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Loi n° 97-028 du 15 janvier 1999 portant organisation de l'administration territoriale en République du Bénin.

Afrique occidentale

La présente loi fixe la dénomination et détermine le ressort territorial des structures les structures ou entités l’administration territoriale (les autorités et services déconcentrés de l'Etat; les départements et les communes) ainsi que les règles devant régir les prérogatives des organes et personnes chargées de leur direction.Les organes de gestion de ces entités sont consultés en matière d’élaboration de schémas d'aménagement du territoire et des projets de développement du département; des mesures de protection de l'environnement; des forêts classées et des zones cynégétique; de l'éne

Ley Nº 6/1999 - Ley de las Directrices de Ordenación Territorial de las Illes Balears y de Medidas Tributarias.

Europe méridionale

La presente Ley de las Directrices de Ordenación Territorial de las Illes Balears y de Medidas Tributarias, tiene por objeto definir un modelo territorial para las Illes Balears, a través de un desarrollo equilibrado entre los diferentes ámbitos territoriales y sectoriales, una utilización sostenible en términos ambientales del suelo y de los recursos naturales, una mejor distribución en el espacio de los usos y actividades productivas, y una protección de la calidad ambiental, el paisaje, la biodiversidad y el patrimonio histórico.

Ley Nº 8/1998 - Ley de Conservación de la Naturaleza y de Espacios Naturales de Extremadura.

Europe méridionale

El presente Ley tiene por objeto el establecimiento de normas adicionales de protección del patrimonio natural de Extremadura, para facilitar su protección, conservación, restauración y mejora y asegurar su desarrollo sostenible y su preservación para las generaciones futuras. La regulación abarca tanto la biodiversidad y los elementos singulares de flora y fauna silvestres como los hábitats de las especies y los procesos ecológicos fundamentales.

Local Self-Governance Act, 2055 (1999).

Asie méridionale

The purpose of this Act is to support the decentralization process in general and capacity building of the districts, in particular with respect to the rural infrastructure development, and to improve rural accessibility.Village Development Committees shall be constituted as executives of the Village Council in village development areas, Municipalities shall be constituted as executives of the Municipal Council in municipal areas, and District Development Committees shall be constituted as executive bodies of District Councils in district development areas.

Emergency Powers Act (No. 28 of 1998).


This Act grants powers to the President of Fiji to proclaim a state of emergency in the whole or any part of the Fiji Islands.The President shall only proclaim an emergency on advice of the Cabinet. One of the reasons to proclaim an emergency is the occurrence of a natural disaster in respect of which the provisions of the Natural Disaster Management Act 1998 are inadequate. The Act also grants powers to the President to take, by Regulation, measures for the control of an emergency.

Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (1997 Chapter 8).

Europe septentrionale

The 278 sections are divided into 14 Parts: Administration (I); Development Plans (II); Control Over Development (III); Compensation For Effects Of Certain Orders, Notices Etc. (IV); Rights Of Owners Etc. To Require Purchase Of Interests (V); Enforcement (VI); Special Controls (VII); Acquisition And Appropriation Of Land For Planning Purposes Etc. (VIII); Roads, Footpaths And Rights Of Way (IX); Statutory Undertakers (X); Validity (XI); Crown Land (XII); Financial Provisions (XIII); Miscellaneous And General Provisions (XIV).

Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act 1985 (Cap. 150).

Afrique orientale

This Act provides rules relative to the exploration for and the exploitation of oil resources in Uganda. The Act also imposes certain duties on licence holders with respect to the protection of the environment and in case of emergencies. No person shall carry on any exploration or development operations on petroleum in or upon any land in Uganda except under, and in accordance with, a licence issued under this Act. The Government may enter into an agreement for the grant of a licence.

Emergency Powers Act 1968 (Cap. 297).

Afrique orientale

This Act grants powers to the Minister to make emergency regulations during an emergency proclaimed by a Proclamation issued under article 110 of the Constitution. The Regulations may, among other things, authorize the acquisition on behalf of the Government of any property, including land.

Decree No. 686 of 1999 enacting the Regional Law on territories of traditional nature management of indigenous scanty population of the North.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

Regional Legislative Assembly decrees to validate Regional Law on territories of traditional nature management of indigenous scanty population of the North and to forward it for official publication.

Implements: Regional Law No. 173 of 1999 on territories of traditional nature management of indigenous scanty population of the North. (1999-12-24)

Regional Law No. 173 of 1999 on territories of traditional nature management of indigenous scanty population of the North.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Law establishes legal status, the modalities of allotment, attachment and management of the territories of traditional nature management of indigenous scanty population of the North in the Khabarovsk Territory and is aimed at the solution of economic, social and demographic problems of indigenous scanty population of the North for the purpose of ensuring traditional way of life of the aforesaid population.

Loi nº 34/2000 portant modification du décret-loi du 26 avril 1974 portant confirmation et modification de l'ordonnance-loi du 18 juin 1973 portant création de l'Office rwandais du tourisme et des parcs nationaux.

Afrique orientale

Les hôtels, guest-houses et terrains connexes affectés à l'Office rwandais du tourisme et des parcs nationaux (ORTPN) sont désaffectés du domaine public et incorporés dans le domaine privé de l'Etat.

Modifie: Décret-loi du 26 avril 1974 portant confirmation et modification de l'ordonnance-loi du 18 juin 1973 portant création de l'Office rwandais du tourisme et des parcs nationaux. (1974-04-26)

Provincial Act No. 21 laying down the legislative framework on forestry.

Europe méridionale

This Provincial Act is divided into five Titles. The aims pursued are the protection of any kind of land falling within the provincial territory, giving particular regard to forests, mountain grasslands and pastures, in order to ensure their conservation and productivity and to guarantee their rational and sustainable use.