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía en Colombia.

National Policies
Décembre, 2004

El Plan de Acción Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía en Colombia es un instrumento de alcance nacional cuyo objetivo general es adelantar acciones contra la degradación de tierras, desertificación y mitigación de los efectos de la sequía, así como para el manejo sostenible de los ecosistemas de las zonas secas, a partir de la aplicación de medidas prácticas que permitan prevenir, detener y revertir dichos procesos degradativos y contribuir al desarrollo sostenible de las zonas afectadas.

Stratégie Nationale et Plan d’Actions pour la Mise en Oeuvre de l’Initiative Grande Muraille Verte au Tchad.

National Policies
Décembre, 2010

Face la complexité des défis à relever et de la faiblesse en ressources humaines, techniques et financières nécessaires pour faire face aux multiples préoccupations des zones qui ont été longtemps marginalisées, le Tchad a élaboré la présente Stratégie Nationale et Plan d’Actions pour la Mise en Oeuvre de l’Initiative Grande Muraille Verte au Tchad.

Integrated Financing Strategy for Combating Desertification in Lebanon.

National Policies
Décembre, 2005

The Integrated Financing Strategy is a guiding framework for locating and developing a mix of financial resources to fund programs and projects related to combating desertification and sustainable land management. These resources can be either (i) available (resources that have been located and are awaiting activation, such as donor funds set aside for a specific priority) or (ii) created (generated by means of specific action steps, such as through a change in legislation or a political lobby).

Presidential Resolution No. PP-3405 “On State program for the development of irrigation and improvement of the ameliorative state of irrigated land for the period of 2018-2019”.

Novembre, 2017

The President, in order to create favorable conditions for further sustainable agricultural development, unconditional provision of timely and high-quality implementation of a set of measures for the development of irrigation, improvement of reclamation state of irrigated lands and rational use of water and land resources, decrees to approve elaborated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre jointly with

Law on nature protection (2016).

Juillet, 2016

This Law provides the general conditions and manner of protection and conservation of nature, which as a group of environmental and natural resources and assets enjoys full protection within the territory of Montenegro.The text of the Law is divided into XVI Chapters as follows: General provisions (I); Subjects of nature protection (II); Nature protection documents (III); Nature protection and preservation (IV); Protected natural resources (V); Management of protected areas and of environment network areas (VI); Speleological, geological and paleontological sites (VII); Protection of wild s

Nepal Agricultural Perspective Plan.

National Policies
Décembre, 1994

The Agricultural Perspective Plan (APP) is a national strategy with a cross-sectoral approach with a duration of twenty years (1995-2015). Its goal is to add two percentage points to the country’s agricultural growth which would expand per capita agricultural growth sixfold, from its current 0.5% to 3% per year. The APP strategy is based on the acceleration of the agricultural growth rate sufficiently to obtrain strong multiplier effect on growth in employment, both in agriculture itself and in nonagricultural sectors.

Estrategia Regional Agroambiental y de Salud de Centroamérica 2009-2024.

National Policies
Avril, 2008

La Estrategia Regional Agroambiental y de Salud de Centroamérica es un instrumento estratégico adoptado en el marco del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA). Objetivo general del documento es promover un mecanismo intersectorial para la gestión agroambiental, con énfasis en el manejo sostenible de tierras, biodiversidad, variabilidad y cambio climático, negocios agro-ambientales, espacios y estilos de vida saludables, de manera que contribuya al desarrollo humano sostenible.

Stratégie de Développement de la Tunisie Nouvelle.

National Policies
Avril, 2012

La Stratégie de Développement de la Tunisie Nouvelle est un instrument stratégique multi-sectoriel à portée nationale qui a pour but de faire face aux problématiques de développement existantes et aux déséquilibres structurels ainsi que la consécration des aspirations et des revendications légitimes de la révolution qui sont l’emploi, le développement des régions intérieures, l’amélioration des conditions de vie et la justice sociale.