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Ordinance on soil improvement in agriculture (Soil Improvement Ordinance).

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance implements the Cantonal Law on soil improvement of 4 December 1994. All soil improvements must bear carried out taking into consideration the need for a sustainable and low cost agricultural production, the conservation and promotion of landscape, a sustainable general development of nature and landscape, as well as land use planning. The text consists of 70 articles divided into 5 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Implementation (II); Unincorporated enterprises (III); Cooperatives (IV); Transitional and final provisions (V).

Decree on soil improvement.

Europe occidentale

The present Decree lays down provisions on soil improvements. Subject to available funds, the State promotes and supports undertakings and enterprises which aim to improve soil conditions. Therefore land reclamation will be carried out with a view to fertilize unusable land as well as to reinstall destroyed land. In order to carry out soil improvements all interested parties must form a cooperative authorized by the Canton.

Manual de procedimientos para la redacción y elaboración de planes reguladores.

Costa Rica
Amérique centrale

El presente Manual de procedimientos para la redacción y elaboración de planes reguladores, con el propósito de establecer los principios metodológicos no solamente orientadores, sino de acatamiento obligatorio, que deben cumplir los consultores privados e instituciones públicas responsables de elaborar proyectos regionales y locales para la elaboración de propuestas de planificación urbano-territoriales.

Revocado por: Manual de Planes Reguladores como instrumento de ordenamiento territorial. (2018-01-31)

Arrêté du Gouvernement flamand modifiant l'arrêté du Gouvernement flamand du 26 mai 2000 portant exécution de certains articles du décret du 23 janvier 1991 relatif à la protection de l'environnement contre la pollution due aux engrais.

Europe occidentale

Le présent arrêté modifie certains articles de l’arrêté du 26 mai 2000 susvisé. Entre autres, le texte remplace l’article 2 établissant que le Ministre peut imposer à certains preneurs l'obligation de mentionner sur le document d'écoulement d'engrais le numéro de parcelle sur lesquelles les engrais seront épandus.

Modifie: Arrêté du Gouvernement flamand portant exécution de certains articles du décret du 23 janvier 1991 relatif à la protection de l'environnement contre la pollution due aux engrais. (2000-05-26)

Decreto Nº 518 – Declara Areas de Usos Preferentes Específicos los espacios del borde costero del litoral de la IV Región.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto declara Areas de Usos Preferentes Específicos los espacios que conforman el borde costero del litoral de la IV Región de Coquimbo, de acuerdo con las definiciones y lineamientos que se especifican en el artículo 1º. Quedan comprendidos en la zonificación las playas y terrenos de playa fiscales, las bahías y el mar territorial.

Coastal Protection and Management (Coastal Management Districts) Regulation 2003.


This regulation implements the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995. It establishes coastal management districts, with the names and borders set the annexed schedules. Moreover, it amends Coastal Protection Regulation 2003 on matters related to the coastal management districts.

Implements: Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995. (2015-09-11)

Resolución Nº 58/2007 - Apruébanse las aperturas inferiores del primer nivel operativo de la Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Jefatura de Gabinete de Ministros.

Amérique du Sud

La presente Resolución regula la organización y el funcionamiento del primer nivel operativo de la Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Jefatura de Gabinete de Ministros, de acuerdo al organigrama, las acciones y la dotación que se detallan en los Anexos I, II y III. Por otro lado, los Anexos IV y V regulan las acciones y organizacón de las coordinaciones de dicha Secretaría.

Styria Sewage Sludge Ordinance 2007.

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance implements article 12 of the Styria Agricultural Soil Protection Law (LGBl. No. 66/1987). The Ordinance consists of 11 articles as follows: Quality of sewage sludge and compost (1); Quality of agricultural land (2); Authorized threshold values for sewage sludge and the soil in general (3); Yearly authorized threshold values (4); Keeping of certificates (5); Spreading of sewage sludge (6); Attestation (7); Community law (8); Transitional provisions (9); Entry into force (10); Repeal (11). Five Annexes are enclosed.

Decree No. 54 of 2006 containing rules relative to uniform soil restructuring.

Europe occidentale

This Decree provides, in the framework of the coordination of the new soil restructuring policy, for rules relative to "uniform restructuring" in the sense of section 39f of the Soil Protection Act. The Decree prescribes how this kind of restructuring shall be carried out and requires the restructuring to be reported to the competent authority. The operator shall also carry out an a valuation report after completion of the restructuring.

Implements: Act containing rules relative to protection of the soil (Soil Protection Act). (2010-07-19)

Decree No. 681 of 2005 implementing financial provisions of the Soil Protection Act in relation with soil restructuring.

Europe occidentale

This Decree implements provisions of the Soil Protection Act in relation to financial arrangements for soil restructuring projects of public authorities and subsidies to "third parties", i.e. an owner or heritage leaseholder of industrial premises and the financial aspects of soil restructuring.