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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1261 - 1265 of 2117

F.a: Land and Livelihood Advocacy Development Project (LLAP)


The number of land conflicts has been significantly increased over the last 10 years in Cambodia. However, the 2001 land law was adopted following other supporting mechanisms. The land demarcation done by the relevant authorities and also the youth volunte ers (following Directive 01) has not been clear especially in the land conflict areas. Both the citizens and authorities who have been involved in the conflict and conflict resolution found the difficulties in addressing the issues without statistics and l ack of information. Moreover, lack of land certificate and overlapping in certificates has put the land demarcation in difficulties.The aim of Land and Livelihood Advocacy Project (LLAP) is to provide capacity building on basic Alternative Dispute resoluti on (ADR), Family Law, Land Rights and Land Registration, Advocacy, Women Rights, and other relevant laws through trainings, awareness raising, workshops, commune forums, meetings and dialogue. Expected results: people at the target areas are aware of ADR, their rights are fulfilled and dealing with issues is done in a peaceful manner. This will be achieved when community members are aware of the responsibilities of government and duty-bearers [such as District/Khan Cadastral Commissions (DKCC), Commune Coun cils (CCs), Local Authorities (LAs)] have improved capacity on Alternative Dispute Resolution and land law to fulfill, to protect and respect communities’ rights. Thus the capacity of the duty-bearers will be strengthened to be able to fulfill their obli gations to realise the rights of the communities. Rights- holders /beneficiaries: At least 31,787 households located in 25 villages at selected LWD programme areas in Kampong Speu, Kampong Chhnang, Pursat, Battambang provinces will benefit from the project . The district Cadastral Commission, local authorities and LWD staff will benefit from the project through capacity building on Alternative Dispute Resolution. Life with Dignity (LWD) has been working together with FCA in partnership for over 20 years to i mprove the livelihoods of the poor and marginalized in rural Cambodia, engaging both rights-holders and duty-bearers.

F.a: Land and Livelihood Advocacy Development Project (LLAP)


The number of land conflicts has been significantly increased over the last 10 years in Cambodia. However, the 2001 land law was adopted following other supporting mechanisms. The land demarcation done by the relevant authorities and also the youth volunte ers (following Directive 01) has not been clear especially in the land conflict areas. Both the citizens and authorities who have been involved in the conflict and conflict resolution found the difficulties in addressing the issues without statistics and l ack of information. Moreover, lack of land certificate and overlapping in certificates has put the land demarcation in difficulties.The aim of Land and Livelihood Advocacy Project (LLAP) is to provide capacity building on basic Alternative Dispute resoluti on (ADR), Family Law, Land Rights and Land Registration, Advocacy, Women Rights, and other relevant laws through trainings, awareness raising, workshops, commune forums, meetings and dialogue. Expected results: people at the target areas are aware of ADR, their rights are fulfilled and dealing with issues is done in a peaceful manner. This will be achieved when community members are aware of the responsibilities of government and duty-bearers [such as District/Khan Cadastral Commissions (DKCC), Commune Coun cils (CCs), Local Authorities (LAs)] have improved capacity on Alternative Dispute Resolution and land law to fulfill, to protect and respect communities’ rights. Thus the capacity of the duty-bearers will be strengthened to be able to fulfill their obli gations to realise the rights of the communities. Rights- holders /beneficiaries: At least 31,787 households located in 25 villages at selected LWD programme areas in Kampong Speu, Kampong Chhnang, Pursat, Battambang provinces will benefit from the project . The district Cadastral Commission, local authorities and LWD staff will benefit from the project through capacity building on Alternative Dispute Resolution. Life with Dignity (LWD) has been working together with FCA in partnership for over 20 years to i mprove the livelihoods of the poor and marginalized in rural Cambodia, engaging both rights-holders and duty-bearers.

Frame Agreement with NGO (Finn Church Aid)


Cambodia?s 2001 Land Law attempted to limit encroachment into state land (technically about 80% of Cambodia?s land area) while providing for legal expansion of smallholder agriculture through the distribution of up to five hectares of state land as ?social land concessions? which would be eligible for title after five years of continuous occupation and use. In 2003, Sub-Decree 19 on Social Land Concessions (SLCs) was enacted which provided for a locally initiated and managed process of planning and implemen ting SLCs. In late 2005, the State Land Management Sub-Decree provided the legal basis for district and provincial levels of Government to work with communes to identify and officially allocate state lands for SLCs.Land and Advocacy Development Project (LA DP) has been prepared to provide capacity building on Alternative Dispute resolution (ADR) Land Rights and Land Registration, Advocacy, Women Rights, and relevant laws to ensure that the people are aware of ADR and the responsibilities of government and ot her duty-bearers to fulfill, to protect and respect communities? rights. In addition, the capacity of the duty bearers will be strengthened to be able to fulfill their obligations to realise concerned communities? rights. Objectives:? To promote democratic participation and human rights at the grassroots level by educating and supporting vulnerable groups, victims of land dispute and local government (Commune Councils) to become more effective at advocating their communities? needs.? To ensure the most vuln erable groups are able to access to their agriculture land and control over productive resources and assets for enhancing their livelihood activities. Rights- holders /beneficiaries: Approximately 1 000 households located in 25 villages at selected LWD pro gramme areas in Kampong Speu, Kampong Chhnang, Pursat, Battambang provinces will benefit from the project. The district Cadastral Commission, local authority and LWD staff will benefit from the project through capacity building on Alternative Dispute Resol ution. Implementing partner: Life with Dignity (LWD)LWD has been working together with FCA in partnership for over 20 years to improve the livelihoods of the poor and marginalised in rural Cambodia, engaging both rights-holders and duty-bearers. Since 2011 , the partners have been implementing a land rights awareness project in Kampong Chhnang and Kampong Speu provinces with the aim at increasing awareness on land rights and land registration of vul

Local Cooperation Fund (LCF) in Kenya


The Kenya National federation of Agricultural Producers (KenFAP) is a non-political non-profit making and democratic member-based umbrella organization of all farmers in Kenya. It represents the interests of about 2 million farm families and the agricultur e sector in general. It is the legitimate farmers' voice with the objective of articulating issues affecting them through focused lobby and advocacy targeted capacity building and promotion of sector stakeholders' cohesiveness in dispensing and progressive uptake of agricultural innovations for enhanced socio-economic status of the farmers.The smallholder farmers in Kenya continue to remain trapped in poverty hunger and malnutrition due to lack of sustainable livelihood mechanisms at their disposal. They ar e relatively a marginalized group whose right to quality and nutritious food all the time good health and clothing remains compromised. Poverty is both a social and a human right issue. The production and marketing functions of agricultural commodities are also affected by land degradation due to over usage of the land parcels high cost and overly inaccessible inputs inferior planting materials low prices at farm gate level and lack of market information to the producers. Women and the youth participation i n agriculture is limited as the ownership of most of factors of production is by men. Women and the youth are not involved in decisions making processes. This is a social concern as well as a development concern owing to the fact that most often the two gr oups are the ones left to perpetuate life in future generations. There is need to have the youth and women to be part of planning and implementing development initiatives hence equal access to productive resources by all. Sensitization on human rights is l eft to the human rights organizations which are not sector specific. They are general and not detailed. Kenyan governance has been devolved in view of the Kenya constitution 2010. That brings closer to the rural community the opportunities for having their concerns addressed. However real time to articulate those rights violation levels proper packaging and communication of the concerns considerably lacks among the farming community. As such the agricultural communities need to be informed on their fundamen tal sector specific inherent rights to be able to effectively make the rightful decisions and actions.