Resource information
This brief produced for the Dialogue Initiative on Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and their Alternatives provides an overview of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), the most inclusive international and intergovernmental platform to facilitate and coordinate work to ensure food security and nutrition for all.
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The Initiating Committee of the Dialogue is formed by three regional farmers’ organizations; Asia Farmers Association (AFA),Organización de Organizaciones de Productores Familiares del MERCOSUR (COPROFAM) and Réseau des organisations paysannes et des producteurs agricoles de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (ROPPA; Network of Peasants’ & Agricultural Producers’ Organizations of West Africa), ActionAid International (AAI), and the International Land Coalition (ILC). Oxfam is a supporting partner of the Dialogue. For more information about the Dialogue, or to get involved, check out: