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Regional Law No. 94-z “On some issues of allotment in ownership of public or municipal land plots”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes that public or municipal land plot can be allotted free of charge on condition of tenancy for maximum period of six year for residential housing construction or family farming to certain categories of agricultural specialists (list of professions included).

Regional Law No. 605-OZ “On some issues of allotment in ownership of public or municipal land plots”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes that public or municipal land plot can be allotted free of charge on condition of tenancy for maximum period of six year for residential housing construction or family farming to certain categories of agricultural specialists (list of professions included).

Decree-Law No. 29/2009 on the National Land Register of Cabo Verde.

Afrique occidentale

This Decree-Law is composed of seven chapters divided into 41 articles. It defines the main functions and structure of the National Land Register for Cape Verde. Special attention is paid to the procedures to identify the land parcels.

Implemented by: Decree No. 28/2014 regulating the Legal Regime of Land Registry. (2014-10-22)
Repeals: Legislative Decree No. 3/2008 on the institution of a National register for the land tenure of Cape Verde. (2008-10-13)

Decreto Nº 1.660 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 387, sobre medidas para la prevención del desplazamiento forzado.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto reglamenta la Ley que adopta medidas para la prevención del desplazamiento forzado y la atención, protección, consolidación y estabilización socioeconómica de los desplazados internos por la violencia, en lo relacionado con la permuta de predios de propiedad de la población en condición de desplazamiento.

Agrarian Services Act 1979 (No. 58 of 1979).

Sri Lanka
Asie méridionale

Every landlord of an extent of paddy land in respect of which there is a tenant cultivator shall furnish in the prescribed manner the following information to the Commissioner: (a) name of the landlord; (b) name of the tenant cultivator; (c) extent of the paddy land cultivated by the tenant; (d) any other information as may be required. The maximum extent of paddy land that could by cultivated by a tenant is fixed at five acres.

Resolución Nº 191/16/VIVIENDA - Plan Estratégico Institucional (PEI) 2016 - 2018 del Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento (MVCS).

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Plan Estratégico Institucional (PEI) 2016 - 2018 del Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento (MVCS), que constituye un instrumento que orienta la gestiona institucional y que contribuye al logro de los objetivos y metas institucionales, sectoriales y nacionales. El PEI constituye el instrumento que articula el nivel estratégico sectorial de mediano plazo con el plan operativo de corto plazo y el presupuesto anual.

Measures for the Administration of Annual Plans on the Utilization of Land (1999).

Asie orientale

The purpose of these Measures is to strengthen land administration and control, enforce the control of land uses, protect cultivated land, and properly control the total amount of land for construction use.The Measures provide for the compilation, issuance, implementation, supervision and assessment of the annual plans on the utilization of land, and for annual plan quotas of land utilization.

Implements: Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China. (2004-08-28)

Decreto Nº 2 - Norma ambiental de calidad de suelos para diversos usos.

Amérique centrale

El presente Decreto tiene por objeto establecer la Norma ambiental de calidad de suelos para diversos usos, a fin de proteger la salud humana y los ecosistemas, definir los niveles genéricos de referencia y los límites máximos permisibles de contaminantes químicos en el suelo, establecer los métodos a utilizar en los análisis químicos y microbiológicos y especificar los contenidos de informes preliminares de situación, de caracterización y de remediación de suelos.

Regulations of Hubei province on the contracting and managing of rural Land.

Asie orientale

These Regulations have been formulated for the purpose of stabilizing and perfecting the two-level operation system, which is based on the responsibility system of contracting by households supplemented by unified management, protecting the legal rights and interests of the parties of the contracting of rural land, so as to improve the development of agriculture and the rural economy and stabilize the rural areas.