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Mapping out market drivers of improved variety seed use: the case of sorghum in Tanzania

Décembre, 2021

It is understood that the grain market pulls the seed market. The problem of low quality prompted failure of traders and processors to purchase most of the farmers' grain to subsequently drive the use of improved variety seed. The aim of this study is to identify drivers that persuade farmers to use improved variety seeds for grain production. It also assesses factors affecting market participation among small-scale farmers.

Gender Outcomes Harvesting in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security: A meta-analysis

Décembre, 2021

Within the context of the promotion and adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) options or practices, this paper is a meta-analysis that focuses on gender outcomes resulting from women’s adaptation strategies, in response to constraints brought on by their normative and cultural environment, expectations emanating from their reproductive and productive roles, and gender disparities that contribute to gender inequality and women’s economic disempowerment.

Resilient, healthy, and sustainable food systems for biodiversity conservation and use 2030 Action Targets: A global collection of good practice cases

Décembre, 2021

This guide is a showcase of good practices from around the world that use food systems as a pathway to meet many interconnected biodiversity-related targets in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Intended for practitioners and policymakers, it does not set out a ‘one size fits all’ approach but rather good practice examples that have the potential to be adapted and scaled in a variety of food systems around the world.

Impact of cropping system diversification on productivity and resource use efficiencies of smallholder farmers in south-central Bangladesh: a multi-criteria analysis

Décembre, 2021

Diversification of smallholder rice-based cropping systems has the potential to increase cropping system intensity and boost food security. However, impacts on resource use efficiencies (e.g., nutrients, energy, and labor) remain poorly understood, highlighting the need to quantify synergies and trade-offs among different sustainability indicators under on-farm conditions. In southern coastal Bangladesh, aman season rice is characterized by low inputs and low productivity.

Evaluating the heterogeneous impacts of adoption of climate-smart agricultural technologies on rural households' welfare in Mali

Décembre, 2021

Climate change is negatively affecting agricultural production in the Sahel region. Climate-Smart Agricultural Technologies (CSATs) are disseminated to reduce these negative effects, and particularly those on resource-poor farm households. This article investigates the distributional impacts of the adoption of CSAT on-farm households’ welfare using a dataset that covers four regions, 32 communes, 320 villages, and 2240 households in Mali.

Key facts series: Key facts sheet on inequality

Décembre, 2021

Across a wide range of inequality measures, survey data measure lower levels of inequality in 2019/20 compared to a decade earlier in 2010/11. The latest survey data put Malawi’s Gini Coefficient at 0.38. The 20% richest households consume about half of the country’s total consumption. The poorest 20% account for only 6% of total consumption. Differences between districts or regions are not the primary contributors to inequality. Differences across households within the same region or district contribute much more to total inequality.

Multiyear Maize management dataset collected in Chiapas, Mexico

Décembre, 2021

For several decades, maize (Zea mays L.) management decisions in smallholder farming in tropical regions have been a puzzle. To best balance alternative management practices' environmental and economic outcomes, an extensive dataset was gathered through CIMMYT's knowledge hub in Chiapas, a state in southern Mexico. In a knowledge hub, farmers, with the support of farm advisors, compare conventional and improved agronomic practices side-by-side and install demonstration fields where they implement improved practices. In all these fields data on on-farm operations and results is collected.

Political Economy of the Wheat Sector in Uzbekistan Seed Systems, Variety Adoption and Impacts

Décembre, 2021

Agriculture plays an important role in the economy of Uzbekistan contributing 16%
to GDP and 44% to employment. Uzbekistan has a land area of 44.8 million ha, of
which about 4.5 million ha is arable, and 4 million ha is irrigated. Main cultivated crops
are cotton, wheat, barley, rice, maize, potatoes, and horticultural crops (vegetables and
fruits). The population of Uzbekistan was estimated at 34 million in 2019 and continues
to grow at a rate of 1.67% per year (WB, 2019). Currently, an estimated 18 million

Climate change and seed system interventions impact on food security and incomes in East Africa

Décembre, 2021

Climate change is challenging agricultural productivity, especially in Africa. Adoption of improved or diverse seed varieties is a promising strategy to achieve increased yields, support food security and reduce poverty under climate change in East Africa. However, rigorous impact evaluations linking the contributions of improved seeds to the welfare of households have been

Impact of climate change on water resources and crop production in Western Nepal: Implications and adaptation strategies

Décembre, 2021

Irrigation-led farming system intensification and efficient use of ground and surface water resources are currently being championed as a crucial ingredient for achieving food security and reducing poverty in Nepal. The potential scope and sustainability of irrigation interventions under current and future climates however remains poorly understood. Potential adaptation options in Western Nepal were analyzed using bias-corrected Regional Climate Model (RCM) data and the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model.