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An Introductory Guide to Responsible Land-Based Investment for Communities, Government and Investors

Manuals & Guidelines
Octobre, 2022

Significant land-based investments in agriculture and forestry are essential to meet growing global demand for food and to help counteract the likely impacts of climate change. Such investments can have a number of beneficial impacts, such as enhancing food security, generating foreign currency, improving natural resource manage-

Évolution des structures agraires dans le monde : comprendre les dynamiques à l’œuvre pour lutter contre la concentration foncière et le creusement des inégalités

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2022

Ce numéro de Regards sur le foncier est consacré aux structures agraires et à l’accès des jeunes au foncier agricole, c’est-à-dire leur insertion dans l’activité agricole, principalement au sein de structures familiales.

How do we link local and national level measures with international policy and private sector initiatives on sustainable trade for agricultural commodities?

Policy Papers & Briefs
Septembre, 2022

As the range of public, private, and civil-society-led commitments and interventions for sustainable trade continue to grow and diversify, the question of how to better coordinate efforts and resources – effectively delivering on Sustainable Development Goal 17 focusing on ‘Partnerships’ – remains open. Taking the requirement for better harmonisation across the spectrum of existing policy instruments for sustainable trade as the starting point, we borrow the concepts of vertical and horizontal policy integration, and readapt them to the wide range of sustainable trade tools.

Doing Business on Uneven Ground: Advancing land equality is key to addressing climate change and farmer rights

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2022

Land is the bridge between companies’ environmental and social sustainability agendas, and it is foundational to both. To implement their commitments on climate change, net zero emissions, human rights, women’s empowerment, and farmer livelihoods, companies must focus on land in agricultural value chains: who controls it, who can access it, who has rights to it, and who enjoys the benefits derived from it (‘land inequality’).

La Vida entre Pérdidas y Daños: Narrativas Centroamericanas

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2022
América central

Es importante notar que las pérdidas y daños tienen una dimensión económica pero también tienen una dimensión no-económica. Los aspectos no económicos pueden incluir la cultura, tradiciones, idiomas, etc. Las pérdidas y daños tienen un impacto significativo en los derechos humanos de las personas y sus comunidades (Serdeczny 2019; Martínez et al. 2022; Martínez 2021; Albar et al. 2020).

Not Just Carbon: Capturing All the Benefits of Forests for Stabilizing the Climate from Local to Global Scales

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2022

This report summarizes the science on the biophysical effects of deforestation on climate stability and explores the policy implications of the resulting impacts at three scales: global climate policy, regional cooperation on precipitation management, and national policies related to agriculture and public health. For each of these policy arenas, there are promising entry points to address current gaps through innovations in policies and institutions.

Livestock, climate and the politics of resources

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2022

This primer focuses on one type of livestock-keeping: pastoralism. Pastoralism is a way of raising livestock that makes use of variable landscapes by moving animals and managing their grazing.1 It provides livelihoods for many millions of people and makes use of rangelands on every continent but Antarctica, across more than half the world’s land surface.

Forêts villageoises et filières bambou dans les montagnes du nord Laos

Reports & Research
Août, 2022

Ce carnet relate l’expérience conduite par le Gret pour accompagner le développement de filières bambou approvisionnées par les forêts villageoises dans la province de Houaphan au Laos. Il montre comment cet accompagnement, qui a duré de 2008 à 2021, a permis aux villageois, acteurs publics et privés de construire collectivement des filières durables.

Cameroun - Rapport National sur le Climat et le Développement

Conference Papers & Reports
Août, 2022

Le climat de la planète Terre change et le Cameroun, comme d’autres nations africaines, en subit les conséquences. Les risques physiques liés au changement climatique et les impacts déjà élevés des dangers aigus et chroniques exposent le Cameroun à de graves pertes économiques et de bien-être et menacent sa trajectoire de développement.

The benefits of pastoralism for biodiversity and the climate

Reports & Research
Août, 2022

Livestock can be good for the environment. It depends on which livestock, where. Pastoralism – the system of often mobile, extensive livestock production on rangelands – can improve biodiversity, help sequester carbon and protect the environment. In the face of simplistic anti-livestock narratives, it is important to recognise the role of pastoral systems and pastoralists in addressing the linked crises of climate and biodiversity.

Why tree planting in rangelands can be bad for biodiversity and the climate

Reports & Research
Août, 2022

Huge global targets for tree planting are being set; everyone is urged to plant a tree to save the planet. But does this always make sense, particularly in rangelands where pastoralists live? Discussions in the run up to the UN’s COP15 conference on biodiversity have focused on tree planting as a way to combat desertification, improve biodiversity and address climate change through ‘carbon offset’ schemes. Many of these initiatives are deeply problematic, yet have targeted over one billion hectares of rangelands across the worldi .