The interconnection of land rights and climate responses at micro, meso and macro level.
This webinar aims to explore the following question:
What kind of land governance will foster adequate climate response actions?
Oxfam and partners in many countries are confronted with this two-sided problem while dealing with both land and climate justice interventions. Oxfam is currently investing in deepening the analysis of land & climate nexus at both country and global level.
- 14:00 – 15:30 Webinar Multifaceted Challenges of Land and Climate Change – Oxfam Novib and Land Portal
Barbara Coldispoti
Global Land Program Lead
Oxfam Novib
Sara J. Scherr, PhD,
President and CEO
EcoAgriculture Partners
Amy Senter
Chief Sustainability Officer
Kellogg Company
Dr. Jagdish Krishnaswamy
Senior Fellow
Suri Sehgal Centre for
Biodiversity and Conservation
Clemence Abbes
Oxfam Peru
- 15:30 – 16:30 Parallel Sessions
- Parallel session 1: Climate change mitigation instruments and interventions in the land sector: perspectives from multi-level, multi-sectoral, multi-stakeholder processes – International Land Coalition & International Fund for Agricultural Development
- Parallel session 2: Community rights to forest lands: What are key conditions for success? – Tropenbos International