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“Centre” is the legal person, ha san independent balance, settlement, currency and other accounts in banks of Ukraine, seal, stamps, firm forms and other necessary essential elements, realizes the industrial, economic and financial activity on principles of cost accounting and self-financing. “…


This Law shall determine types and organizational forms of enterprises, rules of their foundation, registration, re-organization and liquidation, and organizational mechanism to conduct their business under conditions of transition to the market economy. Natural resources shall be possessed and…


This Law shall specify the general legal, economic and social provisions of executing entrepreneurial activity (entrepreneurship) by citizens and legal entities within the territory of Ukraine and establish guarantees of freedom of entrepreneurship and its state support. Activities connected…


The President, for the purpose of improvement of the system of the provision of state and other needs with cartographic information, activization of fundamental and applied scientific research, development of production output, wide-scale application of the advanced achievements of the national…


Article 20 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Classification of land by the category shall be carried out on the basis of proposals submitted by state executive bodies, Supreme Soviet and the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local executive bodies in…


Article 35 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Common-use lands of gardeners’ partnerships, including protective belts, roads and edifices for general use shall be allotted free of charge to gardeners’ partnerships through application of partnership to the local executive body by…


Section VII shall be amended to add the following wording: “In case that cadastre numbers have been defined in accordance with technical cadastre documentation but not assigned until 1 January 2013, they shall be considered assigned and land plots shall be considered registered in State Land…


Article 14 of Section X shall be amended to add the following wording: “Until entry into force of the Law on turnover of agricultural land, but not earlier than 1 January 2016 it shall be prohibited to make contribution to authorized capital stock of economic entities in the form of land share…


The Law consists of 10 Sections composed of 212 articles. Land is the main national wealth under special protection of the State. The right of ownership of land is guaranteed. Use of the right of land ownership cannot damage rights and freedom of citizens, interests of society, deterioration of…


The present Law establishes the principles of legal regulation of social relations originating from the process of carrying out land reclamation, use of meliorated land and land reclamation systems, establishes plenary powers of state executive bodies and local self-government in the sphere of…


Article 118 shall be amended to add the following wording: “economic entities that perform land surveying activity in accordance with the acting legislation”.
Amends: Land Code (No. 2768-III of 2001). (2001-10-20)


Article 20 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Modification of land classification concerning specific purposeful use of land plots shall be carried out in accordance with land survey projects related to allotment of the aforesaid land plots”.
Amends: Land Code (No. 2768-III of…