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Designation of provincial competent authority and local authorities who may issue authorisation for undertaking of activities in Outeniqua Sensitive Coastal Area (G.N. 1527 of 1998).

Afrique du Sud
Afrique australe

This Notice of the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, made under section 22 of the Environment Conservation Act, 1989, designates in the Schedule the competent authority and the local authorities who may issue written authorization for the undertaking of activities which are identified in GN. R. 1526 in respect of the Outeniqua Sensitive Coastal Area referred to in that Government Notice. Those activities include: disturbance of vegetation, dredging, dune stabilisation and earthworks.

Designation of provincial competent authority and local authorities who may issue authorisation for undertaking of activities in the Pennington Sensitive Coastal Area and the Umtamvuna Sensitive Coastal Area (G.N. 1530 of 1998).

Afrique du Sud
Afrique australe

This Notice of the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, made under section 22 of the Environment Conservation Act, 1989, designates in the Schedule the provincial authority and the local authorities who may issue written authorization for the undertaking of activities which are identified in GN. R. 1529 in respect of the Pennington Sensitive Coastal Area and Umtamvuna Sensitive Coastal Area referred to in that Government Notice. Those activities include: disturbance of vegetation, dredging, dune stabilisation and earthworks.

Decree of the President of the Provincial Council No. 29 on forestry.

Europe méridionale

This Decree lays down provisions for implementing Provincial Act No. 21 of 21 October 1996 relative to the forestry sector. The Decree is divided into three Titles and contains two Annexes. Title I regulates the hydrogeological and forest bonds referred to in article 3 of Provincial Act No. 21 of 1996. Article 2 concerns its removal under certain circumstances. Title II lays down particular provisions for bound lands. Part I of Title II regulates the transformation of forests. Article 4 gives the definition of forest.

Ministerial Decree No. 426 regarding validation of the Regulation on social and hygienic monitoring.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regulation determines targets, tasks and the modalities of carrying out social and hygienic monitoring and formation of the Federal Information Fund containing data of social and hygienic monitoring. Monitoring is carried out for the purpose of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. Data collected within the framework of monitoring regard the following parameters: 1) State of public health and environment, including social factors – public feeding and water supply. 2) Natural and climatic factors such as groundwater, surface water and land use planning.

Transfer of Forest Resources Regulations.

Asie orientale

"Transfer of forest resources" refers to the economic activities to transfer the ownership of woods and the right of use of the forest land (wildlife, mineral resources and underground matters are not included) from one to another. Timber forest, groves of bamboo, economic forest and fuel forest are transferable (art. 5). The forests in scenic spot, historic site and in natural reserve or protected areas are not transferable; it is forbidden to transfer the forest, which have unclear or disputable ownership (art. 6).

Ministerial decree No.1223 of 1997 regarding validation of the Regulation on determination of size and boundaries of the plots of land within condominiums.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

The Government, for the purpose of speeding-up of the reform of housing and municipal services, as well as for more active participation of the population in the process of the improvement of urban planning, decrees to validate the Regulation. The document determines the modalities of definition of size and boundaries of the plots of land within condominiums conceded on condition of ownership or lease to the house-owners or condominiums.

Decree No. 509 of 2000 relative to the establishment of the Environment, Nature and Town and Country Planning Research Council.

Europe occidentale

The Environment, Nature and Town and Country Planning Research Council shall carry out research regarding aspects of the environment, town and country planning and nature conservation and restoration in the Netherlands. The Council may submit policy proposals to the Minister of Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Fisheries, shall coordinate research efforts in the sector, shall indicate new issues in the sector regarding the environment and nature conservation and carry out other tasks laid down in article 4.

Ministerial Decree No. 1021 of 1999 regarding validation of the Regulation on Federal Geodetic and Cartographic Service.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

The Government decrees to validate the Regulation. Federal Geodetic and Cartographic Service (ROSKARTOGRAFIJA) is Federal Executive Body entitled with special functions (executive, control, supervision, authorizing, regulating and so on) in the field of geodetic and cartographic activity and denomination of geographic objects. ROSKARTOGRAFIJA is a specially authorized Federal Body in the field of environmental protection within the sphere of its competence as well as in the sphere of denomination of geographic objects.

Decreto Nº 29.375/MAG/MINAE/S/MOPT - Reglamento a la Ley sobre uso, manejo y conservación de suelos.

Costa Rica
Amérique centrale

El presente Reglamento, con el fin de proteger, conservar y mejorar los suelos, evitar la erosión y degradación por diversas causas naturales o artificiales, declara de interés y utilidad publica la acción estatal o privada para el manejo integrado y sostenible de los suelos en armonía con los demás recursos y riquezas naturales en todo el territorio nacional.

Resolution No. 1 of 2000 issuing the Implementing Regulation of Legislative Decree No. 28 of 1999 on the establishment and organization of industrial zones.

Asie occidentale

This Implementing Regulation is composed of 32 articles. Article 1 gives terms and definitions. Article 2 charges the Committee of Industrial Zones Affairs to propose and define areas and sites for the establishment of industries. Articles 3 to 5 define competencies of the Department of Industrial Zones, in particular to: divide industrial zones by the cooperation with Physical Planning Department and with the Environment Apparatus; prepare maps; and, keep a register for industrial zones.

Aprueba el Programa Forestal y de Suelo 1995-2000.

Amérique centrale

Los objetivos generales y específicos del Programa Forestal y de Suelo 1995-2000, en lo relativo al sector forestal, son: 1) asegurar la conservación de los recursos forestales, como parte fundamental del equilibrio de los ecosistemas; 2) aumentar la participación del sector en el desarrollo económico del país, mediante el impulso de un aprovechamiento sustentable de los recursos forestales, promoviendo la inversión, la generación de empleo y el ahorro interno; 3) propiciar la valorización de los servicios ambientales forestales, para que la sociedad reconozca, asuma y contribuya al costo d