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The Significance Of The Land Issue Has Not Yet Been Realized By The Authorities Of Kazakhstan

Reports & Research
Août, 2021

By creating a land commission, the Kazakh authorities managed to bring down the protest rallies in 2016, when, under pressure from citizens, the government was forced to abandon the sale and lease of land to foreigners. The goal of the national patriots was achieved, but the key issue for the citizens remained unresolved – the mechanism and procedures for the return of land to the people of Kazakhstan, sold by the authorities as a result of massive corruption deals and now belonging to oligarchs – “land barons”, has not been created by law.

Understanding Land Deals in Limbo in Africa: A Focus on Actors, Processes, and Relationships

Journal Articles & Books
Août, 2021


This publication serves as an introduction to a collection of articles published in the African Studies Review. It discusses the implications of as well as the question through what actors, processes, and relationships land deals become stalled or partially implemented. The reviewed articles draw on long-term, in-depth ethnographic research of land deals in Senegal, Tanzania, and Zambia. 

Communal Violence in Mauritania and Senegal 1989-1992

Reports & Research
Mars, 2021

A local famer-herder conflict over grazing rights in the Mauritanian-Senegal border region has triggered a spiral of violence between Senegalese and Mauritanians in the southern Senegal River bank and different Mauritanian cities. This escalation has to be understood against the background of persistent racism and discrimination of the ‘black’ population of Mauritania.

Terra e agricultura nas relações sino-angolanas: um estudo sobre parceria e conflito em Angola

Journal Articles & Books
Mars, 2021
África subsariana

A busca por recursos naturais sobressai nas investidas interna- cionais de alguns países, sendo a China uma das melhores ilustrações. Motiva a política externa chinesa, assim orientada, o abastecimento principalmente de matérias primas energéticas e de produtos agrícolas. Para as áreas implicadas, os desdobramentos podem se mostrar problemáticos, mormente pelas disputas por recursos essenciais. Este estudo focaliza esse assunto, investigando a parceria governamental entre China e Angola que criou a empresa Jiangzhou.

Thailand-Cambodia Border Conflict: Sacred Sites and Political Fights

Journal Articles & Books
Mars, 2021

How can maps drawn over a century ago still lead to conflict between two countries? The Southeast Asian countries of Thailand and Cambodia are neighbors with a difficult history and a shared border. Their religious similarities have made sacred spaces along the border a divisive issue, with the sacred site of Preah Vihear a central point of controversy.

Building on “Traditional” Land Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Rural Ghana: Adaptive or Anachronistic?

Peer-reviewed publication
Janvier, 2021
Sub-Saharan Africa

Despite the ongoing land administration reforms being implemented across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), including Ghana, as a viable pathway to achieve tenure security and greater efficiency in land administration, the subject of land dispute resolution has received relatively less attention. Whereas customary tenure institutions play a central role in land administration (controlling ~80% of all land in Ghana), they remain at the fringes of the formal land dispute adjudicatory process.

In the Face of Threats and Invasions in the Forests, Communities Defend and Reclaim Their Life Spaces

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2020
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The articles in this Bulletin are written by the following organizations and individuals: National Coordinator for the Defense of the Mangrove Ecosystem (C-CONDEM), Ecuador; Yayasan Pusaka Bentala Rakya (Bentala Raya Heritage Foundation), Indonesia; Venezuelan Observatory of Political Ecology and members of the WRM international secretariat in close collaboration with several allies who are part of grassroots groups in different countries.

Interstitial Space and the High Himalayan Dispute between China and India

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2020

A border dispute between Indian and Chinese troops, the most dangerous in 45 years, has roiled relations in the High Himalayan valleys and plateaus separating India (Ladakh) and China (Aksia Chin). Against this barren landscape, ancient pathways connecting Central, South, and East Asia converge, making the area today a key nodal point of commercial and strategic interest to three nuclear powers, India, China, and Pakistan.

Conflict and COVID-19: a double burden for Afghanistan’s healthcare system

Peer-reviewed publication
Août, 2020

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has put an additional strain on Afghanistan’s weak healthcare system. Prior to the pandemic, the government and its allies had already problems in providing high quality health services for the people in Afghanistan because of inadequate facilities, insecurities, and ongoing conflicts. This year, COVID- 19 exacerbated the situation and overwhelmed the healthcare system even further. As predicted, an influx of migrants suspected of having COVID-19 contributed to community transmission and led to an increase of cases across the country.

BTI 2020 Country Report Mongolia

Reports & Research
Avril, 2020

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In July 2017, Democratic Party candidate Khaltmaa Battulga was elected Mongolia’s new president with 50.61% of the vote, defeating his rival Miyegombo Enkhbold from the ruling Mongolian People’s Party (MPP) who received 41.16% of the vote. Importantly, 8.23% of the voters in the second round chose the none-of-the-above option, the so-called blank ballot. Mongolians believe in democracy as a guiding general principle and vision, but they have less trust in the fairness and effectiveness of political institutions.

Pressions, tensions et refoulements autour de la certification foncière : dynamiques régionales dans les projets pilotes de certification en Côte d’Ivoire

Journal Articles & Books
Avril, 2020
Côte d'Ivoire

Cet article analyse l’histoire de la Côte d’Ivoire en matière de certification des terres de 2004 à 2017, en passant au crible les variables de l’économie politique qui causent des frictions et ralentissent les programmes d’enregistrement des droits fonciers dans les pays africains. Sont ainsi identifiées les inégalités régionales, les inégalités sociales, et les différences régionales dans les institutions foncières préexistantes comme des facteurs qui entravent la réforme foncière.