ressource naturelle related Blog post | Land Portal
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12 février 2024

Ce webinaire, le quatrième de la série Advancing Land-based Investment Governance (ALIGN), a eu lieu le 9 février 2024, sous le titre " Quand les marchés du carbone tournent mal : comment garantir l'accès aux recours en cas de violation du droit foncier ". Le webinaire a attiré 562 participants et a réuni des experts politiques et des leaders communautaires. Le webinaire a été organisé conjointement par la Fondation Land Portal, l'Institut international pour l'environnement et le développement (IIED), Namati et le Columbia Center on Sustainable Development (CCSI).​

Visit to IIAP Carbon monitoring site
4 décembre 2023
Juan Robalino

Nature-based emission-reduction projects are considered as key for development of a carbon market, which will be worth an estimated $50 billion USD by 2030. Yet, these carbon offsetting projects continue to be the target of criticism for their lack of certainty, transparency, accessibility, equitability, and quality.

Community members in Budiba Village, Uganda
22 novembre 2022
Jordana Wamboga
Wytske Chamberlain - van der Werf

Les zones humides font partie des ressources naturelles les plus importantes de l'Ouganda. Elles protègent les ressources en eau du pays et sont importantes pour le maintien de la productivité agricole et des moyens de subsistance ruraux, en particulier dans les régions où les précipitations sont faibles ou imprévisibles, où il y a pénurie de terres ou lorsque les terres environnantes ont un faible potentiel pour l'agriculture.

A resident of Moroto District
30 novembre 2022
Kevin Bakulumpagi

L'industrie extractive ougandaise connaît une croissance exponentielle et attire les sociétés minières étrangères et nationales. Mais trop souvent, les communautés riches en minéraux n'en profitent pas. Ici, Kevin Bakulumpagi d'ANARDE, Ouganda, discute de la manière dont les accords de développement communautaire peuvent garantir que les communautés affectées bénéficient des opérations minières et qu'elles sont engagées de manière significative dans les accords réglementant les activités minières.

13 janvier 2022

Kazakhstan and China must reach mutually beneficial agreements on water issues. 

by Wilder Alejandro Sanchez for Center for the National Interest

Does Indonesia really need a land bank?
27 juillet 2021
3 mai 2021
Tijah Bolton-Akpan
Miles Litvinoff

Oil companies are paying billions towards development in the Niger Delta, but it’s having little impact on the ground, say Tijah Bolton-Akpan and Miles Litvinoff.

2 mai 2021
David Matsinhe

By David Matsinhe for the Daily Maverick. 

Originally posted at:




Acta Scientiarum

A revista publica artigos originais em todas as áreas relevantes da Filosofia e das ciências sociais, abordando tanto temas tradicionais quanto emergentes e, também, artigos localizados na interface com outras áreas de conhecimento.

Agricultural Systems

Agricultural Systems is an international journal that deals with interactions - among the components of agricultural systems, among hierarchical levels of agricultural systems, between agricultural and other land use systems, and between agricultural systems and their natural, social and economic environments. Manuscripts submitted to Agricultural Systems generally should include both of the following:

A global conservation legacy

Conservation International works to spotlight and secure the critical benefits that nature provides to humanity. Since our inception, we’ve helped to protect more than 6 million square kilometers (2.3 million square miles) of land and sea across more than 70 countries. Currently with offices in 29 countries and 2,000 partners worldwide, our reach is truly global.

Our Mission

Environment, Development and Sustainability

Environment, Development and Sustainability is an international, multidisciplinary journal covering all aspects of the environmental impacts of socio-economic development. Concerned with the complex interactions between development and environment, its purpose is to seek ways and means for achieving sustainability in all human activities aimed at such development.

Environmental Peacebuilding

Environmental peacebuilding integrates natural resource management in conflict prevention, mitigation, resolution, and recovery to build resilience in communities affected by conflict.  Join our new Environmental Peacebuilding Association comprising researchers, practitioners, and decision makers to share experiences and lessons from managing natural resources in conflict-affected settings, access new research on the topic, and participate in events to support the growing network of professionals active in environmental peacebuilding.



GEO-ECO-TROP aims to promote the Natural Sciences and Earth Sciences of tropical and subtropical environments and the dissemination of this knowledge to the public.


A INA é uma entidade civil sem fins lucrativos, de caráter temático e corporativo, formalmente instituída em 08 de julho de 2017. Seus principais objetivos são a busca pela promoção e defesa dos direitos, interesses e prerrogativas individuais e coletivas de seus associados em todo o território nacional, bem como o posicionamento e a incidência na formulação, execução e defesa da política indigenista, a partir da perspectiva da autonomia dos povos indígenas e do Estado pluriétnico e democrático.

El Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales es el órgano rector de la gestión del medio ambiente, los ecosistemas y los recursos naturales para que cumpla con las atribuciones que, de conformidad con la legislación ambiental en general, corresponden al Estado, con el fin de alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible.

In the Annapurna Area of Nepal, NEFIN aims to strengthen Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPs and LCs) governance structures, preserve cultural sites, and raise awareness on the importance of the contributions of IPs and LCs to conservation and to generating global environmental benefits. 

Sahabat Alam Malaysia

Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) or Friends' of the Earth Malaysia, is an independent non-profit national organisation established in 1977. SAM is a registered body under the Societies Act 1966 and has been a member of the Friends of the Earth International since 1983. 


Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER )

HEKS champions the cause of a more humane and just world and a life in dignity. Internationally, HEKS/EPER focuses on rural community development, humanitarian aid and inter-church cooperation. 

Trillion Trees is the united force of BirdLife International, Wildlife Conservation Society and WWF. Together we protect and restore forests all over the world – for the benefit of people, nature and the climate.

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