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Décret n° 2005-117 relatif à la prévention de l'érosion et modifiant le code rural.

Europe occidentale

Le présent décret compléte par un chapitre IV les dispositions du chapitre II du titre Ier du livre Ier de la deuxième partie (Réglementaire) du Code rural, relatif à l'agriculture de certaines zones soumises à des contraintes environnementales, et notamment les zones d'erosion.

Lower Saxony Ordinance on experts and competent authorities for soil protection and contaminated sites.

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance implements article 3 and 7 of the Lower Saxony Soil Protection Law of 19 February 1999. In particular, the first Part of the Ordinance deals with provisions relating to the acknowledgement and duties of experts for soil protection. The second Part lays down provisions concerning recognition proceedings for soil examining entities. The text consists of 14 articles divided into 3 Parts. Two Annexes are enclosed.

Implements: Lower Saxony Soil Protection Law. (2004-11-05)

Fisheries (Berthing) (Amendment) Regulations (S.R.O. 18 of 2005).


These Regulations amend the Fisheries (Berthing) Regulations in regulations 5 and 7 and Schedules I and II. Regulation 5 (on use of public structures at landing areas) is amended by defining “public structure or facility” as any structure erected or facility established for fisheries purposes at a designated fish landing site. Regulation 7 (on the payment of fees) of the Principal Regulations is amended in paragraph (a) by inserting after the word “Chief Fisheries Officer” the following: “or the designated authority.”

Ministerial Decree No. 1307 validating Regulation on the state testing and approbation of phytosanitary means of soil improvement for agriculture and forestry.

Europe orientale

Import, manufacturing, transport storage and trade of phytosanitary means for the improvement of soil fertility tested, approved and registered by the National Approbation Council shall be authorized on the national territory. The state testing and approbation include expertise, field testing, registration and issuance of the approbation certificate. Phytosanitary means shall include chemicals, biological agents, biotechnology and pesticides used for the purpose of soil improvement. The state testing shall be the basis for the approbation practices.

NOM-150-SEMARNAT-2006: Especificaciones técnicas de protección ambiental que deben observarse en las actividades de construcción y evaluación preliminar de pozos geotérmicos para exploración.

Amérique centrale

La presente Norma Oficial Mexicana establece las especificaciones técnicas de protección al ambiente que deben observar los responsables de realizar actividades de construcción de pozos geotérmicos para exploración, que se ubiquen en zonas agrícolas, ganaderas y eriales, fuera de áreas naturales protegidas y terrenos forestales. Las disposiciones se refieren en particular a la perforación y evaluación de pozos geotérmicos, así como a la fase de terminación de actividades y abandono del sitio.

Regulation on the way of establishing the area for which land improvement devices have good impact.

Europe orientale

This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of five articles, lays down provisions concerning establishing the area for which land improvement devices have good impact, depending on types of land improvement devices. The borders of areas are documented on maps where the network of existing land improvement devices is drawn.

Implements: Water Law. (2005-06-03)

Decreto Nº 33.957/MINAE/MAG - Modifica el Decreto Nº 23.214/MAG/MIRENEM, sobre la metodología para la determinación de la capacidad de uso de las tierras.

Costa Rica
Amérique centrale

El presente Decreto modifica la Metodología para la determinación de la capacidad de uso de las tierras de Costa Rica, en relación a la realización de obras de infraestructura civil.

Enmienda: Decreto Nº 23.214/MAG/MIRENEM - Metodología para la determinación de la capacidad de uso de las tierras. (1994-04-13)

Ordinance by the governing Council relating to the Law on improvement of soil and agricultural buildings (Soil Improvement Ordinance).

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance implements the Law on improvement of soil and agricultural buildings (Soil Improvement Law) of 2 May 1988. Article 1 establishes that the Department of Internal Affairs and Economics and the Agriculture Office are the competent authorities in the Canton responsible for the enforcement of the aforementioned Law. The text consists of 19 articles divided into 4 Parts as follows: Competence and coordination (I); Proceedings (II); Contributions by the Canton (III); Transitional and final provisions (IV).

Joint Decree No. 477/07 creating the Permanent Technical Committee of Bengo for the coastal zone management (POOC).

Afrique centrale

This Joint Decree creates the Permanent Technical Committee of Bengo for the coastal zone management (POOC). It establishes composition, duties and responsibilities of the above mentioned institution entitled to carry out controls and to perform coastal zone management.

Implements: Decree No. 4/01 regulating Coastal Management Plans (POOC). (2001-02-02)

Soil Protection Ordinance.

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance implements, inter alia, the Environment Protection Law of 13 March 1991, the Federal Environment Protection Act of 7 October 1983 and the Federal Water Protection Act of 21 June 1991. Article 1 establishes that the Environment and Energy Office is responsible for the enforcement of the federal legislation on soil protection. The text consists of 6 articles as follows: Competences (1); Obligatory sampling of soil (2); Carrying out of soil examination (3); Measure to conserve soil fertility (4); Repeal (5).

Resolución Nº 153 - Guía de buenas prácticas ambientales para la construcción y ensanche de carreteras y la rehabilitación de caminos rurales.

Amérique centrale

La presente Resolución adopta la Guía de buenas prácticas ambientales para la construcción y ensanche de carreteras y la rehabilitación de caminos rurales, para la implementación de las acciones de prevención, corrección, mitigación y compensación que puedan ejecutarse en estas actividades, a fin de promover la protección y prevenir daños en los factores ambientales.

Decision No. 15/2007/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Ba Ria-Vung Tau province in the 2006-2015 period, with orientations towards 2020.

Viet Nam
Asia du sud-est

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Ba Ria-Vung Tau province.The plan aims at developing Ba Ria-Vung Tau into an industrial province strong in marine economy with a system of national and international commercial ports, and into an industrial, touristic and fisheries centre of the region. The socio-economic development shall be achieved on the basis of protecting, regenerating and enriching marine, forest, land and water resources, protecting the environment, particularly ecological and marine.