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The present Law lays down provisions relating to land and forestry in Carinthia. Article 1 establishes that the subdivision of forestry land is prohibited if requirements for a proper forest management are no longer complied with. The text consists of 18 articles divided into 4 Parts as follows…


The present Law lays down provisions relating to the establishment of a Soil Procurement Fund. The purpose of the present Law is to support local authorities financially in the realization of their objectives in the field of land use planning. The text consists of 42 articles divided into 8…


The present Law lays down provisions relating to conditions of farmland in Kärnten. Part I contains: Consolidation of agricultural and forestry land (art. 1); Special provisions for consolidation of forestry land (art. 2); Re-allocation of land (art. 3). Part II deals with sub-division of…

Le présent accord s'applique à l'assainissement des sites pollués et vise son financement sans, de quelque manière que ce soit, porter atteinte aux droits et obligations des personnes et autorités publiques concernées, tels que définis dans les législations régionales. L’article 2…


Le présent décret modifie, entre autres, la loi du 12 juillet 1973 sur la conservation de la nature. Notamment, on abroge l’article 35. En outre, le présent décret modifie le décret du 28 juin 1985 relatif à l’autorisation écologique. Notamment, on remplace certains mots de l’article 19bis.En…


This Act amends the Act containing rules regarding the emission of ammoniac from animal keeping premises belonging to the livestock sector in provisions concerning the granting of permissions pursuant to the Environment Protection Act as far as they concern the emission of ammoniac from animal…


This Act makes amendments principally to the Soil Protection but also the Environment Act, the Act on Economic Offences and the Act on Pollution of Surface Waters in relation with deposit in or on the soil of construction materials, soil and dredging. The amendments concern the making of rules…


Le présent arrêté modifie l'arrêté ministériel du 1er avril 2004 relatif à la mise en conformité des infrastructures de stockage des effluents d'élevage. En particulier, on remplace, entre autres, le point 4° de l'article 1 par le texte suivant: 4° "exploitant agricole…

The present Agreement between the Free Hanseatic Town Hamburg and the Land of Schleswig-Holstein lays down provisions relating to the transfer of competences from Hamburg to Schleswig-Holstein concerning sampling of soil inspection according to article 18 of the Soil Protection Act of 17 March…


The present Law lays down provisions relating to land use planning in Burgenland. The text consists of 28 articles divided into 3 Parts as follows: Global land use planning (I); Local land use planning (II); Provisions on the enforcement of the present Law (III).


The present Act lays down provisions relating to the improvement of agricultural structures and the safeguard of agricultural and forestry industries. The text consists of 39 articles divided into 5 Parts as follows: Land transactions (I); Inheritance proceedings (II); Proceedings (III);…


Il est institué une commission technique des permis de construire et des installations classées pour la protection de l'environnement (CTPC/ICPE). Elle est chargée notamment: - de faciliter l'instruction des dossiers soumis à permis de construire ou relevant de la réglementation…