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Décret exécutif n° 98-339 définissant la réglementation applicable aux installations classées et fixant leur nomenclature.

Afrique septentrionale

Ce décret porte réglementation applicable aux installations classées prévues à l'article 75 de la loi nº 83-03. Ces installations sont soumises soit à autorisation soit à déclaration. Le décret indique les autorités compétentes à délivrer l'autorisation, les conditions et les modalités de présentation de la demande d'autorisation ou de la déclaration, les étapes de l'enquête publique. La durée des autorisations est illimitée sauf exceptions.

Regulation on forestation.

Asie occidentale

The present Regulation provides guidelines to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry on planning afforestation activities: (i) Preparation of afforestation projects; (ii) Selection of areas for afforestation; (iii) Organizing forest - social community relations; and (iv) Preparation of annual programs and location distribution tables. One year prior to afforestation, all trees and shrubs that are classified as non-economic will be cleared from the area.

Décret nº 2000-1248 relatif aux projets d'agglomération et portant application de l'article 23 de la loi nº 95-115 du 4 février 1995 modifiée d'orientation pour l'aménagement et le développement du territoire

Europe occidentale

Le projet d'agglomération dans une aire urbaine est approuvé par délibérations concordantes des établissements publics de coopération intercommunale et des communes intéressés. Ces délibérations prévoient les modalités selon lesquelles le projet d'agglomération approuvé fait l'objet d'une diffusion au sein de l'aire urbaine. Le contrat particulier prévu au troisième alinéa de l'article 23 de la loi du 4 février 1995 est élaboré conjointement avec l'Etat et la région ainsi que, le cas échéant, le département.

Resolución Nº 130 - Normas técnicas sobre planes de ordenamiento predial.

Amérique du Sud

La presente Resolución aprueba las Normas técnicas sobre Planes de Ordenamiento Predial (POP), cuyo objetivo es el de garantizar a largo plazo la conservación y el uso sostenible de las tierras del dominio originario del Estado asignadas a los particulares, mediante un proceso de clasificación de tierras por su capacidad de uso mayor a nivel predial.

Order No. 779/99 establishing the planning for the recreational harbours within the Municipality of Albufeira.

Europe méridionale

This Order establishes the planning for the recreational harbours within the Municipality of Albufeira. It consists of 7 chapters establishing requirements and conditions to be met in order to manage and authorize every activity to be performed within the said area (including land use planning, coastal area planning, construction of port facilities, etc.). General provisions (Chap. 1); General provisions concerning soil use (2); Specific provisions (3); urbanisation and building characteristics (4); Special provisions (5); External areas for private use (6); Final provisions (7).

Decree No. 599 of 2000 containing rules relative to implementation of a system of poultry rights based on the Fertilising Substances Act.

Europe occidentale

This Decree provides for the implementation of a system of so-called "poultry rights" as proposed in the Act fertilizing Substances. A "poultry right" is basically a right to hold poultry and to produce manure from poultry. The introduction of these rights for various sectors of livestock farming aims at the control of pollution caused by manure.

Decree No. 334 of 2000 containing environment protection rules for equipment and installations used in construction and wood processing enterprises.

Europe occidentale

This Decree prescribes rules relative to the prevention and reduction of pollution relating to economic activities in the sphere of construction and the processing of wood. The provisions of this Decree deal with all kinds of pollution such as discharge of water, pollution of the soil and groundwater, etc. It is based on the principle that enterprises working in these sectors are for themselves responsible for control of their activities and the control mechanism is now concentrated on report by those enterprises instead of control through the granting of permits.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 151/98 approving the coastal zone planning (POAA) of 'Albufeira de Alvito'.

Europe méridionale

This Resolution approves the Regulation for Coastal Zone Planning of 'Albufeira de Alvito' (POAA). The Regulation consists of 3 chapters and 1 annex defining the conditions to be satisfied in order to organize and plan the coastal zone of the aforesaid area. The text is divided as follows: General provisions (Chap. 1); Zoning and activities (including land protection, exploitation and use according to the different area) (2); Final provisions, including POAA licensing (3). Annex list geographical map of the area.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 152/98 approving the coastal zone planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Sines' and 'Burgau'.

Europe méridionale

This Resolution approves the Regulation on Coastal Zone Planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Sines' and 'Burgau'. The Regulation consists of 5 parts and 2 Annexes defining the conditions to be satisfied in order to organize and plan the coastal zone of the aforesaid areas. The text is divided as follows: General provisions (Part 1); Servitudes and other administrative restrictions (2); Coastal zone use, classifying the different areas (3); Management and planning services (4); Final provisions (5). Annexes list geographical map of the area.

Mines and Minerals (General) Regulations.

Amérique centrale

Regulations to implement provisions of the Mines and Minerals Act in general.The 61 regulations are divided into 13 Parts: Preliminary (I); Non-exclusive prospecting licence (II); Pegging of claims (III); Quarry permit (IV); Mineral right and objections (V); Royalty and transfers (VI); Mineral Dealer’s licence and export permit (VII); Residence/use of land (VIII); Surveys (IX); Keeping records of minerals (X); Retention of minerals (XI); Miscellaneous (XII); Water and timber rights (XIII).Non-exclusive prospecting licences shall be issued by the Inspector in accordance with provisions of Pa

Mines and Minerals (Safety, Health and Environmental) Regulations.

Amérique centrale

Regulations to implement provisions of the Mines and Minerals Act in with respect to safety, health and environment protection aspects of mining and related operations.The 122 regulations are divided into 14 Parts: Preliminary (I); General provisions (II); Environmental protection, reclamation and abandonment (III); Exploration (IV); Mine design and planning (V); Machinery and equipment (VI); Electrical apparatus (VII); Buildings and structures (VIII); Dumps (tips), dams and lagoons (IX); Explosives (X); Personnel safety and emergency awareness (XI); Hoists and shafts (XII); Industrial hygi