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Council of Ministers Resolution No. 136/99 approving the Land use Planning of Coastal zone of Sado-Sines (POOC).

Europe méridionale

This Council of Ministers Resolution approves the Land use Planning of Coastal zone of Sado-Sines with the purpose of a better exploitation of water and land resources, in compliance with the environmental preservation. It consists of 5 chapters and 3 annexes establishing: General provisions establishing the conditions to be satisfied for occupation, use and transformation of lands (chap. 1); Water resources exploitation and sanitary measures to avoid pollution and to guarantee water quality standards (chap. 2); Classification of protected areas (chap.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 25/99 approving the coastal zone planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Caminha' and 'Espinho'.

Europe méridionale

This Resolution approves the Coastal Zone Planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Caminha' and 'Espinho'. It consists of 9 Chapters and 2 Annexes defining the conditions to be satisfied in order to organize and plan the coastal zone of the aforesaid area. The text is divided as follows: Aim of the Coastal Zone Plans (Chap. 1); Servitudes and other administrative restrictions (Chap. 2); Coastal zone use, classifying the different areas (Chap. 3); Areas to be protected by the sea erosion (Chap. 4); Management and planning services (Chap. 5); Beaches and maritime areas (Chap.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 33/99 approving the coastal zone planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Burgau' and 'Vilamoura'.

Europe méridionale

This Resolution approves the Coastal Zone Planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Burgau' and 'Vilamoura' in order to improve touristic sector. It consists of 5 Sections and 5 annexes defining the conditions to be satisfied in order to carry out the coastal zone plans of the aforesaid area. The text is divided as follows: Aim of the Coastal Zone Plans (sect. 1); Servitudes and other administrative restrictions (sect. 2); Coastal zone use, classifying the different areas (including wildlife protection, agricultural and marine areas) (sect.

Decreto Nº 2.569 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 387, sobre medidas para la prevención del desplazamiento forzado.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto reglamenta la Ley que adopta medidas para la prevención del desplazamiento forzado y la atención, protección, consolidación y estabilización socioeconómica de los desplazados internos por la violencia, en relación a las atribuciones legales a la Red de Solidaridad Social, que son complementarias y afines a las atribuidas al Ministerio del Interior en relación con la inscripción de la población desplazada por la violencia.

Implementa: Ley Nº 387 - Medidas para la prevención del desplazamiento forzado. (1997-07-18)

Regulation No. 9/98 establishing coastal zones within the district of Praia as Areas of Touristic Development.

Afrique occidentale

This Regulation establishes coastal zones within the district of Praia as Areas of Touristic Development. It consists of 2 articles and 1 annex laying down geographical coordinates and a detailed map of the aforementioned areas.

Règlement grand-ducal modifiant le règlement grand-ducal du 10 avril 1997 déclarant obligatoire le plan d'aménagement global Haff Réimech.

Europe occidentale

Les articles suivants du susdit règlement sont modifiés: L'article 2 contenant les diverses zones du plan d'aménagement global; l'article 3 sur la zone non-aedificandi; l'article 4 traitant la zone d'activité économique sud; l'article 5 sur la zone verte. Après l'article 10, il est ajouté un article 10a concernant la zone d'activité économique nord. Le règlement est composé par 2 articles et 1 annexe portant le plan d'aménagement global, Haff Réimech.

Modifie: Règlement grand-ducal déclarant obligatoire le plan d'aménagement global "Haff Réimech". (1997-04-10)

Subdivision of Land Regulation (Man. Reg. 142/96).

Amérique septentrionale

The present Regulation lays down provisions relating to the subdivision of land. Section 2 establishes that a person proposting to subdivide private land within a provincial park shall apply to the Director of Parks. The text consists of 11 sections divided into 5 Parts as follows: Interpretation (1); Application for subdivision (2); Approving authority review (3); Subdivision requirements (4); Coming into force (5).

Implements: Provincial Parks Act (C.C.S.M. c. P20). (2015)

Resolution No. 2 of 1997 issuing the Implementing Regulation of Legislative Decree No. 3 of 1994 on the division of lands destined for development and construction.

Asie occidentale

This Implementing Regulation explains and specifies provisions of Legislative Decree No. 3 of 1994 concerning land and environment planning. The Implementing Regulation is composed of 4 Sections divided into 59 articles. Section 1 deals with terms and definitions. Section 2 specifies the objectives of this Regulation as well as the basis and standards for the division of lands. Section 3 refers to procedures adopted for the division of lands. Section 4 deals with the following matters: (a) projecting provisions; (b) complaint affairs; (c) fees; and (d) offences and penalties.

Conservation Districts Regulation (Man. Reg.14/88).

Amérique septentrionale

The present Act implements the Conservation Districts Act (C-175). In particular, it refers to section 3 dealing with the Conservation Districts Commission.Subject to the approval of the Commission are: a) drainage improvement, development and maintenance; b) flood control; c) soil conservation; d) water conservation; e) recreation development; and f) such other programmes of resource conservation and development as the board may deem. The text consists of 20 sections.

Implements: Conservation Districts Act (C.C.S.M. c. C175). (2006)