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Struggles of Munda people of Datinakhali Mundapara in Shyamnagar upazila (subdistrict) of Satkhira district in Bangladesh

Septembre, 2023

This video is about the everyday struggles of Munda people of Datinakhali Mundapara in Shyamnagar upazila (subdistrict) of Satkhira district in Bangladesh. Munda is one of the indigenous communities in the country. Being on the frontline of the climate crisis, rising sea levels and salt infiltrates, 28 Munda families living in Datinakhali Mundapara are in dire straits due to landlessness, poverty, and climate change effects, with 10 Munda households already have migrated to other places.

Cameroun : l’or, secteur miné

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2022

Le Cameroun est favorable à l’exploitation minière, pour promouvoir le développement national. Cette option a entraîné la création de nouvelles catégories de permis, intermédiaires entre la mine industrielle et l’artisanat minier : la petite mine, et la mine artisanale semi-mécanisée. Situation qui a conduit à la présence, dans diverses Régions du Cameroun, d’un nombre important d’exploitants, et à une confusion dans l’esprit des communautés sur le statut et la nature des opérations minières se déroulant dans leur terroir.

Can formalisation of pastoral land tenure overcome its paradoxes? Reflections from East Africa

Décembre, 2021

Legal frameworks for communal land rights in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania are now gaining momentum. Questions can be raised as to whether, how, and to what extent these frameworks take into account the disadvantages of formalising tenure and the complexities of pastoral resources. In this paper, we consider the impact of these challenges on the formalisation of communal ownership, beginning with an overview of how commons theory has influenced land governance policies and how it is applied to pastoral systems.


Journal Articles & Books
Février, 2021


A myriad of Non-Governmental Institutions that form the land Sector Non-State Actors (LSNSA) have collaboratively developed an advocacy strategy to guide various engagements initiatives in the advocacy of the implementation of the Community Land Act,2016.

This Strategy highlights the roles of key actors: The Government, the Communities and Civil Society Organizations.

COVID-19, Biodiversity and Climate Change: Indigenous Peoples Defining the Path Forward

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2020

Indigenous Peoples and local communities manage more than half of the world´s land. These biodiverse ancestral lands are vital to the people who steward them and the planet we all share. But governments only recognize indigenous and community legal ownership of 10 percent of the world´s lands. Secure tenure is essential for safeguarding the existing forests against external forces. This is specifically true for forests managed by Indigenous Peoples, where much of the world’s carbon is stored.

An assessment of the implications of alternative scales of communal land tenure formalization in pastoral systems

Journal Articles & Books
Avril, 2020

Pastoralism faces diverse challenges, that include, among others, land tenure insecurity, that has necessitated the need to formalize land rights. Some governments have started regularizing rights for privately owned land, but this is complex to implement in pastoral areas where resources are used and managed collectively. Our aim was to assess how the scale of communal land tenure recognition in pastoralist systems may affect tradeoffs among objectives such as tenure security, flexibility, mobility, and reduction of conflicts.

Customary Land Recognition: Zambian Approach to Documentation and Administration

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2018

From January 15 to February 6, 2018, the USAID’s Tenure and Global Climate Change Program and Land Portal Foundation co-facilitated a dialogue on experiences of documenting household and community-level customary rights in Zambia. The dialogue brought together the perspectives of government, traditional leaders, practitioners, civil society, and academics to consider how customary land documentation can contribute to national development goals and increased service delivery in rural and peri-urban areas.

Cartilla 2: Los Pueblos Indígenas y sus Derechos al Territorio y los Recursos Naturales

Institutional & promotional materials
Avril, 2018
South America

La serie presenta cartillas con información actualizada de los derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas en el Perú y las normas internacionales referidas a ellos, poniendo un mayor énfasis en lo relacionado al derecho al territorio y a la tierra, desde los procesos de reconocimiento y titulación de las Comunidades Nativas. La información es expuesta a través de explicaciones apoyadas en ejemplos y en citas de normas importantes para su mejor comprensión. La cartilla N°2 aborda los derechos al territorio y los recursos naturales.


Panorama de los ejidos y comunidades agrarias en México

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2017
Latin America and the Caribbean

Los ejidos y comunidades agrarias son la forma de tenencia de la tierra que abarca mayor superficie en el campo mexicano; ellos ofertan una importante producción agropecuaria y en sus suelos están la mayor parte de los montes, áreas forestales, manglares, costas, agua, minas y diversos atractivos naturales; sin embargo, poco se conocen sus características generales, por lo que este artículo presenta los rasgos principales de estas formas de propiedad del suelo y un panorama amplio de su situación actual (basado fundamentalmente en el análisis del último censo ejidal).