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Administration Act 1969.


An Act relating to the administration of estates of deceased persons. "Administration" means probate of the will of a deceased person, and includes letters of administration of the estate of a deceased person, granted with or without a will annexed, for general, special, or limited purposes, and in the case of a trustee corporation includes an order to administer and an election to administer. The Act regulates granting of administration and contains rules regarding administration of estates.

Decree-Law No. 7/2007 approving the structure of the IV Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste.

Asia du sud-est

This Decree-Law, consisting of 4 Chapters, approves the structure of the IV Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste. It establishes composition, competences and duties of the Fourth Reform of the Government of the country and specifies all the area involved in order to allow to face the problems of the country according to the needs and priority of its population.

Implemented by: Decree-Law No. 16/2008 approving the State Secretariat for the Promotion of Gender Equality. (2008-06-04)
Implements: Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. (2002-03-22)

Ley Nº 3.545 - Modifica la Ley Nº 1.715, Servicio Nacional de Reforma Agraria.

Amérique du Sud

La presente Ley modifica e incorpora nuevas disposiciones a la Ley Nº 1.715 de 1996, con la que se estableció la estructura del Servicio Nacional de Reforma Agraria, abocado a realizar la reforma agraria y el régimen de distribución de tierras. Entre las nuevas disposiciones cabe destacar los párrafos del III al IX (incorporados al artículo 2º) que se refieren a la función económico-social de las tierras y áreas agrícolas.

Administration of Estates Act, 2002 (Cap. 108).


This Act provides for administration of land and other property of deceased persons. The Act consists of 37 sections divided into 5 Parts: Preliminary (I); Devolution of Real Estate (II); Executors and Administrators (III); Administration of Assets (IV); General (V).Real estate to which a deceased person was entitled for an interest not ceasing on his death, shall, on his death and notwithstanding any testamentary disposition thereof, devolve on the personal representative of the deceased.

Wills Act, 2002 (Cap. 115).


An Act to provide for deeds of inheritance of property including real estates. The Act consists of 45 sections divide into 6 Parts: Preliminary (I); Wills; rectification and interpretation of wills (II); Wills executed outside the Bahamas (III); Members of defence force (IV); Mariners and seamen (V); General (VI).

Registered Land Law (2004 Revision).

Îles Caïmanes

This Law makes provision with respect to registration of title in land and effects of registration and provides for a wide variety of matters regarding specific title in land such as leases, charges, transfers, co-ownership and partition, trusts and transmission on death.The Law establishes a Land Register and requires the Governor to appoint a Land Registrar, the functions and powers of which are defined by this Law. The Land Register shall consist of a register of parcels adjudicated under the Land Adjudication Law and a register of each lease required by the Law to be registered.

Administration of Estates by Consular Officers Act.


This Act grants powers within Montserrat to the Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent of a State to administer the estate of a deceased person of such State. Such Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent shall immediately apply for, and shall be entitled to obtain from the Court, Letters of Administration of the property of the deceased person, limited in such manner and for such time as to the Court shall seem fit.

Administration of Small Estates Act.


This Act makes provision for the administration of the small estates of deceased persons. Where a person dies intestate leaving a small estate, an application may be made to the Registrar of the High Court at any time not earlier than one month after the death of such person for a grant of letters of administration in respect of such estate. The Act also provides for the grant of probate of the will and defines duties and powers of Registrar relative to grant of letters of administration or of probate.

Real Representative Act.


This Act makes provision for the devolution of legal interest in real estate on the decease of the owner to personal representatives or representative. The Act also provides for administration of the estate by the personal representatives or representative of a deceased person and transfer to heir or devisee.

Unrepresented Estates Act.


This Act makes provision for the administration of unrepresented estates (as defined) by the Administrator of Estates appointed under this Act. After receiving, upon application to Court, an order, the Administrator of Estates shall forthwith take possession and cause an inventory of the estate mentioned in such order to be made, and shall file the inventory in Court. The Act makes provision for administration and sale of estates by the Administrator.